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Will Americans Support the Big 3


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I'm sure you do Pioneer. I'm sure you're a hard worker and you make good cars, but these guys do not.




I don't think my tax dollars should pay for that. In fact I am ardently against my tax dollars paying for that. This is what I mean when I say GM and like companies can't hope to be competitive from a labor cost standpoint. Therefore I will not support any Big 3 bailout package that includes continuing this practice. If it does, I promise you that I will never buy a car from the Big 3 again and I'll make sure to emphasis adopting that same policy to all of my friends and family.





Hey dumbass who do you think started the jobs bank? Why dont you research it and get back with us.(Hint:not the UAW) WallStreet is the enemy here just as much as Big Buissness and Big oil, and lobbiests. But you are worried about a autoworker who has ZERO say in the concept, design or cost of a car. Maybe if you worried about the outsourcing of good jobs, worried about our overpaid senators and congress that have done nothing to help manufacturing in the USA. Oh I am sorry they have. They allow them to move to places like China, Mexico, etc. They sign things called NAFTA and say fair trade, bullshit. Maybe if Our Goverment worried more about protecting us we wouldnt be in this mess. But nope people like you run your mouth about a autoworker. But thats ok to you because then you can go to Wal-mart and spend your low wage check on China crap while crying you dont get what a autoworker gets. Maybe your application at one of the domestics was rejected because your a DUMBASS!!

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Hey dumbass who do you think started the jobs bank? Why dont you research it and get back with us.(Hint:not the UAW) WallStreet is the enemy here just as much as Big Buissness and Big oil, and lobbiests. But you are worried about a autoworker who has ZERO say in the concept, design or cost of a car. Maybe if you worried about the outsourcing of good jobs, worried about our overpaid senators and congress that have done nothing to help manufacturing in the USA. Oh I am sorry they have. They allow them to move to places like China, Mexico, etc. They sign things called NAFTA and say fair trade, bullshit. Maybe if Our Goverment worried more about protecting us we wouldnt be in this mess. But nope people like you run your mouth about a autoworker. But thats ok to you because then you can go to Wal-mart and spend your low wage check on China crap while crying you dont get what a autoworker gets. Maybe your application at one of the domestics was rejected because your a DUMBASS!!



Hey UAW, if 06Stang is your emissary to the masses you missed the mark. LOL As usual. Oh brother, where to start with your rant Stang. I guess first off I should say that I don't shop at Wal-Mart and the reason is actually akin to the reason I refuse to support taxpayer funded welfare for UAW workers. You see Wal-Mart will approach a local municipality and orchestrate arrangements that result in their stores paying very little in the way of taxes under the guise of 'we bring jobs to the community'. Now these tax breaks are not afforded to other small businesses in the area whom Wal-Mart will put out of business in many cases when a bunch of "dumbasses" go their and buy cheap Chinese junk. Furthermore, the plethora of jobs they promise are mostly low wage jobs with little hope for advancement and that tends to result in less than helpful workers at the store. Meanwhile, local small businesses that tend to be staffed with knowledgeable workers are lost in favor of some Wal-Mart that is the beneficiary of corporate welfare. Therefore I refuse to shop there and haven't shopped there in a couple years now.


UAW workers may have no input in what models are selected for manufacture, but they have no problem partaking in a program that pays them nearly their full salary to sit around. I refuse to accept that as something I need to be paying for with my tax dollars. It is no better that what Wal-Mart does. Additionally I am not in favor of NAFTA. I think it is a terrible idea that should immediately be abandon. It is obvious that the only purpose of NAFTA is to drive down wages in the US, a move that would only benefit corporate fat cats, not middle class workers. As for overpaid members of Congress, sheesh you really haven't read any of my posts. I think our government as a general rule is no longer interested in governing for the interests of the governed, but instead for the interests of a select few.


Finally, it's not about how much UAW workers make or don't make. Right now it is about that fact that the Big 3 cannot be competitive from a cost of labor standpoint and much of that is do to the fact that the UAW has negotiated such high hourly salaries and vast benefits for their workers that companies like Honda and Toyota aren't paying, even at their plants right here in the US. Competition is the cornerstone of a capitalist system. If you want to be competitive you have to be competitive across the board, not just a little here and some over there, but oh by the way we can't take away the benefit of GM paying 17 million dollars a year for viagra. We all know that the cost of labor is a big problem for the big 3. It's not just me saying it. I didn't just pull that out of thin air and it is not a false or trumped up problem. It is a real and viable problem that these companies have to find a way to deal with. Pitching a temper tantrum at some guy on line who points out the obvious is not dealing with it by the way.

