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  1. I AM a Vet, Gulf War, thank you very much! And as for no health care? Give me a break. People walk into emergency rooms everyday that can't afford it and get healthcare. P.S. I really like how you try to play the sympathy card by talking about vets, nice touch.
  2. Why do people think everyone is "entitled" to anything? Why do hard working people have to pay to take care of anyone else other than their own family? T his country was founded on the belief of LESS government. But here we are, changing this fine democracy into a Solcialistic society. Welcome to the United Socialists States of America. Not for me, no way. I not paying for anyone else but me and mine. I'm tired of having to tow the line for others. Let them fend for themselves. How does the saying go? I work hard for a living cause millions on welfare depend on me! NO to government run healthcare!!!
  3. [quote name='Stugots' date='May 24 2009, 08:09 AM' post='509589 We are not unskilled labor. Don't let the lack of a college degree fool you. We have been trained. We have skill. We have been attending auto production classes for years everyday on the job. You can't beat the knowledge gained from on the job training. We produce quality parts safely, efficiently. If not for the many pieces of old outdated equipment we would be even better. If not for the robots who slow down the line we would be better. Human beings do not break down. We are UAW. This is why we are offered buyouts. You really need to stop drinking the kool-aid!
  4. Now THAT is some funny sh!t right there!
  5. Did you even watch the videos and actually listen to what Bush said? Lets review.... Video #1: For the homes to be bought by QUALIFIED low income minorities, they would be assisted by giving money for down-payment from govt. and given a tax credit. Bush also wanted to eliminate all the fine print that the lenders wanted to throw in the contracts that convolute payments and requirements. Those screwed up loans were created by the loan institutions, not Bush. He was trying to help minorities get into homes. Shouldn't everyone have that ability? Video #2: Goes back to what the videos I showed. The GOP was trying to curtail bad loan practices by Freddie and Fannie in '04. Video #3: So basically it comes down to people who put themselves in a bad position by buying homes they couldn't afford, is all Bush's fault? Seems very partisan of you first of all. Second, How much hand-holding does the govt. have to give to people? Next, people will want the govt. to wipe their behind too. I can honestly say their is plenty of blame to go around than trying to pin it all on one person. Was Bush a great President? I sure as hell wouldn't say so. I can also tell you that Congress will not go down as being one of the best either.
  6. Not true. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs
  7. That was not me who wrote that. It was the second half of the article posted previous to yours. Just showing what that article was really about. Do you not think that being in a global economy changes the rules abit? What would you like to do? Don't tell me, You want to raise tariffs to make all incoming goods more expensive so American made goods are on the same level price-wise, yes? Don't you think the counties whos goods we tariff won't retaliate? And that their other trading parters won't follow suit? Its been in the news, not OUR national news, but other countries news. Try getting news from another source than the garbage they spew here in the States. Lets try this scenario, How about making it cheaper for big business to do business here. Cut capitol gains to start with. And before you jump on that soap box, I feel that American business has been put on an unequal playing field with its foreign counter parts. If the government is going to subsidize, it should do it with an American company rather than a foreign one. In your scenario, all you will do is alienate the U.S. from the rest of the world, make goods and services more expensive and force the government to take care of more needs of more people that can't afford anything.
  8. Trade versus Protectionism Despite the pretense of being a free trade nation, the U.S. has significant barriers to trade that come in the form of tariffs, quotas and steep regulatory barriers. Our restrictions are just not as onerous as many other countries but there's a push to make them so. It's simple politics. The people who face foreign competition, say management and workers in the auto industry, are well organized, have narrowly shared interests and the resources to have considerable clout in Washington to get Congress to enact trade barriers. Restricting foreign competition means higher prices for their products, and hence higher profits and fuller employment in their industry. The people who are benefited by foreign competition, say auto consumers, have widely dispersed interests; they are not organized at all and have little clout in Washington. You never see consumers descending on Washington complaining about cheap prices for foreign products; it's always domestic producers who do the complaining. The relationship between prosperity and economic freedom, including free trade, is a no-brainer. But if you need hard evidence, check out the Heritage Foundation's "Index of Economic Freedom" (http://www.heritage.org/Index). You'll find that nations having the greatest measure of economic freedom are the most prosperous and peaceful.
  9. I agree with you on the bankers. They, just like the domestic auto industry had their hand out as well and shouldn't be given a dime. As far as knowing for sure that I am management,
  10. Hmmm.....Kinda like giving money to GM and Chrysler eh?
  11. Shows how much "Solidarity" there is in the UAW! 30 and get the F out? Wow, nothing like brotherhood. And you guys wonder why the UAW has a bad name, go figure.
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