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  1. Once again, you have spewed false garbage information. This is old news, and came out during the Senate hearings, before Joel and the negotiators were even called up here. Let's stick to the facts......a trend you obviously have never tried.........
  2. I agree.....and I disagree. First of all Mullally was lured here by Ford. Why? Because he just finished a major downsizing of the Aerospace industry at Boeing which is also UAW. He downsized, cut, shut down models, etc.....and was very successful at at. The big money they apid him was mostly a buyout of his former Boeing contract that he lost coming here. My point is that he was lured here when they were in trouble...so he isn't going to take a cut because they are in trouble......that is why he is here...so that would not be the best indicator.
  3. Listen up salary dude, you didn't give up anything....it was taken from you...that's a little different than giving. So quit acting like you gave at the till...and now it's our turn. 1. Remember one thing.....the only reason you even had most of those things...at the level of coverage you had them...was because of this union. You salary pukes always gained a near mirror of what we gained for our folks....and the Union was just fine with you then...... 2. Now you have things taken from you........and you expect us to just give up/in or it's the UAW's friggin fault? You oughtta run for Senate with that friggin mentality. 3. YOU REALLY DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO FORD MOTOR? I'd like to try and see you live on the 40% of your pension that the government guarantees....dummy. YOU HAD BETTER CARE. 4. You disagree with us sticking together...but you agree with us that your superiors need a cut???? PICK A SIDE AND STAY ON IT. Peddle your sorry ass crap somewhere else.
  4. Brother...you didn't give any info. Where do you live and what is the name of the dealership? I will get you the regional/district reps name but I need the info first.
  5. Is this construction work? What exactly is being done by the contractors?
  6. What is the reasoning given concerning Ford's refusal? They must state on the Labor clearance the reason Ford forces are not being used in writing.....what does it say? If it is a bad business decision..........and your union has a good business case to retain the work.....real numbers and facts.....then Ford will get their heads beat in with it.... However.....realize that many times the Union argues for the work...without putting together a valid, presentable case...in order to "appeal" the decision to outside contract. I am not saying that that is the case at Sterling.........I am only saying that happens a lot. This situation is will be reviewed....and the proper decision will be made. Ford is not going to ask us for any concessions with their right hand....while the left hand wastes money on people outside of the bargaining unit........that is bullshit and it pisses me off to see stupid ass decisions being made at the highest level of ford management.........how dumb can some of these guys can be never ceases to amaze me....They are more worried about saving themselves by making their report cards look good...than they are saving the Company money.
  7. iuW9ofDcA9kfRu = banned. We are simply not going to take people coming into the Ford Employee Forum like this any longer Haven't you learned your lesson yet iuW9ofDcA9kfRu ? By the way........I see your former ID unscrambles as "fuck iuaw ford 99".....how clever you are little man.
  8. If you are trying to take pay in lieu, they can reject the request. If you are trying to take vacation, that is different, and they would obviously accomodate you...............so I am assuming you want pay in lieu... If you don't use it...you will obviously receive it next June in lieu......... I wouldn't worry about it dissappearing on you.......that will not happen. Any possible future changes to a "use it or lose it" system would be conveyed up front in advance....allowing you time to use it....before you would ever lose it. Just leave it.....it is safe.
  9. There will be some openings coming up for trades due to the last retirements supposedly right after New Year....... As far as your vacation pay....I need more info.... What is your eligibility date...Dec or June? How much time do you have left...and What exactly were you denied and by whom...... You can send it to me in a PM if you want......
  10. I do not know how you could improve much there besides maybe laser trimming. Tell yah what. This stuff is somewhat proprietary. Could you Pm me your idea. I promise it will be looked at by the highest levels of Ford and UAW.
  11. This has nothing to do with Ford....but a few facts for arguments sake: 1. You all "own" this...it is your union 2. It has not "lost"money "technically".....it is paid for with the interest earned on the strike fund. 3. Your union would love to sell the golf course...but there are no buyers...after all...who would buy a golf course that is not profitable as a free standing course. 4. It is not a private course...open to the public 5. The lodge is not exclusive for UAW leaders....members courses are offered and taught there...as well as many community and interfaith groups using it...along with other unions. 6. Our ever burning flame memorial to Walter Reuther is located there 7. Your union has not asked for a bailout or a loan. You are entitled to your opinions....but be a little educated on the subject first.........
  12. 1 posts? Have a new name? Undoubtedly the newest plants with the newest equipment will run the best numbers.........that is a given....don't take all the credit....and that doesn't mean that the rest of the plants should be closed. Where have you been while the number 1 quality plant (Wixom) shut down, or while the number 1 highest efficiency plant in the WORLD according to Harbour (Atlanta) closed? Did that efficiency do them any good? It seems more like the old real estate mantra of "LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION" is the determining factor......and...I wouldn't call your cornfield PRIME. Now, you have done some great things down there, I won't take that away from you...................but...also some terrible things.....seemingly selling your souls to whipsaw against other engine plants...... It seems that even with your new name...............your negative comments against your own brothers give you away "one". Is is really politics that keep Romeo and Cleveland open. Would you really feel better if they closed them and gave you all the work? You would have to take people down there...with seniority.........something that apparently makes you choke.............maybe you should rethink...and get another new name.... your disguise isn't working because your breath smells the same...............
