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plan b

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Everything posted by plan b

  1. He was an electrician at dap, I know retired tradesman that worked with him at the plant. What else do you want to know? He's been in the union forever and was and is Gettlefinger's right hand man.
  2. plan b


    11.5 per day 6 days a week just like the mexicans
  3. plan b


    ISA had to work as the place was broke down for a few days. It emptied out North body and paint so they had to run just to fill it back up. If assembly works on the weekend you can be damned sure ISA will be working also. WAP won't work for too long if ISA isn't supplying bodies.
  4. It's not MTP anymore, it's MAP which will be the new WAP, lol.
  5. plan b


    Don't worry about it low seniority folks, you'll find out when it happens.
  6. I find that quite funny. I work at WAP and there are alot of really high seniority peeps that came over from MTP. From what I hear on the floor quite a few of them are unhappy with their jobs. They think they should come right over and bump all the lower people off the good jobs. Sorry pal, You bump over to work available. Sign postings when they come up. If you're still not happy take a friggen buyout. Problem solved, lol.
  7. Focus, Kuga, some other car that I forget the name of, and an electric vehicle. The plant will have the capability to build 5 different cars at once.
  8. Where do you work? I've seen engineers with there head up there ass also. So you have to work in the cold. Too bad, we live in MI, deal with it. Who gives a fuck in what conditions you work in. You have a job, do it and do it well. You don't know what you're talking about lady so stfu.
  9. You'll have you're chance again in April.. Don't fail this time.
  10. All you people bitch about voting yes but what would you do if bankruptcy ensued. We all would be up shit's creek without a paddle. Would you rather a bankruptcy court decide what you'll get? That would be NOTHING. Pull you're heads out of you're collective asses and go to work and build the best cars in the world. That's what I'll do.
  11. 800 and change. not much more than you peeps.
  12. Who cares if you're taylor dunns were removed. That is something that happens on a yearly basis. Don't worry about it. Some people need to walk.
  13. Ford already closed one plant, MTP. We have 2.5 years until the euro platform cars are supposed to be here. When they start converting the old MTP I'll believe it. Too many variables to get all excited about anything.
  14. Yes you do deserve to have you're car exploded. You work for Ford, you drive a Ford. You're Escort is probably on the last leg because you don't maintain it properly. I work at the plant where it was built and they last a really long time reliably. I drive a 1992 Ranger and it is one of the most reliable vehicles I've owned to date. You're an idiot and you should rot in hell along with all the other idiots buying foreign crap. It's a huge misconception about Jap quality vs. usa. We know how to build cars here and you're a damn fool if you think otherwise.
  15. Local 900 would be stellar with ronald mcdonald (prez), the king (burger king) vice prez, mickey mouse and the rest of the disney world characters as the useless bunch of voted in jobs that accomplish nothing. Talk about cost savings, delete all those worthless voted in jobs.
  16. The company decides when it's time for one to go, the date thing is just a suggestion.
  17. Cable sucks ass, satellite all the way.
  18. A car that parks itself.........hmmmmm, that's all we need is a bunch more crappy assed drivers that don't know how to park. What will they think of next, cars that give you a blowjob?
  19. The Ind truck repair #'s for wayne assembly and stamping are wrong. There are 9 mechanics at assembly and 4 mechanics at stamping. The list provided shows 14 at both plants.
  20. They bump lower seniority employees out of a job at wayne assembly. It is in the local agreement of the local 900. Some trades and production will be out of a job next year.
  21. COA talks, don't know only hear rumors. Buyout #'s, don't know that either. Skilled trades feelings towards COA= bullshit, we're going to get screwed. We just had a non-skilled production committeeman work firewatch as an electrician last weekend in paint shop. Our union sucks, selling us out.
  22. Where do you hang out to find women, nasty old dive bars or something. I can easily show you 20 places where you can go to find super hot sexy chicks. They are everywhere. Making a blanket statement like MI has fing ugly women is just plain ignorant and stupid. There are hotties and ugly chicks everywhere you can go, in every state and city. And by the way, I don't consider Missouri down south, it is more midwest than south. South is Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and so on and so forth. Go back to St. Louis and take advantage of all the hotties I guess, Have a safe trip.
  23. Who cares about the cafeteria. We know it as the "gag and puke". The food sucked bad and was way over priced. Who cares if they shut it down.
  24. You're probably a tool, that's why you get no lovin. I know a ton of hotties here in MI. They are everywhere. People here aren't really rude per se, they just don't put up with idiots.
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