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buy outs reoffered for slap

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Sadly, I didn't sign up the first round!

At Ktp, they are allowing anyone who did not sign up the first time to submit a letter to HP to be given the package now. I know of one lady who sent the letter up last Friday and yesterday got called up front to fill out her paperwork and she is gone July 1st. I would say this is going on at all plants if they are allowing it here.

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I'll work I'm not lazy! If I work 2 years I'll make that much and Ford will still be obligated to me. :hysterical:


Ford is obligated to you? Dude, you have taken the prize for the biggest idiot on this forum. Just how do you think they are obligated to you? You're gonna see just how obligated they are to you after the contract is negotiated this fall. Then perhaps you'll see that you work for them and not the other way around. Who the fuck do you really think you are anyway?

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Ford is obligated to you? Dude, you have taken the prize for the biggest idiot on this forum. Just how do you think they are obligated to you? You're gonna see just how obligated they are to you after the contract is negotiated this fall. Then perhaps you'll see that you work for them and not the other way around. Who the fuck do you really think you are anyway?

If Ford is not obligated to it's employ why are they buying them out instead of firing them? Apparently I would be the second biggest idiot on this forum based on your comments! :hysterical:

Edited by Furious1Auto
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If Ford is not obligated to it's employ why are they buying them out instead of firing them? Aperantly I would be the second biggest idiot on this forum based on your comments! :hysterical:


You're an idiot because you write things like "Aperantly" which can not even be misconstrued as a typo, yet you go through these threads like you know it all. They're buying them out because they want them to leave dumbass. They are trying to do the right thing, look good in the public eye in the light of troubled times. If you think for one second that this company does not posess the ability to fire at will you are dumber than I thought. Barring cases of discrimination, the state of Ohio is a right to fire state and the only people they would have to answer to would be the union, because they have no legal obligations to any of us. Thankfully, the company has chosen to utilize programs to reduce manpower numbers which are mutually beneficial to all, but it is not because they have to.

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You're an idiot because you write things like "Aperantly" which can not even be misconstrued as a typo, yet you go through these threads like you know it all. They're buying them out because they want them to leave dumbass. They are trying to do the right thing, look good in the public eye in the light of troubled times. If you think for one second that this company does not posess the ability to fire at will you are dumber than I thought. Barring cases of discrimination, the state of Ohio is a right to fire state and the only people they would have to answer to would be the union, because they have no legal obligations to any of us. Thankfully, the company has chosen to utilize programs to reduce manpower numbers which are mutually beneficial to all, but it is not because they have to.

Your full of shit dude, What a fucking crock. "A right to fire state" they are not even a right to work state. The Ohio revised code sections on labor law state that no employer can terminate an employee in the state of Ohio without first establishing just cause. Penalty, Unemployment and applicable fines imposed by the state depending on the circumstances. Who to contact The National Labor Relations Board (1-866-667-6572) Am I perfect no, do I make mistakes yes, If I find myself in error I will take the effort to make the repair it! No, I don't know everything but I wont make statements about things I don't know, and I learn from people who know more. And you? The only thing you can attack me on is spelling, get real!

Edited by Furious1Auto
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