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Everything posted by No_Fear

  1. Just checked and the last time I posted anything here was 2014. Not even sure why I'm on here now, but I saw the topic and wondered if there were any familiar people I might remember. I recall all the back and forth during those political debates, but after that election things got quiet. That's probably why I left, because things got too quiet. Great to see that some of you are still around and posting.
  2. We purchased Volts for the Pentagon. http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz26HFQq8hd Now our State Dept. is providing Volts for the for the American Embassy in Vienna.....and oh, don't forget Oslo. http://www.foxnews.c...urity-concerns/
  3. And so it begins - Medicare panel to weigh prostate treatments Debate continues over whether some treatments are excessive By Susan Heavey Reuters updated 2:56 p.m. ET, Sun., April 18, 2010 WASHINGTON - At a time of growing debate over prostate cancer treatments, U.S. Medicare officials will take a closer look at radiation therapy and its ability to reduce deaths and side effects in men. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has asked a panel of outside experts meeting on Wednesday to say how confident they are that various types of radiation treatment can improve patient outcomes. Researchers have found that many prostate cancers are so slow-growing that most men will die from other causes, sparking debate over whether diagnosis is too frequent and whether treatments, which also include surgery, are excessive. While the meeting will not directly address the agency's reimbursement rates, CMS is seeking advice that could later be used to determine its payment policies. It oversees 45 million elderly and disabled covered by the Medicare health insurance program, about 40 percent of them men. Any changes in how the agency — the nation's largest healthcare payer — covers radiation treatments could affect the use of therapies by companies such as Accuray Inc, Siemens AG, TomoTherapy, and Varian Medical Systems. The experts will discuss the effectiveness of Accuray's CyberKnife robotic radiosurgery system and other radiation treatments such as external beam radiation and implantable radiation "seeds". The immediate impact on stocks is likely to be neutral, said Josh Jennings, a medical device equities analyst at Jefferies & Co. But "if they feel that radiation therapy is being overutilized, there could be a chance for some negative recommendation" that could later cause some waves, he said. READ MORE: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36629506/ns/health-cancer/
  4. Nice to know that others are having similar problems. Retirees here in Ohio also are experiencing problems with Blue Traditional. What a low blow after being on Blue Preferred previously. Shortly after the Veba was instituted, my spouse was diagnosed with diabetes Type 2 and high blood pressure and it has been a nightmare. Everything from nothing being covered to having old claims from 2009 being kicked back from Medicare to the new contract coverage. I can now understand why doctors are sick of dealing with filing insurance claims for patients. We also went round and round with Medco. Prescriptions were faxed and refused because they claimed the doctor had used a stamp to validate the prescription form when he really had signed it. In the meantime my spouse was about to run out of needed medications. It has been frustrating. Also found that there are only two places we can order diabetes testing supplies and only one of those places can furnish what we need. I was told by a Blue Traditional representative that if we have any questions about what procedures are covered, we can call with the coding for that procedure and they will check it out. I have had non-hodgkins lymphoma and my oncologist sees patients at a specialty clinic at our local hospital. That was handy for me, since I only live 10 minutes from there. Now, I will have to make a 45 minute drive to her office if I don't want to have to pay an extra charge for the facility. So much for things not changing with the Veba coverage. So far, Blue Traditional has paid nothing. I know we are required to meet a deductible, but am wondering if that will ever happen.
  5. Casting Crowns - " I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day"
  6. You can check out the latest unemployment statistics at the link below: U.S. Dept. of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t12.htm
  7. No, "fear mongering" is more like you and Al Gore and your "global warming" nonsense. After reading your posts today.......maybe you need to get a grip and go take your meds!!