  13. Another "perception of the past" by Pioneer. The Union used to have conventions in Vegas and other major cities just like any other organization. Vegas is union. We always had conventions where: 1. They had enough rooms and meeting rooms for the amount of delegates on the dates required. 2. It had to be a union hotel 3. We got a good rate 4. To lower costs even more the meetings at Ford were followed or preceded by GM and Chrysler meetings. You can imagine that with that kind of volume you can negotiate...a great deal at hotels capable of such volume. Vegas was great because the rooms were dirt cheap.....the food was great and cheap.....airfare was always a good deal (package) and they could handle large convention(s) no problem. We also used to move around to other cities that could comply with the same criteria above....Chicago, Cleveland...etc. However....just like everything else...with shrinking membership and funds...all of the conventions/meetings etc. for the last several years have been in Detroit...........this saves money and brings money into the Motor City and the union hotels...nearly everyone drives in because flying is sky high (joke). The Union directed their proceeds to other union hotels in brotherhood, as we like to do when we support/buy American or union made products............I think that is the right thing to do, and I expect that from my union. I guess Pioneer would be happier if we all bunked together in a non-union Motel 6 in Alabama and had our meetings in the parking lot......I am sure Mr. Ungrateful would sleep better knowing we suffered somehow while he collects his two paychecks a week.....
  14. Ok Critic........ after the last post....... I see your point
  15. A little harsh there brother.....the Canadian Government at least protects their autoworkers with content law.....At least they have healthcare for everyone...even if it isn't the greatest plan in our eyes........and at least the Canadian autoworkers aren't undermining our wages!!!!!! I respect Buzz and the CAW......we all should lighten up a little....they are allies......not the enemy.
  17. ....we have moved on and went back to topic... but this is important to me that we understand why our Jobs bank is going away......My point was.. here is a guy (Pioneer) getting two paychecks, working one job....and crying to "withhold union dues" as a cost savings idea. You don't see the irony? The Union did not intend these rules to do anything but keep an income flowing so our members don't suffer while looking for placement...period. Pioneer could quit and continue to work at his new Chinese job (assoh).....take a STEP program or buyout....take a reload.......take a preferential placement...Did he do it....Nooooooooo. Should he rape us because he can and then decry us ?.......Sounds like you are saying "yes". He has been bitching about getting out of Monroe for 2 years on this friggin board.....crying how he wants out and got screwed on the original Flowback....you all remember that incessant whining on multiple posts don't you? Now this....2 jobs ( 85% and Neapco) and he refuses to go anywhere and bitches out his Union when he thinks his 85% free trust fund is going away.......Why should he care that he is raping the rest of us who only have 1 job and want to keep it....... That was my point........no "mis-info" such as you claim. Now...I said we have moved on....no more replying to 12 day old off topic posts please Wally....this is important.....I really am taking these suggestions seriously........bring them on. Look at the waste you see and ignore everyday.....open your eyes and realize that before someone takes something from you.....things like this should be stopped...........write them down here.........if they are too "sensitive"...PM me.....no more bad press please......
  18. I read that we must bring our wages in line with the foriegn transplants.......... Currently the average GM worker wages are $29.73 ....and the average transplant worker is at $30.00 .....there....that was easy. Let's not read into things........
  19. Funny thing to be curious about.......why don't you go play reporter somewhere else....this is an employee forum. To everyone else....these are not curious questions...they are very pointed questions that would only be asked by someone in the know and certainly not one of these questions are economist questions. DON'T ANSWER.
  20. We have a bad enough perceived image out there ....while i want to hear all ideas ....some are better off submitted in Pm's...... let's let that fire burn out
  21. I want to tell you that your statement is bullshit. Ford closes plants...not the International Union. Do you really think the Union wants to lose membership? Screw it's members? I know these people....and when the International has no choice but to tell you that you ...as a Plant Chairman...are going to lose your plant....your job....your community and family and schools and home value suffers....... and then your people/membership....regardless of how hard you fight it with Ford....turn on you...your longtime friends spit in your face...the people you worked so hard for and with call you a traitor... and these guys stick it out....making sure people get re-located....get benefits...take care of the retirees....basically stick it out and do their job realizing that they still must represent the best interests of their people and see them safely somewhere else until they themselves are the last ones left. and if...after all that we see them go through...performing admirabley till the end...they do by chance get offered something....why would you continue to berate them? These were great guys and great leaders.....and it was recognized by their membership who elected them.....don't you think the UAW wouldn't see those same qualities of leadership and potential...and feel some remorse/empathy towards their fallen brother and offer a job if they could? Such thankless jobs....................I wonder sometimes why anyone wants them.......most IUAW reps live everyday for this union and our members.......lost sleep.......gave up weekends and free time with family...........why doesn't anyone appreciate it...recognize it. Now I depressed myself.............................
  22. Gotcha. I hope you get an extended lease on that plant.....actually these tough times have a glimmer of hope. With all of our excess employees it helps make a case to keep things in the good ole USA and keep plants scheduled to close...look at breathing new life into them as a place for our brothers and sisters without jobs.... Not making any promises....I am saying that things that were never being considered before are all being considered now....evrything that can save will and should be looked at in a total cost perspective....a method that Ford beancounters have had a distaste for - for years. They like their method of manipulating the data to make it say what they want...that is how they taught them to do it in school to keep their jobs and make bossman happy!
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