Edited by BlackHorse
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Hey UAW, if 06Stang is your emissary to the masses you missed the mark. LOL As usual. Oh brother, where to start with your rant Stang. I guess first off I should say that I don't shop at Wal-Mart and the reason is actually akin to the reason I refuse to support taxpayer funded welfare for UAW workers. You see Wal-Mart will approach a local municipality and orchestrate arrangements that result in their stores paying very little in the way of taxes under the guise of 'we bring jobs to the community'. Now these tax breaks are not afforded to other small businesses in the area whom Wal-Mart will put out of business in many cases when a bunch of "dumbasses" go their and buy cheap Chinese junk. Furthermore, the plethora of jobs they promise are mostly low wage jobs with little hope for advancement and that tends to result in less than helpful workers at the store. Meanwhile, local small businesses that tend to be staffed with knowledgeable workers are lost in favor of some Wal-Mart that is the beneficiary of corporate welfare. Therefore I refuse to shop there and haven't shopped there in a couple years now. UAW workers may have no input in what models are selected for manufacture, but they have no problem partaking in a program that pays them nearly their full salary to sit around. I refuse to accept that as something I need to be paying for with my tax dollars. It is no better that what Wal-Mart does. Additionally I am not in favor of NAFTA. I think it is a terrible idea that should immediately be abandon. It is obvious that the only purpose of NAFTA is to drive down wages in the US, a move that would only benefit corporate fat cats, not middle class workers. As for overpaid members of Congress, sheesh you really haven't read any of my posts. I think our government as a general rule is no longer interested in governing for the interests of the governed, but instead for the interests of a select few. Finally, it's not about how much UAW workers make or don't make. Right now it is about that fact that the Big 3 cannot be competitive from a cost of labor standpoint and much of that is do to the fact that the UAW has negotiated such high hourly salaries and vast benefits for their workers that companies like Honda and Toyota aren't paying, even at their plants right here in the US. Competition is the cornerstone of a capitalist system. If you want to be competitive you have to be competitive across the board, not just a little here and some over there, but oh by the way we can't take away the benefit of GM paying 17 million dollars a year for viagra. We all know that the cost of labor is a big problem for the big 3. It's not just me saying it. I didn't just pull that out of thin air and it is not a false or trumped up problem. It is a real and viable problem that these companies have to find a way to deal with. Pitching a temper tantrum at some guy on line who points out the obvious is not dealing with it by the way.


Wow! you just dont understand do you. Again I ask who started the JOB BANKS?

How come Toyoda and Honda can pay their workers to sit and do nothing but your ok with that. And your idea of making it a employee problem isnt dealing with it either. I could care less if Gm or Wal-mart paid for Viagra who freaking cares. And again it come down to what the Big 3 have produced and how they choose to spend there money. I work in a plant I see waste everyday. But you who gets his info from Fox news only sees one side and makes his judgment. Labor is 5-8% of the cost of a car, do you understand this? What bothers people is the retirement portion, they didnt get a pension so nobody should. And dont forget that pension obligation includes salery people too. So quit using the imports are so much more competative. Their main headquarter are in Japan not the USA, where health insurance is PAID for they get goverment subsidies .. It would be very different then. Toyoda looses money on the Pirus but thats ok. And one more thing if any of the domestics fail YOU will be paying for it one way or another. Your just a bitter person admit it. You cry about what others have that you dont. That is sad!



UAW workers may have no input in what models are selected for manufacture, but they have no problem partaking in a program that pays them nearly their full salary to sit around.


Your right and nobody else that has this through their employer does either. Toyoda/ Honduh are doing it!!!


Miller said Honda does not plan to lay off any workers. Affected workers, he said, have three options: Go to work and receive pay for non-production related work, take vacation time or take unpaid time off.


Same thing as the BIG 3.


Papers in the Walter Reuther Library at Detroit's Wayne State University, an archive of labor materials named for the famed UAW leader, document what happened next. At about 4 p.m. on Aug. 8, 1984, GM put forward a one-paragraph memo proposing the creation of an "employee-development bank." The idea was to help train or find jobs for senior UAW employees who would "otherwise be permanently laid off" because of better technology or higher productivity.

GM's first proposals, noted in documents from early September 1984, described a three-year program for employees with 10 years of experience costing no more than $500 million in total. The union sent back a demand that the program cover workers with six years on the job, run for six years and cost as much as $1 billion. GM agreed, and later said even one-year workers could join.

Edited by 06StangAwesomecar
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