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Everything posted by sprinter

  1. As a leading liberal on this site Mark, I see your 'liberal' comeback are a little lacking. So in the name of sportsmanship, let me direct you to a couple liberal websites with ‘thoughtful’ comeback lines: http://voicesofreason.info/permalink/2006_10_22_snappy_%28liberal%29_comebacks_to_stupid_arguments.php http://www.fightconservatives.com/ But instead you follow S.I.N. The left’s opening tactics often boil down to a simple acronym S. I. N. Switch the Subject: They bring up one point and as soon as they can see you are about to answer it with substance they change the subject, start making it all about you instead of the fact at hand, or they move the goal post (EG you cant prove this, oh OK you proved that but you cant prove this, OK you got that but you cant prove…). Ignore the Facts: This is very common. No matter how many facts you bring up a common tactic is to go on with their narrative as if you never posted and presented them with that fact in the first place. When confronted with facts they will : Switch the subject, attack you, or just repeat what they said before without ever acknowledging you gave them a fact to begin with. Name Call: You are ignorant, uneducated etc etc. You just hate X and Y. You are a racist bigot sexist homophobe etc. And Mark I do listen to voices in my head. They speak to me about logic and truth.
  2. Could be because he is a flim/flam man with all his different names http://www.wnd.com/2010/08/192917/ Well then the best option would be put the "foolish crank" in his place by producing the documents and taking the 'fools' money. But we both know that will not happen.
  3. There is plenty of evidence that Barry is a liar and will do anything to further his socialist agenda that his mentor/real father taught him. But there are those like yourself who agree and promote this same agenda and will continue to deny the facts. All one has to do is compare the pictures of Barry to Frank Marshall Davis and Obama sr. to tell who the REAL FATHER IS. And Barry will continue to ignore the offer from Trump proving he has a closet full of skeletons. As for the "dead mother", there is plenty of real evidence linking her to Davis. They were very 'close' (friendship) neighbors, and there are several nude pictures of her in Davis' porn magazine. Davis even recounts several encounters with a young white girl named Anne in his manuscript. Now if this had been a republican, it would have been plastered all over the main steam media. But the true facts are there even if CNN doesn't cover it. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/2601914/Frank-Marshall-Davis-alleged-Communist-was-early-influence-on-Barack-Obama.html
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgOq9pBkY0I&feature=player_embedded Obama will never give up this information. Why? Because it will probably show he scammed all associated with him that he was born in Kenya to gain special favors. How else could this poor black child, that found his favorite furniture pieces in dumpsters, go to Harvard? And with all the evidence in, Obama was not born in Kenya or the son of Barack Obama Sr. With mommy making porn magazines with the neighbor, Frank Marshall Davis, who do you think the real father is? American mother and father, makes Barry Soetoro a full citizen. But is seems that his momma taught him to lie his way through life. How else could one become president where people knew so little about him? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFYxX5llaKY&feature=player_embedded http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqv0ox_dreams-from-my-real-father-a-story-of-reds-and-deception_news
  5. Just need to do what Iceland did, put the bankers and politicians in jail.
  6. Ready for round 2 http://treeofmamre.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/obama-gets-ready-for-his-second-presidential-debate.jpg
  7. Did you mention Big Bird? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=82j163In9wk
  8. He just might have to give up a vacation or a couple of rounds of golf to "double down". So when he gets his @ss wiped across the floor next time, what excuse will the left come up with then?
  9. This was probably a flag made in China full of toxic waste. Glad they picked the cheaper version. One of the participants of the rally, Abdullah Ismail, passed away after he was taken to Mayo Hospital. Witnesses said he had complained of feeling unwell from the smoke from US flags burnt at the rally. http://tribune.com.pk/story/437772/ultimatum-to-us-criminalise-blasphemy-or-lose-consulate/
  10. It's just another bailout for the big banks. They can get the 'toxic waste' off their books. I really don't see this helping the little guy at all. However, I do see the banks that own the Federal Reserve foreclosing on a huge amount of property in the future. Is it not grand to be able to print money out of thin air and buy real assets? And Jefferson had a few words of wisdom that most seem to ignore: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. " Hey Ben, if you really want to help the little guy, fly over and throw me some $100's
  11. And how things have changed Our world changed that day 2744 live lost in New York and counting… 1 million lives lost in Afghanistan and Iraq and counting… 6000 U.S. troops lost in the War On Terror and counting… $4.5 Trillion –War On Terror cost to U.S. taxpayers and counting… Precious civil liberties removed by the Patriot Act Military Commissions Act Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration (TSA) National Defense Authorization Act NDAA 2012 Today Americans can be Subject to search and seizure without a warrant Detained or imprisoned indefinitely without charge without evidence without a lawyer without a trial or even tortured or assassinated merely for being accused of being associated with terrorism. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin
  12. The standardized testing is just another attempt by the government to further dumb-down the children. Perhaps the teachers still care about the children, but the immediate strike should have been avoided. It would have been nice to have gotten a 16% raise last contract.
