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Everything posted by VDTRANSMAN

  1. Your missing some (most) of the dates. Anybody have the dates?
  2. Wow, you cans skim the highlights without knowing the true facts. That is all from the previous contract. Work that is already here. Nothing new! What about the impending doom of the FN transmission? What is replacing that? The mexican built powershift transmission.....Voting NO. There is nothing but bad in it for me.
  3. I can't find a single reason to vote yes on this contract. There is not a single thing that benefits me.....this is nothing more than concessions round 3. What a joke. Keep your 6 grand. It will be an extremely vocal NO vote! (Im good where Im at)
  4. I did twice, and honestly they both sounded American to me.
  5. Why does it take Ford Credit so damn long to send a lien release after the vehicle has been paid off? 3 weeks? Seriously? Absolutely no reason it can't and shouldn't be done by the next business day. That is just piss poor customer service.
  6. I dont understand that one. I see them sitting on dealer lots up here.
  7. HelloE, You first need to get your facts straight. 2nd You need to learn the roles and responsibilities of your elected and appointed union reps. I highly doubt you want to go tit for tat concerning manpower on this public forum considering you have no idea what you are talking about. How many trades are laid off at this plant? Enough said.
  8. Please come forward with all your great knowledge and explain to everyone what exactly it is you or anyone else would have changed, deleted, or added to the local contract that would benefit the membership. I can give you quite a few examples of changes that management wants but they surely wont benefit the membership. Why would you have anything changed if nothing good can come of it? That is just pure stupidity!!!
  9. Got a guy from Nashville Glass too. Not sure where all the Carpenters came from.
  10. Zone bumping is not national seniority. Do you honestly not know the difference? You skip most of your union meetings while telling everyone else they should show up. I honestly dont give a shit if you ever show up to a union meeting. However, you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house. You should also quit talking out of both sides of your mouth.
  11. Do you even know which side of your mouth your talking from? First you vote for National Seniority in the poll. Then you say the current rules are more fair. Then you flip back to National Seniority. Then back to the current rules. You want to speak to others about attending union meetings, yet you admittedly skip most of your own. You have the "do as I say not as I do, whatever way I can personally benefit most, fish out of water flip flop flip flop" mentality.
  12. This does not protect seniority employees, it protects low seniority that happen to live in a different zip code. What part didn't you understand when I said it actually benefits me? With this rule in place I am virtually guaranteed that I can't ever be forced out of state. Unlike yourself, I actually believe in doing what is morally right and fair for EVERYBODY. Get rid of the rule completely or go full National Seniority. I bet you have tshirts that say: (UNITED WE STAND, BY ZONE) The membership didn't vote this in. This rule was a pork barrel rule slipped in with the modifications to the 2007 agreement. Put it to a vote in a stand alone ratification vote and see how it does. I guarantee it fails MISERABLY! It is not an opinion. You are WRONG, as this is a rule that is complete BS. I understand how the union operates. I am sure I attend more union meetings than you do. It is your own people calling you out for skipping most of them, and you not only admitting to it but trying to justify it.
  13. You are quite wrong, the rule actually DOES benefit me. With the current zone bumping rules, it makes it virtually impossible for me to be forced out of state. That still does not make it right. NOBODY should be forced out of their job if they are not low seniority, regardless of what damn zone they are in. So like I said move along.
  14. You obviously dont listen to common sense or reason, so why continue to converse? Move along and skip a few more of your union meetings.
  15. No, you look at it from another perspective. I am not slamming a rule that is based on seniority. It is a rule that is based on whiney bitches that want their cake and eat it too. Odds are the older you are the more time you have in and your kids are grown and moved or close to it. You should have your house either paid for or damn close to it. Your probably about ready to buy that condo and retire to Florida anyhow. If that is not the case then sorry about your luck. What the fk makes you and your family any more important than me and mine? As I have stated numerous times, I am all for seniority. If Im not low man company wide then move on or quit. Look your not gonna win this argument. You are wrong. I am right. END OF STORY
  16. I know how the current rules work. They are as screwed up as true zone seniority would be. I know there has to be an offering with the current rules put in place with the modifications. That still does not make it right. Take the job, bump low man company wide, or move the fk on. What is wrong with giving high seniority the option of picking their parking spot? Because you are fucking up my life out of line with seniority (you and your zones can go to hell). If you are out of a job either take the job offered you, bump low man company wide to the job you dont want, or turn in your badge. Simple as that. But Nooooo........thats not good enough for you. You want to pick your parking spot too. If you bump me to Chicago but I would rather go to Ohio or Kentucky, should I not be afforded the opportunity to bump low man in Ohio or Kentucky to Chicago? They gave you the option based on seniority, why not me?
  17. Ya that would be nice. I know I was told by Int'l that a list would be made available. A year later and still no list available.
  18. Did the external posting for permanent trades at Sterling go up yet?
  19. There you go again with your (BY ZONE) shit. If low man in another zone has say 2001 seniority and I am low in my zone with 1999, why should you be able to bump me to the street? Why protect the low man with 2001 (different zone) and send the 1999 to the street? The only right way to do it is company wide seniority. Bump low man regardless of where he is. If Im not low man keep walking. If you dont want to move to keep your job then that is YOUR decision. Dont try to pin any blame on anyone but yourself. I should lose my job because you dont want to move? U can go fk yourself!!!!
  20. How did you end up at Rouge M&C as your home plant for trades with Monroe ACH staying your home plt for production?
  21. No, I do realize that it would benefit high seniority by being able to remain with the company as long as their seniority allowed. It would not benefit the low seniority as they would be out of a job. What you propose (true zone bumping) would protect low seniority as they would continue working while high seniority gets shoved to the street by even higher seniority. The guy in the middle gets screwed while the high guy gets to pick his parking spot and the low guy never misses a beat. That is the utmost disrespect for seniority you could dream up. If you choose to not take an out of zone posting or dont want to bump out of zone, that is all on you. Dont try to force your shit on me. If you want seniority to rule then go for it. Dont try to make up some bullshit that fits your particular wants. The zone bump rules that were put in place with the modifications are bad enough. I honestly cant believe you are retarded enough to try and sell that line of shit.
  22. I am very well aware of the current rules. That was not the question proposed, but since you want to bring it up, that rule needs to be fixed as well. Either get rid of it entirely or go nationwide. I dont care where or what zone low seniority is in, low is low. You take the good with the bad right? If you dont want the job in Chicago, bump low nationwide or move the fk on.
  23. Really? If you believed what you are saying then you would be in agreement that high seniority should take out low seniority regardless of what zone they are in. You take the good with the bad right? Dont tell me your going to bump me out but I cant do the same to lower seniority because they are not in my zone. FK that.
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