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  1. Yeah, your luck with that Thunderbird does make my blood boil--that's just wrong. Ford SHOULD have a much longer warranty! The whole thing with the Koreans and their warranties--they know they have a perception problem, and they are trying to buy credibility with these long warranties. I have heard that the warranties are costing them big $$.
  2. All the sheeple care about is the illustrious warranty and the cheap financing (it IS a car for ne'er do wells, let's face it). Oh yeah, and the cold coffee and the bad breath of the service manager one time at a big 3 dealership. People can be f'ing idiots...
  3. No import duties?!? Hell, the jackasses here in Georgia just threw a few million at them to come put these crapmobiles together here. Yes, this at the same time AAP and GM Doraville are closing. It always infuriated me just to see a Kia--even before this turn of events. Look at the car, look at the folks that buy them (yes, a huge generalization, but...), roll the name "Kia" off you tongue--to me it just sounds , um, "lowbrow". What does buying/driving this car say about someone? I guess the folks who buy these will be first in line to buy a "Chery" also. Does anybody give a good goddamn about what is happening to this country? I don the asbestos robe as I wait to hear "But GM/Ford/DCX don't offer a "value" like the Kia.
  4. I don't know the answer, but it IS a good question. I had been wondering if the site was down or if the IT people at work had blocked me from it :P . I am sure he will have it up again soon.
  5. UPDATE--This item has made all the papers and TV news shows her in Georgia. The GSP is currently testing a handful of Chargers. These cars are defintely Hemi powered, and the Patrol maintains that they ARE cheaper to purchase. It sounds like they are going to buy, and what is really funny is part of the rationale is that the Charger will help to shorten high speed pursuits. Sounds just like the selling point of the Special Service Mustangs of the 1980's. I am a Ford guy, but I do find myself rooting for Dodge on this, if only because it may (hopefully) cause Ford to wake up and smell the coffee (or, the tire smoke and exhaust). 100 more horsies apparently means something to someone!
  6. The Georgia State Patrol got rid of their last Mustang LX's in about 1994. They got rid of their last Caprices in about 1999. To the best of my knowledge, they now run only CV's for patrol, with a smattering of F150's and Expeditions for accident inv, etc. Local agencies with Mustangs include City of Doraville (S197's) and Rockdale Co. Sheriff (SN95's). Wealthy Gwinnett County runs Wimpala's and Intrepids, but then again they "don't chase". They send out front end parts by the pallet load, I'm told. I doubt GSP is interested in fuel economy--not sure that should be their main concern. They used to order in higher octane gasoline for the tanks at the posts--it is all about shortening pursuits and getting to accident scenes, not saving pennies on fuel!
  7. On my way to work this am, listening to radio..."State Patrol to purchase new high tech muscle cars..." My first thought was "hmmm..a new Copstang???". Commercial finished and they played the news item. GSP spokesman claims lower purchase cost (??) and more power in new Chargers. These guys have run only CV's FOREVER, and the Intrepids they tested were kaka--brake fires, etc. So, this is interesting. Seems wierd as hell for Ford to get beat on price--maybe the GSP bases it on a $/horsepower ratio :P . Where's the friggin' Hurricane??
  8. I couldn't have said it better, Tim. Ovaltine makes a few good points, but DAMN if he is not tenacious in his defense of the Kia. It just goes on and on...
  9. The limited production is probably keyed to CAFE issues. Think for a minute--most of Ford's high mpg models (read: Focus) are, um, not exactly in demand right now, maybe even a little STALE . Getting the CAFE number right is important to them--the fines can be onerous, and they simply don't need the media and the f'ing Sierra Club on their ass right now. I wish they were making 30K Shelbys and selling them for $30K, but that can't happen because of CAFE, and the desire for the car to be somewhat exclusive. I am thankful that the Shelby is being built at all--it is pretty damn cool when you think about it. That's about the only thing cool or exciting about Ford right now, SADLY . I long for the halcyon days of 1988--think about the Ford we knew then--it's relatively recently, and they were kicking some serious ass. The only dark spot was the impending demise of the Mustang, but that turned out okay. Whenever I see a FiveHundred or a Freestyle, I just sigh... :shrug:
  10. You know what--you are right, and you know what else? Nobody really cares! Read what was posted by "Ovaltine" above. Someone looked at him funny and gave him cold coffee at a Ford dealership, so he shows up on this board to tell us what a smart decision he made in buying his Korean economy car. The stuff above is part of the BIG PICTURE. This is what I mean about THINKING! Yes it's your $, and your opinion. I have mine too--I buy Fords and an occasional GM, and I feel good about it. I am glad you feel good about your Kia, sir.
  11. Being reported as the gospel over on B. Barnett's site. I know he checks in here...Brad, what's the latest on the SE's? Dead or alive?
  12. Ovaltine, You make a good point on the Mexican thing, as does AutoProphet. But, the Mexican assembly plants of Ford and DCX, not withstanding the maquiladoras that sprung up around them, are basically tied into the American "system" of both. Every day, long trainloads of parts cross at Laredo going to feed these plants. It is like a 21st century version of the UP "FAST" (Ford Auto Service Train) that ran across the country every day from Chicago to the plant at Milpitas. Americans make these parts, run the trains(to the border), etc. Union Pacific and Kansas City Southern profit. Trains of coal, etc go to Mexico to help keep the maquiladoras going. Kia parts will likely ride the train too, in 48' shipping containers. My point is that there is a definite synergy between the Mexi plants and the rest of Ford in NA. The Mexi plants don't exist in a vacuum. I agree that the content of Ford cars is getting more and more "exotic". I don't like it, but I do believe in free trade. My whole point all along has been that these Kia jobs in no way replace lost jobs at the big 3. They are not the same type of jobs. It just feels like Georgia (and the rest of the country) is being thrown a bone with plant announcements like this. Do the people that buy these cars just like the new car smell? Do they stop to think of their country without Ford (or USX, or Boeing, etc)? Do Kia and Hyundai buyers think at all? The profits from Mexico help Ford invest in things like DAP and new products to be built HERE. And yes, I know that those Marysville Hondas have high domestic content...
  13. Yeah, this is going to happen Rigghtt...New bodywork? When there isn't even going to a new Mach or Boss?
  14. Yeah, the folks in the plant keep the local Wally World and Dairy Queen in cotton, but the point is that there are not as many behind the scenes jobs--foundrys, stamping plants, engine plants, jobs on the railroad hauling the parts, etc, etc. The big picture is NOT the same. Doesn't it disturb anyone to see Kia and Hyundai investing while Ford retrenches? And...these minions down in Troup County will be so tickled to have their Kia job, that they'll go out and buy....a Kia! .The profits from that plant and those crapmobiles will go back to Korea to be used to...destroy more of the American industrial base.
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