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Everything posted by tonyhatesbuffalo

  1. thank you DS, we got our meeting on the 8th at 9am. lucky us LOL
  2. 30,000 is the number they need to leave, not the number of buyouts they are offering. if they were only offering 30,000 buyouts then they would not say "all 75,000 blue collar workers in North America to get buyouts" think about it. they key word is "ALL". GM was looking for 30,000 and they got 47,000 to take the buyout. they are just using temps workers until the contract so they can give them a lower starting wage instead of hiring them full time.
  3. also depends on the state. look at it this way if you do single zero, then you will take home more than 60k and you will get some back after tax season.
  4. Cobra, i completely understand what you are going through. it is a tough decision because unlike all these experts here, the company could always go under or you can lose your job. Maybe if you work at a part plant, it can be sold to another company. first i would look at your financial picture. if you are not knee deep in debt, that will work in your favor. the less you owe the more you can use the buyout to keep you afloat. then what type of education do you have? if you just went to high school, think about going to college, or trade school. you do not need to go to college, you can simply learn a trade. before you go to college, make sure it is something you want to do. college is alot of work. i myself will be getteing my degree in May '07. something i am very proud of. that is why i am taking the $100,000 buyout. you can go to any college in your area and sit in on a class. to see if it is right for you. just call the college and ask them. usually you can just call the admission office. just explain your situation and they will be able to help you. remember there are 49 other states (excluding the one you are in now), be smart and be willing to relocate to another state if it comes down to it. that is the last resort really. i wish i would have stayed in Michigan. because you can take he 100,000 or the education buyout, but read the fine print on the education buyout. PS. i hope i spelled everything alright LOL
  5. because they are pitting plant against plant. they are seeing which plants will bend and take on new work rules. plus, they are probably seeing which cities and states will give them tax cuts if they keep production there.
  6. i had the same thing happen to me when i transfered to buffalo. each time i was paid the next day with a check. it was not a problem for labor to get me my money. it should not take 3 weeks to get your pay. maybe the hubby is not telling you everything?
  7. we here are voting on the new work rules sunday the Sept. 10th. the union did not tell us what would be the new rules. we have to get up there at 9am to find out what the new changes are. next work we are on a big layoff so maybe alot of people will not show up. maybe that is what they want. in the letter it said that if we do not get any new work, that these new work rules are void. which is a good thing.
  8. Don't you think that the buyouts would have to mirror what people are getting now. especially with the 100,000 to all employees with less than 10 years. it would piss alot of people off if they onyl get 70,000, when someone else with the same seniority gets 100,000 else where. i would think that was just common since. maybe possible lawsuits? i guess we will find out soon enough.
  9. i did not think they would raise the buyout, but just offer everyone all over to take it or stay. why would they raise it when GM got 47,000 people to leave with what they offered their employees. then again this is ford they make little to no sense.
  10. finally there is good news!!!!! just go to www.detnews.com it is on the front page of website. CUT THAT CHECK LOL
  11. if you are getting the town car, then why are you guys still going down to one shift?? just food for thought.
  12. for the last 4 years now i have used the ETAP fund each year. it is good, but it does not cover the full cost of tution. here in the state of New York, the college education is so expensive. before when i was at wixom going to U. of Michigan i was only paying $4,000 a year in tution. but here in New York i have to pay another $5,000 out of my pocket. it is all worth it in the end because i can finally leave the company and now i have only 20 credits to go before i get out of school. so it is a difficult decision because i am so close to graduate it my be better to take the 100 grand. but i have a feeling ford will drag thier feet as long as possible. just like when they build a new model car. and they wonder why the company is going down hill.
  13. as i don't really care for salary personnel, i think they should give the guy the retirement. for all we know it could be the guys or ladies that were close to retirement that were sent packing. it is not the first time a company has done that, and it won't be the last either. the black americans at this company say they are discrinmanted against, so why can't people that are older get the same treatment. just remember, this could have been you guys with 29 years in the union, and how would you feel if they laid you off??
  14. i do not know if Ford can turn it around in the up coming years because they alienate the younger consumer with the old designs and high prices. with college cost raising, the younger generation that are the future of the country do not have alot of income to spend on a 30 thousand dollar car. all they got that is cheap is the focus, which is at a good price. but in this materialistic age, it is not cool enough. does any of the car designers look at the trends of the times when designing a car?? i go to college and see more than half of the students driving toyota's and competition cars. ford management has to find a way to get at the younger crowd before they become royal customers to other car companies. as far as the comapny as a whole. they probably don't know what they are doing. they seem to be dragging their feet at the plant closing and buyouts. it should not take to 2012 to close the plants. it seems Ford is on a six year timetable whenever they reconstruct the company. first, it was in 2002 when they would close the plants by 2008 and now in 2006. if they were serious about it they would close all plants in 2 years and offer across the board buyouts to all employees. they were not able to turn itself around in 2002, so what make you guys think they will do it this time?? because of Mark Fields and Ann Stevens are doing it?? ask yourself this "have they down this at other company?" i worry for all people of this company that gave their blood and sweat for 30 years and now may have nothing that was promise to them.
