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Everything posted by AggieF350

  1. I saw a YouTube video yesterday say possibility end of April beginning of May.. hard to tell though.. the guy also said there is only certain percentage of trucks they are able to build with product availability
  2. I haven’t seen or heard anything .. But found out today my build week has moved to April 10th now I wish they’d make up their minds…
  3. Atleast yours is updated mine still says updated 1/12/23
  4. Mine was placed 10/29 there are other that was placed the day before and a few days after that haven’t received Vins or build weeks @ the same dealership.. all I ordered was a 350 7.3 lariat ultimate with sport appearance pkg..with a few options nothing crazy.. no job 2 stuff
  5. I have nothing that’s job 2 I originally had a build date of February 20th then it was moved to April And now moved to May.. I had no chip issues in the beginning so they said… I’m wondering if the dealer has done something wrong and it keeps getting pushed out I mean if it gets pushed a couple more times I’ll be looking at Fall/Winter delivery… and on top of that the dealer told me yesterday that 24s are supposed to start in September and they haven’t even said anything about Job 2s so I don’t know how in the world they are going to get this done .. I think if it gets pushed a few more times I’ll cancel my order and probably look for something used I don’t want to go that route as I ordered this truck to my specs.
  6. Found out today my order has been pushed now to the build week of May 29th???
  7. What’s going on with the 7.3 ? I saw something awhile back but thought they had fix that problem
  8. That’s what I heard was about the Cam.. YouTube has had a few videos recently about them the videos I’ve seen the people on them haven’t had issues they were just talking about the issue.. I thought I heard back in 20 or 21 that they had issues with the cams but have seen issues as of recent.. I got the 7.3 like you I wouldn’t be towing enough for the diesel… I don’t think it’ll stop me from canceling my order.
  9. What’s going on with the 7.3 ? I saw something awhile back but thought they had fix that problem
  10. Who knows… hopefully they get to the bottom of it
  11. That’s sucks.. wait all that time and finally get it to not have it I’d be P*$$ed???
  12. Depending on where it is I know some are above where the visor is and some are down around the steering column.. could be your fan blowing and distorting the call I’ve always turned mine down to make calls or receive them..you could try that.. it could also be your service depending on where you are.. hope this some what helps
  13. I guess the flakes in it wasn’t as shiny or not enough and something about the clear coat
  14. I thought it was a few days ago who know probably summer
  15. I’d be asking the question of why so many miles I can see 100 or less but 350 is a lot
  16. I’m assuming that new tracking is only available to dealers
  17. That’s insane… I just can’t imagine how that is all going to be made/delivered by the time 24s come out
  18. Yeah who knows it’s a mess but your probably right… speaking of mess my salesman said they had a van get delivered last week and wasn’t supposed do be built till next month and never was notified that is was built and shipped.. then they had one that was shipped and was delivered to the wrong dealership in Cincinnati and had to go get to bring it to Columbus.. so sounds like it’s crazy times now
  19. Specially since as of December they had 150K orders for 23s and they haven’t said what was ordered in January or this month yet
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