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Everything posted by Spring

  1. Oh you mean like getting something that never gets delivered? Like the new body shop at OHAP? Or how about the group leader pay that we're supposed to be getting even though we've met all of the criteria and the chairman of our local even sold out the rest of the guys in Sub Council 2 and went ahead and agreed to everything the company wanted even though we're not getting our money and don't have a local agreement ourselves? Did you mean that type of contract?
  2. Does Bob represent the hourly people or the company? I think he's forgotten as to what side he's on!
  3. Good to know! Thanks guys~ It's good to know we can count on you! ♥
  4. Cardinal, I'm thinking we're experiencing a really bad case of Deja Vu!
  5. This is the new group leader language: OHIO ASSEMBLY PLANT Team Leader Selection and Interview Process As part of the FPS initiative, a standard Team Leader selection and interview process for new Team Leaders has been created jointly by the National Parties. This selection process was developed to ensure: · A common process is used to interview and evaluate all candidates · Evaluation criteria are consistent and based on skills and competencies that would be required on the position · Team Leaders selected for the position will have the opportunity to grow their skills and contribute positively to the business Locally, existing Team Leader candidates will also participate in a formal interview conducted by a joint Union / Management team which should last approximately 1 hour. The interviews begin on May 23, 2013. It is important to note, the National Parties have agreed that you must sign the 18 Roles and Responsibilities indicating you agree to perform standardized roles and responsibilities. Employees will have 24 hours to make a final decision. The interview process will cover the following: · Review Team Leader Roles and Responsibilities · Standard Questionnaire · Complete the IT Needs Assessment · A score of 70% is required to retain/become a Team Leader If there is a need for new Team Leaders, OHAP will post the standard Team Leader Roles and Responsibilities document, including a listing of specific job requirements. Any interested employees must sign the job bid. New Team Leader candidates will participate in the formal interview process as well as be screened based on the following criteria: · Disciplinary record · Attendance record · Willingness to remain in the Team Leader position and workgroup for a minimum of 12 months All Team Leaders must formally accept or decline the position and have 24 hours after the interview to make this decision. Those employees who have expressed an interest in the position as outlined in the 18 Roles and Responsibilities will receive verbal notification from a company representative of their status within 24 hours. Pay increases will occur when the interview process is completed, team leaders are selected and all open positions are filled.
  6. Can anyone tell me anything about Jeff Carrier?
  7. FORD PERSONNEL ANNOUNCEMENT Jim Tetreault, Vice President, North America Manufacturing and the Directors of Vehicle Assembly Operations are pleased to make the following personnel announcements: Effective June 1, 2013 Daryl Sykes, Plant Manager Michigan Assembly Plant, is appointed Plant Manager, Louisville Assembly Plant replacing John Savona. During his tenure at Michigan Assembly, Daryl has led the team to launch the C-Max, Ford’s first electrification program, assembling both gas and electric vehicles on the same assembly line. Phil Calhoun, Plant Manager, Ohio Assembly Plant, is appointed Plant Manager, Michigan Assembly Plant replacing Daryl Sykes. During his tenure at Ohio Assembly, Phil has led the region in establishing FPS work teams and as a result of his continuous improvement mindset the Econoline has achieved best in class quality levels. Jeff Carrier, Assistant Plant Manager, Michigan Assembly Plant, is appointed Plant Manager, Ohio Assembly Plant replacing Phil Calhoun. Prior to his current assignment, Jeff spent more than 16 years as a key member of the Dearborn Assembly/Dearborn Truck team where he made significant contributions in a number of roles in Body, Paint, Final, Engineering and Quality. Most recently, Jeff successfully led a cross-functional team to support Hermosillo in the delivery of the all new Fusion. Larry Moskwa, Assistant Plant Manager, Chicago Assembly Plant, is appointed Assistant Plant Manager, Michigan Assembly Plant replacing Jeff Carrier. Larry is returning to Michigan Assembly Plant where he started his career in 1989 and brings a wealth of manufacturing and launch experience to the team. Erik Williams, Body Area Manager, Chicago Assembly Plant, is appointed Assistant Plant Manager, Chicago Assembly Plant replacing Larry Moskwa. Erik began his career at Wayne ISA in 1998 as a Production Supervisor. After serving in a number of roles, Erik was promoted to Body Area Manager in 2004 and transferred to Kansas City Assembly Plant. In 2009, Erik transferred to Chicago as Final Area Manager and most recently moved back to the Body Area Manager position where he embraced the constraint management process to significantly improve Chicago’s body shop throughput.
