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Everything posted by feegsit

  1. Yup, that Elison sure is / was a slick phucker!! BTW, welcome back to Al and all his faithful followers.
  2. I suppose one could fail to see the irony, if they were unaware that unionized auto workers were stereotyped as overpaid, under worked junk runners. You can read the comments after union related articles in the Detroit newspapers on any given day of the week. I really didn't think this needed explaining.
  3. Another one of the Captain's crew?
  4. Its time to put back the YOU in union! Good luck to all the folks at Indy! We turned down the mods. Lets not be backin' down now.
  5. NON union Junk Runners! Turns out the company that could do NO wrong, couldn't do anything right. Thats gotta be a kick in the gonads for the union haters. .
  6. Pulse has quite a following. Another wannabee union rep?
  7. Since BON is run by outsiders (so to speak), they should moderate their site. How can it be responsibly moderated from the inside? Talk about putting the inmates in charge of the assylum! Nothing will change. Give the offenders warnings and if all else fails, suspend accounts. If BON doesn't want the responsibility that comes with running a web site, maybe they need to shut it down. JMO.....And we all know what they say about those.
  8. Steve Wilkos would be a better choice. At least he'd bust some heads!
  9. If they have their own private site, why are they peddling their B.S. over here?
  10. Jeff Hoerle quote: " We have disease management plans in play today the will "help us manage (UAW's) populations". UAW death squads?? I wouldn't put ANYTHING past them anymore.
  11. Wasn't early Medicare proposed,and then shot down by Lieberman?
  12. How about a separate forum for "Union Business" ? Capt & crew could be the moderators. They could run their own show.
  13. As well as others. These people sure aren't helping the UAW's image. If they wanna spew their B.S let them go to www.yellowbullet.com , they'd fit right in over there. The mods need to filter some of these threads, Example: " Who's the biggest A-hole". That thread should never been allowed. We all knew where that one was heading. Its just more fodder for union haters. JMO, and we all know what they say about those .
  14. Moderators........... How 'bout our resident union reps??? LOL!! They seem to want to run the show.
  15. Just curious. How many union reps we got on BON? What kind of seniority do they have?
  16. Oh, Oh...... Suzie Sux closer to the parking lot. Drop yer socks and grab yer.......!
  17. Fox News is the reason the Republicans couldn't win the Presidency! Limbaugh (not with Fox), Hannity as well as others beat down McCain within an inch of his life in the primaries, because Romney was their candidate of choice. Lo and behold! Who wins the primary... John McCain. NOW these people are trying to back peddle and tell us what a great guy McCain is. But their impact was so great that McCain was DOA. For all intents and purposes the Republicans had no candidate. This may well have been the easiest victory the Democrats ever had. JMO.... and you know what they say about those.
  18. Be nice to see the Gov't force some of these self serving pr**ks into Gov't controled low paying jobs. Just to show them that they're NOT "fine where they're at"!!
  19. I think the company/union relationship took a dump when Pestillo went to Visteon. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. Heard it was the perpetrators brother-in-law that he tried to get booted out of major repair. Being unsuccessful, he went to machining.
  21. Maybe you should start a petition for a revote. You seem like the type of person who is willing to go the extra mile to protect YOUR job. When you do be sure to wear a hardhat. BTW, how does your spouse put up with a whiney beotch such as yourself? You must be quite a prize.
  22. David Cole should be "punished" for being a Dumbazzz! Definitely not his father's son. Being a child of privilege, the guy doesn't have a clue what its like in the real world. He probably never worked a day in his life.
  23. BON needs start a forum for a support group of some sort. Some of these clowns need to be put on suicide watch.
  24. No need to go back to the table. We have a contract until 2011. The farther away G-Finger is from the bargaining table the better. This guys like a bull in a china shop!
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