  15. twincam.... are you serious about the buyouts being offered "company wide"?????? say it is so! say it is so! it could be the best move ford has made in the past 5 years.
  16. WOULD ALL THE CAW'S PLEASE SHUT UP!! you need to worry about canada not the USA. Bi..... you have every right to bitch. i was to from wixom sent to buffalo stamping in '02. all seven of us put in to go back in '03 when our year was up. at least you got to go back home and be with your family. two co workers have gotten divorce because of this. 3 and a half years later we are still here. you can go here in buffalo to take my spotand i would be happy to take the lay off for you. PS... only good thing that comes out of canada are the strippers LOL you know what i am talking about sparky. the canadian ballet
  17. if you are trying to find your union you may want to try the local bar or strip club. they are usually there during working hours. please canadian workers do not comment on the UAW because you really have no clue what is going down here in the USA. worry about the hockey gold medal and winning back the stanley cup from the States.
  18. well i guess it would be a good idea for the people that are going to lose thier jobs in st. thomas to get back in school. you don't have to go to college, but go learn a skilled trade. be willing to move to another providence or city, and then you will be alright. someday you are going to have 30 years in the company, and some with 7 years is going to tell you to retire. maybe these people with 30 or more don't have a pot to piss in, and that is why they don't retire. that is why i am in college. i am going to make the money, not the money make me.
  19. stap will close by 2012 because of the one shift, it is not running at full capacity, which the company wants and soon will be on the list to close. all thier workers will move to oakville, or to the unemployment line when the edge and new lincoln fail to sell.
  20. gee it is sad that my close to $60 bucks a month buys me nothing more than a back door special buy the union. it should not matter if one of the norfolk transfer where from wixom. we are under a contract that goes my seniority and the person that went out of state no matter to what plant should have gotten the offer to transfer back to michigan. once again the UAW master agreement is worth the paper it was printed on. at least if you ran out of toliet paper when we get laid off we can use it for toliet paper. i talke dto my job security rep Joe at my plant and he said it was a speical deal made with the company. that norfolk was slow and did not need the workers. it was funny to see him change the subject when i told him we here at Buffalo stamping have had people on lay off since july shutdown, and we got 60 production workers in gen since we got back from christmas break. but i guess it is not slow here LOL the local 897 sucks ass!! they should come up with something better. DOES ANYONE NO OF A GOOD LAWYER TO SUE THE UNION AND COMPANY SINCE THEY SEE NOT TO WANT TO HELP A DUE PAYING MEMBER? which is against the law, thank you TR!!
  21. well i guess it just shows you how sad the local here is in buffalo and the international. i wonder if they even know we are still here in buffalo?? :angry:
  22. can any tell me if any of the people that did go back to AAI were from the wixom plant shift reduction of sept. 2002? any help would be nice union brothers and sister
  23. zoomer..... you are completely right. the better worker you are the worst they treat you, don't show up, cry you are hurt, and rat on fellow union members, management will take care of you. i went to my carrer connections office at the university i attend and made a professional resume with their help. it is time to seek a job somewhere else. i think we can only help ourself and not count on the $60 dollar a month union. i am glad my AAA road side help is not the UAW, then i would be in a world of hurt when my ford auto breaks down LOL
  24. my translation of the article is that only people that are affected by layoffs will get the offer. as i see it, this should be a company wide offer, not only plants that are closing should get the offer. i was laid off from wixom in 2003 shift reduction and ended up here in buffalo (bad choice to come here). i have signed up in 2004 to return to basic unit (go back to wixom or another plant in michigan). i asked the job security guy here in buffalo about the buyouts and what happens when wixom is closed to us 7 people that signed up to go back home to michigan. he seem not to interetsed in helping out or finding information about it. if they offered me the buyouts i would take the eductional program. i am 29 years old and i attend college here in buffalo already. i would be stupid for me not to take that. so i am praying to god or all gods that i get the offer. but like moving to buffalo it is just another disappointment waiting to happen.
  25. why does it matter if a person as 30 years or one year service, YOU ARE LOSING YOUR JOB!! what should piss you people off is that you have no job. that is the reason why this UAW union is no longer powerful because you people see yoursleves as individuals and not a team. there is no difference between an unemployed person no matter what there age or seniority.
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