  8. It would appear that our local union chairman is in collusion with the company! With this new FPS group leader program, the chairman is using it as a thinly veiled means to eliminate any competition he might have. Disagree with the chairman, declare you're running for a union position against him and you will be removed from your job! You cannot receive double penalty (double jeopardy) under the law but you will get a double penalty under Tim Rowe's administration! Yet the vast majority of elected and appointed reps are getting group leader pay and very few, if any of them, could actually do the job! They're knowingly engaging in disparate treatment which is prohibited under the contract! They're changing the contract language but refusing to let us vote on it! And if you call the Region or National Ford department, they tell you "to go through the chairman". Seriously? I guess that's what the NLRB and Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General (Labor Racketeering office) is for! These buffoons had better remember that retaliation is still against the law! Collusion is an agreement between two or more parties, sometimes illegal and therefore secretive, to limit open competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair advantage. https://www.facebook.com/groups/171340772996516/ https://twitter.com/maryspring
  9. OAP? Oakville? Decker, it's going...lol I remember when Dan Jowiski was at our plant. Meh....but that was a long time ago. We're in the same boat with our body shop. It's going to be a struggle but we always manage to survive it....keep your chin up my friend!
  10. Debates? That'd be great! We only get a bunch of campaign lies, empty promises and the infamous unsigned letters or the ones with a fake nickname like "Concerned Union Member"! lol Gutless cowards at heart!
  11. I would think that the membership would have to approve an expenditure such as the roof repair or the office furniture.....once again, this sounds like a situation for the Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General.....just saying...
  12. Decker, wasn't there an issue at Chicago about 20 years ago or so with the President or Chairman or someone getting indicted for taking bribes when they were installing the gyms at the plants? I know there was someone who got into trouble for that because a lot of gym equipment mysteriously showed up at his house or he got kickbacks......must have just fallen off the truck or something......could have sworn it was out of Chicago but I could be mistaken.....I think it might have been Arnold Banks or someone like that....
  13. Has anyone reported any of this to the Department of Labor, Office of the Inspector General? This is starting to sound like violations under RICOH!
  14. Wow! This is something that needs to be brought to the attention of the Department of Labor, Office of Inspector General, Department of Labor Racketeering! http://www.oig.dol.gov/laborracprogram.htm These are some very serious charges and should be investigated so that due process can be followed. Also, I don't believe that someone who has a felony conviction can hold union office for a specified period of time AFTER the conviction and sentence is served. Is the National Ford Director's Office and the President's Office aware of these allegations? These guys are starting to look like the Teamsters did back in the 1970's and 1980's! lol
  15. Local contract? They forced it based on what criteria?
  16. Cooperation does not mean capitulation. Unfortunately, the IUAW doesn't seem to get that!
  17. Settles for anything! lmao~!
  18. OHAP let over a thousand vehicles be taken up to Michigan to be repaired by Rousch. They also outsourced the repairs to other NON UNION shops despite the fact that they had a UNION dealer with more than enough repair bays willing to take the vehicles! Our union chairman rolled over the membership on this one and did nothing and even said he'd do it again if the situation arose.....
  19. I heard they had a pretty sweet set up when they were in Vegas for National Ford/Sub Council!
  20. Go back and read my posts.....I must be psychic! lol
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