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Everything posted by napfirst

  1. Here's a good read for you: Capitalization Ruleshttp://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/capital.asp
  2. I'll ask you again...do you read?......."everyone covered with sufficient health insurance"....you do know that millions of people have lost their current healthcare because of barrycare, right?......you should read more than you post....stop embarrassing yourself..
  3. Where does the $2500.00 saving fit into your rant...you know, the one barry promised?
  4. It's not going away....I know you would like for us to stop talking about it but.....heard a blurb on the radio yesterday saying that Christmas retail sales are down to 09 levels and some economist are attributing it to peoples' fear of the cost of barrycare.....so deal with it....
  5. Give me that link that proves that he used.....oh, there's not one.....
  6. Of course we are....it's still front and center as barry's "signature accomplishment"... and it's coming apart like a cheap suit....one-sixth of our economy, millions of people are losing their healthcare plans, barry lied to the American people when he said they could keep their plans and docs if they wanted...knowing all of that why would you not want to talk about it....embarrassed maybe?....
  7. You could ask barry he used cocaine....any particular reason for capitalizing marijuana and cocaine?
  8. I know what it is..barry does it all the time...tries to change the conversation when the cheese starts to bind.....
  9. He needs the diversions.....barrycare is falling apart....barry's numbers are at an all-time low....and the 2014 election is not looking too good for his team and his cohorts on here have all but disappeared...
  10. Ricky Gervais...really?..maybe he said that in an episode of "The Office"
  11. Please post your source for the number of atheists in prison....
  12. This area is the home of the Navy's largest base and it has a large number of military retirees and therefore an inordinate number of Pearl Harbor Survivors so there's always celebrations honoring these heroes.
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