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Monoman last won the day on February 24 2022

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  1. I believe you can but you need another trailer kit that includes the relay and sensors. I really wish Ford would make it so you didn't need to buy another relay. Ideally they would have a relay in the rear bumper and you would just need to buy more sensors.
  2. Over on the Tremor forums BroncOh has been selling some he created. I think he does them in batches and there is a wait list. https://subtle.design/products/tankwarden/ via https://www.fordtremor.com/threads/ford-diesel-locking-fuel-and-def-caps.5327/ (WARNING - very long thread) BEM Auto has them for past years but still doesn't seem to have one on their website. You might try giving them a call. - https://www.bem-auto.com/
  3. Are you running the same tire pressure? You can try lowering it some if you are not carrying or towing.
  4. Wait and take it to the dealer that sold it to you for the 'warranty' work.
  5. Yep. In previous years Ford would claim the 6.7 was optional on all trim levels which was not correct. Diesel was required on the Limited. (not optional).
  6. Probably the same folks that have no issue with having "Hey Siri", "OK Google", "Alexa", etc. enabled all of the time.
  7. I understand how patents work. My comment applies to any companies that think it is a good idea.
  8. How to lose customers ---> https://therecord.media/ford-patent-application-in-vehicle-listening-advertising Who are the people that think customers want this garbage?
  9. I get warned about most, if not all, upcoming overpasses. It is very annoying. Why bother asking the trailer height if it isn't going to be used?
  10. I hope that is driving around town aggressively. The computer in my 6.7 says I'm averaging 14.5 MPG pulling my 8K trailer @ 65 MPH. It averaged 23.6 MPG on the 1,500 mile trip home.
  11. Ouch. Why a recall? Is this a common failure? Components and warranties are carefully created together. I've had a few vehicles with a sunroof and only use them a few times each year so I opted not to get one on my truck. See if the dealer can cut the price some. Good luck.
  12. Great to read. Voting with your wallet is the way to go.
  13. That is all I would need to see and I would be relentless with my dealer and Ford.
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