  13. Then how about the first lady? http://www.wnd.com/2...t_orig=politics Limbaugh said Barack Obama did not grow up in poverty. “Obama was working for a law firm when he started dating Michelle!” he exclaimed. “He wasn’t wearing shoes a half-size too small when he was dating Michelle Obama.” “Obama was raised by a banker,” Limbaugh continued. “Obama went to the top private school in Hawaii. It had swimming pools and tennis courts. It had photo studios! They both attended elite schools. Michelle went to Whitney Young. Whitney Young was a public magnet school for Chicago’s upper class. That’s where Michelle went to school. Barack went to Punahou, which is the private prep school for the top strata of Hawaii society. “Then they were both accepted to Ivy League schools despite having, uh, less-than-stellar credentials. You might say that they were affirmative-action admissions. But they didn’t come from poverty. So why is he wearing shoes a half-size too small? Does he not like to cut his toenails? What is the explanation?” “They’ve revised the story,” he concluded. “It’s a new campaign. It’s time for a new story.” http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/05/Fact-Check-Michelle-Obama-s-False-Fairy-Tale-of-Struggle “elieve it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage,” Michelle said. That sounds like a raw deal--but in fact reflects their fortunate circumstances. They had both just graduated from a very expensive law school, and their combined income from cushy law firm jobs dwarfed the repayments. Barack also soon enjoyed a second salary from the University of Chicago. They had expensive tastes, reflected in the $277,500 two-bedroom condo they bought in 1993--a high price even by today’s standards. Several years later, they moved into their $1.65 million mansion in Hyde Park--with the help of fraudster Tony Rezko. Barack often told a story of hardship on the campaign trail in 2008 about having his credit card declined--once. The fact that he thought this counted as real hardship speaks volumes. As her husband moved onto the national political stage, Michelle Obama began to enjoy a lavish lifestyle at taxpayer expense, directly and indirectly. When Barack Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate, he obtained a $1 million earmark for the University of Chicago Hospital--and his wife’s salary as Vice President for Community Affairs jumped from $121,910 to $316,962. Her job: pushing poor, uninsured patients to other hospitals.
  14. I'm sure this has something to do with PROP 37 to be voted on in California. The big corporations are funding the fight against labeling GMO foods. Monsanto will lose billions of dollars in profit if it passes. http://organicconsumersfund.org/label/yes37FlyeroutsideCA.pdf FDA Definitions Definitions of what practices are organic and what are not, are at the heart of FDA organic regulations. The FDA works with the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) to insure foods--both domestic and imported--sold in America that are labeled "organic" are produced in accordance with organic farming techniques. Neither the FDA nor the USDA claim that the food is safer or more nutritious, just that it is grown in accordance with organic farming techniques. Organic farming techniques are basically concerned with no chemical fertilizer or chemical growth hormones. There are some things that are included in the definition of "organic" that do not involve chemistry, such as soil conservation practices and the human treatment of animals.
  15. Really I didn't until I read the WND article then done some double checks. But isn't it obvious the Democrats are still lying? As Joe tells the black audience, the republicans want to put you back in chains.