  8. Washington Times September 28, 2009 Liberals seek health-care access for illegals Fearful that they're losing ground on immigration and health care, a group of House Democrats is pushing back and arguing that any health care bill should extend to all legal immigrants and allow illegal immigrants some access. The Democrats, trying to stiffen their party's spines on the contentious issue, say it's unfair to bar illegal immigrants from paying their own way in a government-sponsored exchange. Legal immigrants, they say, regardless of how long they've been in the United States, should be able to get government-subsidized health care if they meet the other eligibility requirements. "Legal permanent residents should be able to purchase their plans, and they should also be eligible for subsidies if they need it. Undocumented, if they can afford it, should be able to buy their own private plans. It keeps them out of the emergency room," said Rep. Michael M. Honda, California Democrat and chairman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. Mr. Honda was joined by more than 20 of his colleagues in two letters laying out the demands. Coverage for immigrants is one of the thorniest issues in the health care debate, and one many Democratic leaders would like to avoid. But immigrant rights groups and the Democrats who sent the letters say they have to take a stand now. President Obama has said he does not want health care proposals to cover illegal immigrants. The bill drawn up by Sen. Max Baucus, Montana Democrat and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, excludes illegal immigrants from his proposed health care exchange. Mr. Honda and his allies, though, say illegal immigrants should be allowed to pay for insurance if they can afford it, even if it comes through a government-established exchange. As a generally young, healthy part of the population, illegal immigrants could help reduce overall costs for those who buy into health exchange plans, the lawmakers said. The Democrats' letters, however, do not issue ultimatums or threaten to withhold support for the bills if their requests aren't met. The National Council of La Raza launched its own "flood their voice mail" campaign last week to put pressure on Mr. Baucus to expand coverage in his proposal to include all legal immigrants and to drop verification language in the legislation that would prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining coverage. Mr. Honda told The Washington Times that he's not pushing for illegal immigrants to gain access to taxpayer-subsidized benefits. "That's an argument that's been done already," he said. Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, said proposals that include government coverage for illegal immigrants leave him incredulous. "If anybody can, with a straight face, advocate that we should provide health insurance for people who broke into our country, broke our law and for the most part are criminals, I don't know where they ever would draw the line," he said. Mr. King, who opposes Democrats' health care plans in general, said illegal immigrant access in legislation "would be a poison pill that would cause health care to go down" to defeat. Twenty-nine Democrats signed on to the letter on legal immigrants, while 21 signed the letter on covering illegal immigrants. Although the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus signed the legal-immigrant letter in their capacity as CBC officials, they signed the other letter as individual members of Congress. Under the 1996 welfare law overhaul, Congress restricted most federal benefits to longtime holders of green cards - those who have been in the country at least five years. But Democrats chipped away at that rule when they reauthorized the State Children's Health Insurance Program earlier this year and allowed states to cover all immigrant children and pregnant women, regardless of how long they've been in the country. In their letter, the Democrats said health care costs are much lower for legal immigrants than for native citizens. "Immigrants are part of our families, our communities, our economy, and contribute to the fabric of America," they wrote. "It is simply wrong that their taxes would pay for public health insurance programs to which they are not allowed access." http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/s...llegals//print/
  9. There are many schools that do not close for summer vacation until the middle of June.
  10. A simple song, sung to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". I'm wondering if you'd have the same feelings if it were sung about former President Bush? (In case your wondering......I wouldn't approve of that either!) What matters who is circulating it.....it's happening in our schools. Kids aren't allowed to pray or say the "Pledge of Allegiance", but this kind of stuff is going on and our taxes are helping pay for it. You need to wake up!
  11. I haven't seen this posted yet....if it was, I apologize. Is this what you want being taught in our schools? Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aqMTD5UFmU
  12. I apologize if the link to the panoramic picture in my previous post does not work for you. It worked for me earlier.....not sure what the problem is. The 2nd link should be okay.
  13. Here is a link to a panoramic view of the 9/12 protest. If you click on the lower right margin of the picture a button will appear which should allow you to enlarge the picture. http://www.freedomworks.org/files/capitol view lo res.jpg Below is a link to an interesting assessment of the number of people at the inauguration of President Obama, the Million Man March and the 9/12 Protest. (Someone on this thread referred to this assessment previously.) It is prepared by Zack Moilanen-Indiana University. Hopefully, you will find it interesting. http://southfloridateaparty.org/wp-content...ac-Moilanen.pdf
  14. Not something he's followed closely..........not important..........Really!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyMOHE8E7Ik
  15. Alicia Titus, flight attendant, United Airlines Flight 175 http://sweetalicia.org/
  16. Well, I don't think the government cares what kind of TV we have. I think they might "suggest" what kind of TV we need to purchase......kinda like "cash for clunkers"......then somewhere down the road a standard will be set and we will all pay a "sin" tax if we do not wish to comply. How does that sound?
  17. Re-read my post. I said I didn't think it mattered what party you support, the list is long and dirty.
