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  1. Are we getting the 250.00 December bonus this year or does it start next year
  2. skeptic may be correct. Heard from a management guy that as long as ford has this huge debt, hourly employees will not see big profit sharing.
  3. I just read the decision. She comes off like a whining brat who did not get her way in the decision. And I love the "I will go to ISA if I do not get an appointed job at Wayne". There was always rumors b4 truck closed that they all were going to get appointed jobs. I would bet that is how the MTP employees got screwed out of their jobs. They give the plant away for better jobs. Poet went downtown, the rest got greedy with what they wanted and got burned. It will be funny when none of them win during elections. Remember, the people who feel they got screwed are the ones who are going to vote along with an already strong green slate base.
  4. Here's what's messed up. They told MTP that they would get a new vehicle and blah blah blah but they needed to pass the COA. Darryl Nolen and Greg Poet were the leaders of the membership and pushed for it. And guess what, it passed. Shortly after it passes, Darryl goes international. Not too long after Poet is elected chairman MTP is going to be retooled and we are temporarily going to WAP to work, the company does not want us laid off for 18 months. Now when we get to WAP they tell us everyone from MTP is losing their classifications and the new plant is going to have WAP's union, and the WAP employees are going to carry their classification over to the new plant. Then Poet goes international. So my thought is: Poet new all along he was going international. He testified at Beth's thing that the international job was offered to him well before MTP shut down to retool. So what about the rest: My guess is Jody and Beth did not hit it off with Bill Johnson and lost their appointed spots they were going to get at WAP. Bill said at the orientation that some of MTP union was going to get appointed spots. The only one that got anything seemed to be Shook. So basically they handed the plant to Bill and screwed everyone out of their classifications for the benefit of getting guaranteed cushy jobs. And the high and mighty attitude did not sit well with Bill and in the end we all know Bill runs local 900, along with Jeff and they get screwed. It just amazes me how easily Bill got the new plant without any sort of fight. It shows how inexperienced MTP's union really was. I'm glad they are all on the line.
  5. Any of you have discount slips for cedar point. Got them from someone down their last year and cannot remember what local it was. Would be greatly appreciated
  6. I don't get how high seniority gets a choice of plants. When MTP went to one shift high seniority had to stay and got no choice. That came from downtown. They cut from the bottom. I'm sure AAI union is saying that but I remember when high seniority from MTP wanted to go to DTP we were told no.
  7. I have only been at WAP for a year but will chime in with stuff I heard from WAP employees that have been there from day 1. If you are a relative or green slate you are taken care of. I have heard some people in office only had a few years senoirity when they got appointed. I heard the OT coodinator came from MTP and has 98 or 99 seniority but is green slate. Seniority takes a back seat to who you know. This is all floor talk but I have heard it. This is the reasons why green slate was given the boot at MTP and never recovered after.
  8. So where does seniority fall at AAI? I thought it was a super high seniority plant. Any idea what seniority is getting cut. It sucks anytime people get laid off, especially when most have incesting many years and rely on the paycheck to support families.
  9. I believe you can come back only if openings are available, like anybody else on the street and you will be hired in at a second tier wager for pay. I'm sure you can find many other jobs for that pay. I swould suggest take something your good at and take advantage of the programs available out there and get a certifiable skill.
  10. You know if the top brass at ford would step up and take a pay cut it might give them a shot at winning people over. The fact that the top 5 make 61 million a year does nothing to help their cause. I would vote no because of the no strike clause anyways but it would be a start. And I love these people that vote yes over fear of their job. These are the same people that would cross the picket line during a strike by the second day.
  11. Are workers on medical allowed to vote? Heard some people from MTP who have been on medical since it closed were not allowed to vote.
  12. I don't understand the reasoning of the UAW. None of them took a step back and formulated in their head, "I wonder what the company is working towards asking for a no strike clause and wanting to uncap 2nd tier workers". Instead they theought, "Hey, more money each month for us".
  13. The only thing left to take is our wages and benefits for next contract. I can totally see them wanting us to pay into our benefits a set rate every week. It also would not suprise me if they get away with cutting our wages by taking so many dollars an hour and applying that toward out pension. This way they knock off a bunch of money they would have to pay into pension and we get screwed by making less an hour.
  14. They are gearing up for more concessions, that is why the plant tour. Hell I just realized we aren't getting christmas bonuses this year.
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