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Everything posted by xr7g428

  1. MiLangDad isn't concerned because he does think that offensive thought should be punished. Also, I'm part Cherokee, and not offended in any way by the name of a football team.
  2. School children wait anxiously to learn the outcome. Ever since the dog ate my homework excuse was disqualified they have hungered for a new more effective alibi.
  3. LOL! So it's your job, your official duty, to see to it that posters don't waste their time here? Maybe you should drop Robert a line and tell him what a great job you are doing. You aren't here to send people packing, you are here to keep people coming back. Didn't any one tell you that? If you want to measure your success, just check to see if the number of posts in the area you moderate are increasing or decreasing. Hint: Moderation gets really easy when there are no posts to moderate. Good for the moderator, not good for the site. Maybe you should take a look at this and realize just how few people actually create the content here. http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index.php?/members/?sort_key=posts&sort_order=desc&max_results=20
  4. Are you guys nuts? Let's review how forums work. Forum participants generate content at no cost to the forum owners. This content becomes searchable as the site is indexed by Google and other search engines. The more active a site is the higher its content will be ranked. High rankings (typically first page) are critical to attracting new forum participants. Ideally those participants will create even more content and the site becomes self sustaining. The traffic that this interaction generates is measured and marketed to advertisers. The advertisers provide the revenue to operate the site and to compensate the owners. So in simple terms, more interaction, more posts, more time on site = more money. Let's review how to reduce the income of a site. Drive off the most frequent producers of content. Reduced content results in less visibility in search. Less visibility in search results in fewer visits to the site. Fewer visits result in less income. Moderators, your job is to moderate discussion in order to avoid losing participants. If you want to moderate to avoid hearing things that you find distasteful, you need to rethink your value to the site. Wake up and smell the coffee. The idea is to get the participants to generate more useful focused content. That means posts that contain more than just hurled insults and grammar corrections. You need posts that are relevant to the topic and include links to additionally relevant material external to the site. You need posts that result in links from other forums and Facebook accounts. Keeping threads on topic is not about good manners, it is about enhancing relevancy when indexed by Google. For every forum member that posts, you will have a hundred lurkers and silent members. You need the posters to generate the content to feed the lurkers.
  5. Sometimes the possibility of losing emails is directly dependent upon the necessity of hiding what is in the emails. So in this case it is extremely likely that they were lost.
  6. Those are examples of things that are not businesses. Government agencies are not businesses. None of those can exist unless there is a thriving business community somewhere that creates the jobs and the taxes and donations to keep them a float. Edstock, what you are really saying is that if we hire one group of people to dig holes and another to fill them in that we can achieve full employment for the greater good of society. And since they will all spend the money they make it will all work out in the long run. Yeah, that's the ticket..
  7. So if I fail to keep records for several years, and the IRS audits me, I go to jail. If the IRS fails to keep records, that's just a boo boo.
  8. This is not complex. I dare say even Edstock knows this: if a job doesn't generate more in income than it does in expense, then it is going to go away. Raising the cost of employes just eliminates every job that fails that simple test. An increase in employment cost just decreases the pay back period for automation or off-shoring. Businesses exist for only one reason: to make a profit. If a business loses money the only question is when it fails, not if... To be of service to any one, to provide a job for any one, the business must make a profit. If we really did care about the unemployed, we would allow them to work for what ever some one was willing to pay. Right now most high school kids are locked out of the job market with minimum wage where it is right now. How will those kids ever get the experience they need to enter the workforce?
  9. Mark gets paid to argue for guiltily people all the time. It's okay they deserve the best defense they can afford. But some times they don't give him much to work with. Like here. "The U.S. Ambassador should not have been in Benghazi in a lightly defended Consulate. He should have been in the Embassy." Blame the victim defense: It was a bad neighborhood, and wearing that skimpy outfit.. well, she was asking for it. "there was no way to get sufficient numbers of troops there in time to end the attack before the deaths of the 4 Americans." A Priori: An argument derived from previous event. You could not know this until after the fact. IF you could, wouldn't you also know that the attack was going to take place, since you already knew how long it would take? "There are no Embassies with enough U.S. military personnel to stave off an assault" The false suggestion: it sounded good when i said it... yeah, that's the ticket. "being wrong about the cause of sometthing is not the same as lying about it." A broken clock is still right twice a day.
  10. Lead poisoning. You can chew the paint off the windowsill or you can visit Chicago.
  11. My first semester as an engineering student was simple enough. Just three classes: 5 hours of Calculus, 5 hours or Physics, 5 hours of Organic Chemistry. I lasted two weeks. I didn't give up though I just needed a much better advisor. The main reason people don't get engineering degrees is that it is really difficult.
  12. AKirby, he was almost 40 when this happened. How exactly do you go about getting this birth certificate many years after the fact? It is not as common now, but it used to be that the anglos were the only ones who went to the hospital for child birth. The Hispanic population has been taking care of itself here since well before this was a state. Many forget that AZ didn't become a state until 1914. I do appreciate what you are saying, as it makes sense if you don't know what actually has happened here in the past. Keep in mind that both his mother and father are US citizens, all of his brothers and sisters are US citizens. He just happened to be born in Mexico in his grandmothers house. He never thought of himself as anything but a US citizen. No one cared that he didn't have birth certificate as it wasn't needed. He is not in the strictest legal sense an illegal, he is an undocumented person. There are lots of people here, some born at home, some that came here illegally (as children) without even knowing it, and they wouldn't have the slightest idea how to survive in Mexico, and Mexico isn't convinced they belong there either. It's a mess. If this isn't bad enough, we also have a lot of native Americans that don't have birth certificates or social security numbers. Where do you deport them to?