  16. I wasn't aware of the historical bindings between the two http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/the-racist-bloody-truth-about-democrats/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan Historian Eric Foner observed: In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.[42] To that end they worked to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[42] The Ku Klux Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."[43]
  17. Listen to the Jesse Lee Peterson show clip. Great clip. http://www.wnd.com/2012/08/black-commentators-sound-off-on-racial-violence/
  18. Here was a list from 2009: http://newsgnome.blogspot.com/2009/03/official-list-of-obamas-broken-promises.html But I also understand that many of his promises would have to be approved through congress. Although Obama thinks he is a dictator, we still have a slight resemblance to the government created by our forefathers, which includes two other branches of government. But like I said before many of the gullible voters swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Maybe some have awakened to the facts about government. Or at least I would hope they have. You suggest that I change and "rail against conservatives". Actually I 'rail' against neoconservatives. They started taking over back during the Reagan terms. So I am branded a Constitutionalist or Libertarian by the "conservatives". And if you gave a moment of time to think about this particular topic, it is against Romney and the neocons. The point is to show that there are minor differences between Romney and Obama. And that has been forced upon the American public by the elite who control the show (ignore the man behind the curtain). http://lewrockwell.com/napolitano/napolitano65.1.html Judge Napolitano gives us his opinions on Novembers Choices
  19. Since you are new on here you don't realize I was very critical of Bush too. And if Romney becomes president, he will probably earn the same scorn. But Obama stands out. He is an opportunist liar. The only reason an unknown community organizer got elected as president was because the majority of Americans hated Bush and the neocons that had taken over. Their gullibility was the major factor that Mr. HOPEY CHANGEY won over the other (democrat) McCain. So what happened to all those promises of CHANGE? Well the change I see is everything is getting worse and this country has become HOPELESSLY in debt to the tune of almost 16 TRILLION DOLLARS! Obama wants Romney to release his tax records but refuses to release his own personal information such as school records. The birth certificate released by the White House is fraudulent as confirmed by several experts. Obama's dad had nothing to do with him as can be shown from records of his mother moving to Seattle shortly after birth to attend school while the supposed dad moved to attend Harvard. It was a marriage of convenience for both. However his mentor, neighbor and probably real dad is the commie Frank Marshal Davis. Obama's mother was posing nude for Davis's porn magazines while he also spoke of having sex with a young girl. She needed another black man to keep her parents from discovering her affairs with Davis. And later with the second marriage and move to Indonesia, Obama I believe decided to tell all he was born in Kenya. From his own biography: Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel. My question is did Obama pretend to be a foreign student to gain access to Harvard and Occidental which could be proven from his school records? As I said earlier, an opportunist liar. But I could spend all day writing about Obama, but he is not worth the effort. Many of Obama's voters have awakened to the fact that he as broken almost all his promises. But I do expect he will still carry the majority of Black and Hispanic voters. But in the end the elite will decide who will become president of the United States. It is all about who counts the votes. With the modern computerized voting system in place, the stealing of elections has become way too easy. Plus there are no messy paper trails to recount for voter accuracy.
  20. Since both are controlled by the elite, just call 'em a ho So what is the difference between Obama and Romney? When it comes down to their beliefs, very little. Whichever gets elected, the elite still control the strings and nothing will change. http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/40-points-that-prove-that-barack-obama-and-mitt-romney-are-exactly-the-same
  21. Let's cut the media BS here. Martin was not the "kid" portrayed in the picture widely circulated within the liberal press. And just where is the liberal outrage with this story: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/new-black-panther-woman-who-put-dead-or-alive-bounty-on-george-zimmerman-now-vows-to-keep-her-foot-on-motherfuing-necks-of-whites/ Funny I couldn't find any comment about it on ABC news.
  22. Ban guns and this is what happens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8RDWltHxRc&feature=player_embedded
  23. Forget about gun control. You are more likely to die from your doctor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhj3u3LoooM
  24. Kennesaw is a city in Cobb County, Georgia, United States, located in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area. It had a population of 29,783 according to the 2010 census. Founded in 1887, Kennesaw has a past surrounded with railroad history. During the Civil War, Kennesaw was the staging ground for the Great Locomotive Chase on April 12, 1862. In 2007, the city was selected by Family Circle magazine as one of the nation's "10 best towns for families".[3] The city is perhaps best known nationally for its mandatory gun-possession law.[4] http://en.wikipedia....nnesaw,_Georgia Gun rights activist David Kopel has claimed that there is evidence that this gun law has reduced the incident rate of home burglaries citing that in the first year, home burglaries dropped from 65 before the ordinance, down to 26 in 1983, and to 11 in 1984.[19] Another report observed a noticeable reduction in burglary from 1981, the year before the ordinance was passed, to 1999.[20] Later research claims that there is no evidence that [the law] reduced the rate of home burglaries [in Kennesaw][21][22], even though the overall crime rate had decreased by more than 50% between 1982 and 2005.[23] The city's website[24] claims the city has the lowest crime rate in the county.
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