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Everything posted by mulewright

  1. Thanks, here's another example of Obama's integrity... http://www.nypost.com/seven/09152008/posto...awal_129150.htm Quote by Norman Thomas ( six time presidential candidate for the American Socialist Party) "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."
  2. So voting in Obaaama who has never run anything but his mouth, ... wants to raise taxes on the rich (3/4 of which are small business owners, who have provided nearly all of the growth in this country lately) .... wants to raise corporate taxes at a time when they are struggling to shore up weak financial positions. ... wants to give the 40% of Americans that don't pay federal income taxes a federal income tax rebate, in other words a handout. ... has promised 900 billion worth of new goverment programs at a time when we can't pay for the ones we have. ... gets up in the morning and reads the polls to decide what his positions are today. ... gave a profound speech about his racist minister saying ..." I could no more disown him than I could my own grandmother.." and a week later threw him under the bus. yeah, what a great idea!, no thanks, anyone who has paid attention through more than one election cycle knows that all these platforms and plans are B/S most of the things they promise ... don't happen. What does matter is integrity and John McCain has it and Obama doesn't.
  3. It's only respected by liberals...no one anywhere thinks they are unbiased, objective....it's fish wrap.
  4. I am well aware of where the transplants are building their plants but I wasn't born yesterday, go to California , Oregon, ....... and try and find a domestic car. The blue states have been buying very high numbers of foreign nameplates for a long time and provided the justification for them to build plants here. BTW there are two reasons the transplants build in the states you mentioned... their fear of unions and the high cost of doing business in places like Michigan.
  5. I agree 100% that we would be selling more if gas prices stay lower but I am also well aware of which party has been and is still trying to do everything they can to raise gas prices. It was only a year ago that our own John Dingle was trying to pass a additional 50 cent per gallon gas tax and was lambasted by his own party for being in the pockets of the auto companies.
  6. Well... both you and the web site you referenced both conveniently ignore the discussion that's been going on in congress for the last few months. The Democrats have said "speculators are the whole problem and you're not going to increase domestic oil and gas production" ..." we have a planet to save"... basically the "we run the show here and it's my way or nothing". The Republicans have said they will not support this kind of legislation unless we allow more domestic production so... One of the bills you referenced is a Republican bill to study the effects of these proposals, that's just plain smart because some of the provisions in those bills have the potential to seriously impact our oil supply in a negative way. Domestic oil production is half what it was just a few decades ago and the Democrats would have you believe that that has no bearing on whats going on.... since support for the Democrats has been dropping they're starting to make noises like they'll agree to "some" increase in domestic production but it's mostly just show.
  7. Obviously ABC is just another news orginization completely in the tank for Obama... ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NewsBusters By P.J. Gladnick A transcript of the unedited interview of Sarah Palin by Charles Gibson clearly shows that ABC News edited out crucial portions of the interview that showed Palin as knowledgeable or presented her answers out of context. This unedited transcript of the first of the Gibson interviews with Palin is available on radio host Mark Levin's website. The sections edited out by ABC News are in bold. The first edit shows Palin responding about meeting with foreign leaders but this was actually in response to a question Gibson asked several questions earlier: http://marklevinshow.com/gibson-interview/
  8. What would be a far more relevant arguement would be to go to the parts of the country that are heavily Democratic and take a look around, what kind of cars do you see?
  9. Yep, living like the chinese.... what a vision of the future....
  10. I agree this isn't all Fords fault but the idea that we would still be building F-150's if only the Democrats were in charge is laughable.
  11. I think you have it right, the folks bashing her like to snip the first part of the quote so it appears she's saying something different. "I pray that I am doing Gods will"... Barak Obama Now Black Liberation Theology as practiced at Obama's church is the religion taught by James Cone and should cause serious concerns among all Americans. "Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him...Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy" [A Black Theology of Liberation, By James Cone, 1990, ISBN-10:0883446855, Page 27]
  12. You obviously get your news from the left wing hate blogs, if you read the entire quote that's not what she said. I've long said that the surest way to get labled a nut these days is to quote the founding fathers or in this case great presidents.