  18. As reported on Fox News this morning: Friday , September 11, 2009 One day after two ACORN officials in Baltimore were fired for offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute to engage in child prostitution and a series of tax crimes, another secretly shot videotape has surfaced that shows the same couple getting similar advice from ACORN officers in Washington. The newly released videotape, shot on July 25, shows ACORN staffers explaining to the pair how they can hide the woman's professed work — prostitution — and get a loan that will help them establish a brothel. James O'Keefe, a 25-year-old independent filmmaker, posed as the pimp while visiting the ACORN office, accompanied by 20-year-old Hannah Giles, who posed as the prostitute. On a videotape provided to FOXNews.com, they are seen receiving guidance to establish the woman as the sole proprietor of a bogus company to mask the nature of her business. "She's not going to put on (the loan application) that she's doing prostitution ... she doesn't have to," the ACORN staffer says. "You don't have to sit back and tell people what you do." • Click here to see video. The ACORN staffer is heard suggesting that O'Keefe can purchase a house, and as the landlord, if he is ever questioned by authorities, he can say he was unaware of the illegal business going on inside. "[W]hen the police ask you, (tell them) you don't know where (the money is) coming from," the staffer said. "We are looking out for you." The ACORN employee later suggests that O'Keefe, who said he had a budding political career, not linger at the house in case people "put the dots together" and leave him "smeared and tarnished" by his association with his prostitute girlfriend. She should keep her business "low key," the employee said. An ACORN spokesman told FOX News the group would need to look at the full tape and transcript before commenting. • STORY: ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS One day before the Washington video was shot, O'Keefe and Giles sought help from ACORN workers in Baltimore, who told the pair how to falsify tax forms and seek illegal benefits for 13 "very young" girls from El Salvador that they said they said they wanted to import as prostitutes. As he did in the taping in Baltimore, O'Keefe told the Washington officers that he had plans to bring as many as 10 women from El Salvador to work as prostitutes in Giles' "business." "There's like 10 girls," O'Keefe says. "There's ten El Salvodoreans." The ACORN staffer replies, "I understand what you are saying." ACORN — the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — calls itself a network of families "working together for social justice and stronger communities," according to its Web site. The organization has been accused by conservatives and Republicans of committing fraud in voter registration drives around the country, and reaction to the videotape came swiftly after its release on Thursday. "Taxpayers should be outraged that their money has gone to an organization that, in addition to facing charges of voter fraud and tax violations, is willing to facilitate prostitution," said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. "As this video confirms, ACORN continues to operate as a criminal enterprise." The first videotape, made in the Baltimore offices of ACORN, was made public Thursday on the political blog BigGovernment.com. That night, after portions of the video were aired throughout the day on FOX News, the group fired the two women who assisted O'Keefe and Giles in Baltimore. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,549241,00.html
  19. Well, we could wind up like Great Britain. Read on: Britain's TV Tax Ravenwood - 08/08/05 06:45 AM I had thought that most people knew that British TV was prohibitively expensive. But apparently now, so here's a brief education, thanks to turnoffyourtv.com, a "progressive" anti-TV site. "Using a television without an appropriate licence is a criminal offence. Every day we catch an average of 1,200 people using a TV without a licence. There is no valid excuse for using a television and not having a TV Licence, but some people still try - sometimes with the most ridiculous stories ever heard. Our detection equipment will track down your TV. The fact that our enquiry officers are now so well equipped with the latest technology means that there is virtually no way to avoid detection." -- from the official website of the British Television Licensing Authority, May 2003 A TV license costs about $200 per year. I know what you're thinking. How would they enforce such a ridiculous license? Well, they mandate tracking technology be installed in every TV set, another cost the consumer must bear. They use the "TV Licensing database" with details of more than 26 million UK addresses -- and their television sets. Also, part of the work is done in special "detector vans." The TVLA website explains that "every TV contains a component called the 'local oscillator', which emits a signal when the television is switched on. It's this signal that the equipment on our vans picks up. But, what if you live in a block of flats or a house without road access? Well if this is the case our enquiry officer can simply use one of our hand-held scanners. Measuring both direction and strength of signal, they make it easy for us to locate television sets in hard to reach places." Of course removing the oscillator doesn't work, because simply not having a TV license is enough to raise suspicion. In fact, getting rid of your TV seems to make things worse: In an email, Bennett wrote that "living without a television in the UK is not as simple as getting rid of the TV set. In the UK the licensing authority operates under legal statute giving them wide powers. The licensing authority have no real concept of the non-viewer and class them as suspect licence-dodgers. Thus, we are subject threats and other manner of persecution. Considering we are only refusing an entertainment service it is a ridiculous situation." [...] In one letter to Bennett, the TVLA stated that "there are a high number of people who advise us that they do not use TV equipment, but are subsequently found to be doing so." The letter goes on to say that if their inspectors find that no TV sets are present on the premises, then no further contact will be made -- until next year. And don't forget that these ridiculous laws are enforced at the point of a gun. And with a disarmed populace it's all too easy. Comments (7) top link me Comments Without local oscillators the TV wouldn't work. It's not a special component. That's why they pick that component to detect. Actually you could build a TV that foiled detection though; but there's no reason to except in the UK, and there it's illegal. Posted by: Ron Hardin at August 8, 2005 6:24 AM It doesn't come out in the story, but this money goes to support the BBC, and its no use saying you dont like the Beeb, because thats tough. On the plus(?) side, there is no advertising on the Beeb, and you do occasionally get some decent programs. Up till the seventies, there was also a RADIO licence that you where expected to buy, transistor radios took care of that as it became too expensive to try enforcing it. Posted by: robert in england at August 8, 2005 7:14 AM Do they know you can watch TV on a computer (with a few added parts)? Posted by: markm at August 8, 2005 11:49 AM Oh we so need that tax in the US....I think Hillary, Kerry and every Democrat ought to make it a campaign pledge to tax our TV's (more) http://www.ravnwood.com/archives/005192.php
  20. What about Warren Harding and John and Ted Kennedy? The list is long and dirty. Heck, Obama is supposed to have had something going on with a guy named Larry Sinclair. There's a book about that and you can check it out on Youtube. I really don't trust anyone in Washington. It doesn't matter which party you support. What is the point? I'm sure there are more we may never know about. You can point the finger all day long, but what good does that accomplish........I think we have more important things to worry about.
  21. $8,000,000,000 of your tax dollars through the stimulus plan. Once again the MSM decided this was not newsworthy.
  22. I haven't seen this posted previously.......if so, I apologize. http://growingbolder.com/media/technology/...oad-259598.html
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