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  1. Finally, a topic worth a reply. After 32 years at OTP and now OAC I would have to say yes, it has been worth it. My only regret would be not sticking to welding right out of High School. Could have avoided 20 years on the line and made 40% more money with a lot less wear and tear on the body. And the people I've met and worked with along the way, Fantastic! Still looking forward to leaving right after we sign the next contract !!!!!
  2. Oh drop dead already-You OLD INJUN BASTERD!!! He was making a comment about the forum topic and your rantings, not your age!
  3. Reneg-otiate-I like that!!!.Your guess is as good as anyones,we haven't heard a word about new product allocation since ratification. See above.
  4. Since Jan. we've worked some 8 hr. shifts,some 10 hr. shifts and it seems to change every week.As far as the future goes,it looks like we'll be doing 10 hrs. steady as of Job 1 July 12. Long term only Dearborn knows and thier not gonna tell anybody here.(despite what the Union reps might tell us)
  5. Blah blah blah.....We all know your oppinion on COLA,inflation,politics,religion,economics and just about everything else under the sun. Give it a rest!
  6. I guess I hit the nail on the head with my last post,more rambling. A yes or no was all I was loking for. I'll take your long winded responce as a no!
  7. Welcome to ourworld. I"ve been bitching about our unused web site for the past 3 years to Mr. Beck,Mr. Balacz,McColeman etc etc . All I get are blank stares and excuses. It really could be the most useful tool we have to keep the membership and those like yourself informed.Sure would beat the hell out of coming here looking for info and getting nothing but Trimdingman's ramblings. Speaking of Trim-I know you're gonna read this, are you gonna take the buy-out this time, I hear there are only 50 to75 this year.
  8. Agreed - 4 Rangers in the past 11 years - perfect for my needs(95% comuter,5% utility) I'm not going to get another until I see whats coming.
  9. It means Work makes Free or work liberates. It's on the gate to the Auschwitz Work(death) Camp. On a much lighter note-Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope we all have a better,more prosperous New Year!
  10. It was stated the local bargaining committee at STAP voted a unanimous yes! Unanimous=100% I don't think so son.
  11. Ford Oakville pass’s the tentative agreement, 89.5% Production, 90.6% Trades. Still awaiting totals from other locations. E-mail from Ron Balazs
  12. Ditto-25.5 years myself. If we got the GM deal I could gaurantee there would be at least 1 more opening at OAC,possibly up to 200. (Trimdingdong will be there til he croaks , still waiting for the return of COLA) A few personal observations from todays vote- Looked like well over2000 showed up(not bad considering we were down last week) Just from the people I talked to,I'm guessing it passed in the 70% range (no comment) One committeeman claimed STAP passed by over 60%(wouldn't say who told him) Hoping all works out for everyone at STAP!
  13. I can understand your bitterness but to direct it at the brothers and sisters at OAC is just wrong.STAP'ers have a lot more friends and backers at OAC than you think. Later-I'm off to Hamilton for the vote.
  14. X 3 Feels like we're at a fork in the road and niether gets us to where we want to be.
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