  13. One of the problems with the way the Democrats run their primaries is that one person does not equal one vote. How many delegates an area is given is weighted by whether or not it has "traditionally voted democrat", a traditionally democratic district is given more delegate votes than one that has gone republican before. Therefore inner city urban votes are worth more than those who vote in a rural area.... it's a classic case of "all animals in the forest are equal, some are just a little more equal than others"
  14. I agree to a certain extent, where I disagree is on whether we need another wild swing to the left or whether we are better served by a more moderate candidate. McCain is a relatively moderate republican, Obama is a far left democrat. One of the things that lead to these wild swings is electing one party to both congress and the White House. The country is split right down the middle and in my opinion we are better served if Washington is as well. Too far right= fascist dictatorship, too far left=communist dictatorship. One of the things that occurs in all elections is the candidates appeal to the base and then change their positions to appeal to a broader audience for the general election. To see what a person really is you need to look back to before the campaign, if you do this with this election you'll see that Barak Obama is very far left and John McCain is pretty much center of the political spectrum.
  15. Yep, and African Americans vote on the issues also.... they just happen to agree with Barak Obama 92% of the time....
  16. Ahh... name calling... trademark of a true Democrat. Did I say that oil prices weren't over inflated because of speculation... no, fear drives speculation in any market and even more so in markets like commodities where as you point out trading is leveraged by margin trading. What I am saying is it's not fear of Pelosi and Reid going after speculators that's creating panic in traders causing them to flee the market, what they are afraid of is losing their money in a market that is overinflated by fear. The US developing our own resources and using less sends a message to the market that the US is going to change the amount of foreign oil it consumes, this makes those nervous about the over-inflated prices decide it's time to get out while they can. I don't think fear of more regulation is going to affect prices short term. Legislation take time to get passed and even more time to get implimented and the way things work in Washington, lobbyists will have plenty of time to mold the rules in their favor. If you had read further down in my post before you started bouncing off the walls, you would have noted I said there is another way to make this happen, jack gas prices up and reduce consumption that way. The US auto industry won't survive this. If you remember Obama didn't say he didn't say he didn't want gas prices to go up, what he said is "he wished they hadn't gone up so fast"
  17. His campaign experience could help him out considerably on the streets of Chicago.... change ... change...change ... spare change?
  18. Nonsense! there were two factors that led to oil prices coming down and Pelosi and Reid had nothing to do with it. 1) Higher prices caused Americans to drive less= less demand. 2 Bush lifted the executive order banning drilling and a majority of congress and the American people favor drilling. Less demand and more supply and the speculators figure the price will drop so they get out of the market. By the way, this is the Democrats real energy plan, they figure if they do nothing the price of gas will rise and demand will fall as you drive less. So what's the problem with this plan? the problem is we won't have jobs because by the time this happens the domestic auto industry wil be gone. I hear how Obama has a plan to pay for this or that... well most of that plan calls for taxing the rich or corporations and I just heard that Obama's backpeddling on that now. Some of his economists must have reminded him that you don't raise taxes in a recession.
  19. The whole system is screwed up, the Democrats have been running Washington for the last two years or have you forgotten that? We bounce back and forth between the two parties, one party screws us so we throw them out and put the other bums in... then they screw us so we throw them out and put the first set of bums back in... I have a lot more faith in McCain going up against his own party than I have of Obama going up against his. It's time to change the way things are done, not just who's doing it.
  20. The domestic automakers have all had cars and trucks running on CNG, With Boone Pickens paying for all this advertising Ford should put out an ad touting our abliity to supply these cars and trucks.
  21. I have a different take on this... I don't believe this was some accidental slip of the tongue, instead it was a calculated risk. Contrary to what many people think, campaigns do not ad lib stump speeches. They decide quite carefully what their candidate will say and the fact that there was considerable talk about this subject on the Democratic web sites following the "hockey mom- lipstick" joke by Palin backs this up. They knew McCain had made the pig joke during the primary so they thought that McCain would be powerless to say anything about it. In political campaigns these days very little happens by accident.
  22. McCains use of the joke is why Obama thought he could get away with it... it's not playing very well with the women in this country. One of the Democratic web sites had a big discussion about using this right after Palins speech. What it tells me is Obama is too stupid to be president if this is the kind of judgment he will exhibit. Now you have the head of the Democratic party in NC saying that Palins"primary qualification is she hasn't had an abortion" Keep up the good work Democrats....
  23. CNN was ripping Sarah Palin as an "extremist" because she doesn't believe in "man-made global warming"
  24. I think that if Ron Paul runs he will find himself in the same position as Ralph Nader, won't get many votes but will forever be known as the spoiler. Any relevence he has ( which is considerable right now) will be gone.
  25. Evevn CNN was calling this nonsense, just more B/S from the dailykos
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