  13. I spent about 15 years traveling across the US on business. On the road as much as three weeks per month... I think there are division, but these seem to have been created by some one based on their opinion rather than observation. The most different part of America is the northeast part of Maine. A close second is the Louisiana gulf coast. IN both places you will need an interpreter even thought everyone present claims to speak English. The silicon valley is not populated by people that grew up there. The influence there is from second generation Americans that did well in school. As to the west, well, it is a really big place and there is not much in-common between Salt Lake City and Las Vegas...
  14. Being thrown in jail, losing your house, and being forcibly deported is not like a speeding ticket. The consequences are drastically different. In particular if you have been here all of your life and don't really know anything else. The game has changed. It used to be that you just walked across the border in either direction. The line got drawn while a bunch of people were not paying attention. It is a huge mess, and I think you have to live here to really appreciate it.
  15. This is where "undocumented" comes in to play. When people like my friend are treated badly it makes the Hispanic community here feel that they are being unfairly targeted.
  16. The RIA's all point to a couple of studies that say there is no economic impact. They use those same studies over and over. Common sense tells you otherwise. Have you ever tried to get a bumper rechromed? Its almost impossible, as all of the chroming shops are closing due to impossible to meet regs. In manufacturing it is getting to be very heard to make things because the supplier base is all being shut down for one reason or an other. You can't buy bolts made in the USA if the plating is anything special. I have to buy machine parts from Germany because no one can do the hardening and plating here any more.
  17. On the other side of the issue, a friend of mine has family on both sides of the border. He doesn't speak much Spanish as he was raised here. He has a nice family with three kids, owns his own home, works hard and pays his taxes. He attended schools here and is a high school graduate. He was born in Mexico. His mother was living in the US and still does. She was visiting her mother in Mexico and the baby came early. He was born in his grandmothers house. His mom returned to the US carrying him across the border and at that time no one said a word. He was raised with his brothers and sisters who were all born in the US and that was that. Except he had no US or Mexican birth certificate. Fast forward to about 2008. He went to Mexico to visit his very ill grandfather, who passed away while he was there. The rest of his family was able to return but at the time all he had was his drivers license. The rules had charged so he was turned away at the US border. Not knowing what to do, he decided that if a bunch of Guatemalans who spoke no English could sneak across the border, so could he. Of course, he got caught. They put him in jail and the deportation process began in earnest. Ultimately he was never allowed to return to the US. He started a business installing replacement windows in Mexico, and his family comes to visit him as often as they can. Is this the way things should work? Maybe if he had tons of money it would have gone differently.
  18. If we secured the border, and had guest worker permits, most of this would go away. Prohibition did not work, the way on drugs did not work, and our current immigration policy does not work.
  19. The birth-control issue was not about denying birth-control it was about forcing a religious school to pay for it. It is reasonable that there should be a debate about religious freedom, which is guaranteed in the constitution, and free birth control which is guaranteed no where.
  20. The EPA performs what are called Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). The purpose of the RIA is to estimate the impact of a proposed rule change. They are specifically not required to waive the rule change because of the RIA. Recently they changed the rules for wood stoves. Here is link to the RIA for the industry. If you read it, you will see that they predict it will have zero effect on employment in the industry. http://www.epa.gov/ttn/ecas/regdata/RIAs/eo12866_nspsresidentialwoodheaters_2060-ap93_proposal_ria_finalcleanvf2.pdf Once things get rolling we start to see what is really going on... What is the cost of freezing to death? http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2014/01/29/epas-wood-burning-stove-ban-has-chilling-consequences-for-many-rural-people/ I own a factory that once employed over 200, we are now down to 6. The reason: EPA determined that the adhesive we use, (the only one accpetable to OSHA) could no longer be sold in bulk. It is the same adhesive that is used in latex paint. (the clear stuff on top when you open the can). We were told directly by the EPA that we should just buy our product in China and distribute it here.
  21. The EPA is specifically forbidden from doing cost benefit analysis.
  22. I just moved farther north, to the north of the Phoenix area. Two stories that got no media coverage: Detective Bob T. ran the Scottsdale PD auto theft division until he was medically retired for injuries he suffered on duty. Shortly before retirement he was driving a SPD unmarked vehicle with his Sargent (boss) in the passenger seat. They were passed by a white 4WD F350 crew cab headed southbound on I17. This is the favorite truck here for the smugglers to steal. They ran the plates and it was in fact stolen. They decided to pursue, and the truck left the pavement. They followed n their CV Interceptor across open desert. The driver of the truck failed to see a wash and dropped into it and was unable to climb out the far side. Bob was far enough behind that they were able to stop before entering the wash. While bob was putting the CV in park, almost before the car came to a stop, his Sergent had the door open and his AR15 on the suspect who was had exited the vehicle with an SKS AK47 type rifle. They were able to disarm the suspect without further incident, but had Bob not been working with his Sergeant that day they feel certain that he would have been shot before he could have exited the vehicle. No news coverage at all. Diamond Audio was in the process of opening a new office south of Phoenix in Chandler. The warehouse had been completed but the offices were still being remodeled. A person dressed in a police uniform knocked on the door in the middle of the afternoon, when the door was opened several more men dressed in police outfits rushed into the building. They held the employees at gun point, beat one person severely, and then proceeded to load merchandise from the warehouse into a large box truck. They were captured on security cameras, and identified as being members of a Mexican gang who cross the border to commit crimes, and then cross the border to escape. A member of the sheet rock crew was actually a gang member whose job was to case locations for the gang.
  23. My Chinese friends tell me that the plan is to phase in exactly the same standards we have in the US. No need to reinvent the wheel. It is expected to be a 10 year process.
  24. Okay, now I ma learning that the local Sheriff was aware of this video? What do you have to do before you can be identified as a danger to society?
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