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Local 245 Buyout Issue - The Truth Revealed


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And for the record, Mario did open his big pie hole to the reporter. Heard that from a person who was there! But pretty much his whole membership, down to almost every man and woman, signed a petition voicing thier dis-approval of thier presidents comments. So I guess the membership has spoken.

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And for the record, Mario did open his big pie hole to the reporter. Heard that from a person who was there! But pretty much his whole membership, down to almost every man and woman, signed a petition voicing thier dis-approval of thier presidents comments. So I guess the membership has spoken.


Sounds like a genius. I guess we see where uawworker get's it. :fan:

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uawworker is a fraud. He is trolling.


grindliner1968 exposed him earlier today.


I plan to ignore him from this point forward.


It is not I who is the fraud. Compare these two situations and then ask yourself, who is the fraud.


Consider the assembly line worker in the assembly plant. During the course of an eight-hour shift, he adds nearly the entire eight hours in value to the product being produced. In a one-minute period, the period by which he or she is measured, at least 55-58 seconds of work or product value is performed. The remaining 2-5 seconds are to enable to return to the beginning of the workstation for the next incoming job. Each minute a vehicle arrives and at least 55 seconds of work is performed by the assembler in that minute. The assembler is literally chained to the line. This assembler cannot use the computer, bathroom, call his wife, or perform any other personal needs, at will. This guy or gal is truly earning their $24 per hour. They are adding value to the product immediately that is actually in excess of what they are being paid. These people account for about 50% of the total hourly and salary workforce at Ford. I’m sure you would agree there is no fraud by these hard working people.


Now, consider this situation. You have well paid Ford employees (they know who they are) at locations (you know where they are) where there is no production. They get paid even more in their eight-hour shift than the assembly line worker. In an eight-hour period, most of these people do at most, about 1-2 hours of work. (Of course there are some exceptions, but it applies to the majority) The remaining 6-7 hours per day, they spend on personal affairs. The work they do adds no value to an end product. Typically, they have furniture provided by the company, a phone and quite often, a computer at their disposal. They can go to the bathroom, surf the Internet, call their wife, pay their bills, or do whatever they please on company time. Now, you would think at these locations, the union would be tight and cohesive, to protect this gig. However, the opposite is true. They have some much extra time; it leads to gamesmanship and political infighting ala. Doom/Browning, Brown/Huddleston. Perhaps they do not know how good they have it, or feel they are entitled to this situation. How do you think the assembly plant workers feel, knowing they are being paid less and doing all of the work? This is where the fraud is, being paid to add no value. Being paid, to launch negative attacks on co-workers in the same union, rather than working together to preserve the good deal they have.


Now the only leg that have to stand on, is the fact that management is doing the exact same no-thing. You can’t expect the workers to add value if management is sitting. This is the root cause of the current problematic situation at Ford Motor. A culture has been created by the other 50% of the workforce, that is counter productive. And this is at the locations where the vehicles are being developed and tested. It is not a mystery why the company is lagging in product development and innovation. The culture where this function takes place is unbalanced. It has gotten to the point where a certain group of people at this location, and they are actually the ones who do the least work, feel that they are so entitled to having it this way, they are going to create political dissent and seize power. You should be smiling and getting along with every other person there. Instead you use company resources on company time (and off company time) to launch negativity campaigns. This is not only fraud, it is the sick and wrong type of fraud.


Now imagine, perhaps someday, that Ford Motor Company is acquired by another automaker or does a joint venture with an equal size auto company. Now an outsider will be looking in. How long do you think it will be (real quick) before this counterproductive culture at these locations is noticed? Do you think it will be overlooked as it currently is? The answer is so obvious it requires no response. You are now looking at one of the causes of Ford Motor’s problems. Perhaps if more energy were spent on working together rather than fighting, and finding new and better ways to do business, it would get better. Instead you see the immature behavior fostered by this environment and it’s negative effect on product design. Which is precisely the area where the company is suffering the most. Fraud? This is beyond fraud; this is an outright infection and drain on the company. And the biggest perpetrators of this inefficiency do not believe it is they. In their mind, they are not the problem. They are real quick to point the finger at others, “It’s not me, it’s him, look at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” In psychological terms this is known as projecting. When you cast your underlying guilt at others to deflect it from yourself. There is a whole lot of negativity and projecting going on, and not a whole lot of value adding. Actually, it is not that great of a secret. Fields even made a comment that he would “sell the furniture, if it were necessary.” That was a direct comment made to those who sit at company furniture all day, and add little value. But it’s not you, or is it? Fields and Ford know, to make themselves an attractive merger candidate, this culture has to be completely re-created. No other company, other than Ford Motor, allows this to go on. Now I know those who will attack this thought, saying it is snitching or whatever, but rather, a dose of medicine is quickly needed. Otherwise the company could die. Don’t you see it; the company and the union are both suffering, while the internal political power grabbers fail to cease. Do you want it to be like a game of musical chairs, a few people fighting over the last piece of furniture? Or do you want to change, and work collectively to preserve as many chairs as we can? It is a simple, dichotomous choice. To quote Mark Fields, “Change or die.” Your choice. And no distraction, deception or continued negativity will prevent the inevitable from happening.

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