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Everything posted by nvsked

  1. Marginal you're funny trying to go there, too funny.... been a while, good to see you active in the discussion..... It's great, I watched the interview with David Gregory (meet the press) and Jim DeMint http://videocafe.cro...-ceiling-withou he (DeMint) wasn't going to answer a question just keep repeating slogans! But one slogan... DEMINT: Well, no, we’re not talking about cuts in Social Security. If we can just cut the administrative waste, we can cut hundreds of billions of dollars a year at the federal level. So-- before we start cutting-- I mean, we need to keep our promises to seniors, David. And cutting benefits to seniors is not on the table..... Sounds like the people who were advocating a single payer system for health insurance......" If we can just cut the administrative waste"....unfortunately one company's administrative waste is another company's profit.....Capitalism Isn't medicare insurance a big portion of the administrative waste, so what is he saying.....does he even know, his people need to prepare him better LOL Way too many idiots in Washington and the American people keep electing them based on their repeated slogans, mean while the country spirals out of control
  2. Good news! Always seemed like a funky story new plant and all....didn't make sense Good luck to every one there
  3. I remember a previous discussion (post) that the language was based on a permanent lay off, and the company plays games with it....This is not a permanent lay off its a temporary with no exact recall date or some bullshit, so bumps rights don't apply?? Or something like that....
  4. GREAT POST!! I mean what the fck was I thinking...the universal playbook has been working so why should they change....going to be the same old shit until they run the country into the ground not long to go While I agree with your hopes, I doubt very much this will happen. Neither side will correct trade imbalances or Unfair trade. Dems talk and Pubs think we need more just like them. Ditto on the immigration issues. Dems dont want to to do anything about illegals and Pubs want them even more.(Except in certain border states of course). The pain is coming because there are no real jobs being generated and thats how its going to be. Just untax everyone and we'll live like kings.(Give me a break!!). We are now going to face months and months of heathcare reform logjam as Pubs vow to change this or that AND Obama threatens vetoes. But hey we sure wont be short on rhetoric. AGREE
  5. Unfortunately, that has been the universal playbook dating back to Clinton...I call it Nancy Regan just say NO to everything as it applies to Democrats, there is no common ground.... We lost so we'll play the spoiler role....Like a bunch of little kids Its only been effective, because people haven't demanded accountability .......hence the phrase stay involved, but all some people hear is cut taxes regardless of the deficit Here's hoping the American public wakes up and demands accountability of dem's and repub's
  6. the grapevine says, they are laying off trades at ISA and putting together a crew to idle the wayne plant....
  7. Unfortunately......regardless of political affiliation to move the country forward we need to seek common ground....whether or not Washington can do that remains to be seen
  8. All we are saying is give peace a chance.....
  9. Well the election is over and the population of our great country has spoken. It's my wish that congress will hunker down and work to address the issues that our nation faces, not as republicans, or democrats, not as independents but as citizens of the United States....One country under god... if that statement offends anybody please feel freee to subsitute any refrence to a superior being that suits you....The point is one nation! And, the issues we face, e.g. unemployment, defecit spending, trade pacts, illegal aliens etc affect all of us......NO one is immune because of political affiliation. So it's my hope people stay involved and drive the change that is needed, we need to take back the country from the special interest, and address the real issues that our country faces. Not all the crap that was spewed in the political adds BUT THE REAL ISSUES...
  10. Remember no plant agreement yet, some of this could be to push ISA into an agreement. Or some union officials lookin to sweetin buyout package, any of the union people holding gunnie classification?? Good luck
  11. FMCCAP I read the stuff you post I think it's as slanted as Rush Limbaugh, so your opinion means nothing......sorry to deliver the bad news. The great thing about this country is you are entitled to your opinion, have a good one
  12. It's unfortunate that the bill got carved up like it did....I agree the health care bill that was passed is a mess, unfortunately we had to start somewhere....We cannot bury our heads in the sand and hope the situation goes away....Improvements can be made to the legislation that was signed, we can only hope that honest debate occurs to help correct things. I'm not convinced, that anybody in Washington is capable of working for the people of this country, but rather the corporations that buy the elections, I don't know that the current legislation can be saved..........The American people as a whole need to realize the system needs to be fixed, but as long as the attitude is I got mine, screw everyone else then the system remains fractured!
  13. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/driveon/post/2010/10/fords-new-ranger-may-be-best-small-pickup-you-cant-buy/1
  14. It's unfortunate that your plant was/is targeted for closure, I hope things work out for you. But, believe me when I say the CAW did not cause your plant to close. In the end, it's always a business decision. I understand your frustration but attacking another union member is not the answer, and being critical of grammar skills.... it you live in a glass house don't throw stones.........And its always bad business to throw stones at the glass house
  15. FYI ...."grammar skills and sentence structure" ARE the reason.... IS, refers to singular Use there IS for singular nouns, Use there ARE for many items http://crofsblogs.typepad.com/english/2007/07/is-or-are.html Is or are? Falls is often the main cause of hip fractures. Falls are often the main cause of hip fractures. I agree with your last statement.....lol Solidarity Forever have a good day
  16. You will have to wait and see from what I heard not even the wayne employees know what's in it ......900 keeping it very hush hush
  17. I've seen rubber used over the years, and I also see the new trend with wood. It's my opinion the wood is not as comfortable as the rubber mat, (smooth rubber top with a spongy rubber base) but I'm certain the reason for the wood is cost. Rubber is made with oil, petroleum products of any type are expensive. I've heard the managers complain of the cost, they complain when the mat breaks down and has to be replaced, I've seen injuries recorded related to mats (tripping over mat)....but the bottom line is cost. Back during the first concession contract (07) Mulally's arrival, Ford adapted the take no prisoner attitude, and they are not going to pay the cost of those mats period. Now I've seen all kind of wood platforms..... Thin strips placed on concrete (firing strips) with 3/4 plywood over the firing strips so the floor provides give or bounce....but now you have trip edges where the wood stops and it's a bitch to sweep around Seen the same set up with steel platform...firing strips under plywood on top of steel platform I've seen angle iron frames, with wood (3/4 OSB) as the walk surface (this works pretty good) BUT we at Ford get stupid and try to put lift tables and roller racks etc on the wood and wonder why the platform collapses... It's not rocket science...wear shoes with good arch support, shock absorbing soles, good socks or support hose and its the best you're going to do
  18. Article 33 sec 2 appeal 1) By shooks own admission he had accepted an appointed position with IUAW assigned to MTP .......and had no business involved with transfer requests 2) Johnson's "Lying water buffalo" Conduct unbecoming was he suggesting she was fat in addition to lying ...she smells bad... please explain comment what other comments is he saying about Union members...I'd vote for him again.....LOL But I appreciate his candor...too funny 3) If Romeo had "sole" possession of Transfer request until February 7 his date of transfer, how did Johnson get copies in "Mid - January" so much for credibility I could blow holes in this testimony....Who's handling the appeal
  19. Hi Sam, No doubt some difficult questions. You have a few options, none of them are great..... You can rent out current home, take the transfer of operation money and buy a new home in Ky. Mortgage rates are low, but you'll have to have at least a one year rental agreement to obtain new mortgage. If later on you were to default on old mortgage they can't come at your new house for the old one. If you default on your current mortgage, you can save all those house payments for a nest egg, but you won't be able to buy another home for 5 years or so, new lending practices will preclude a new mortgage for at least that time. The bank can still come after you for default mortgage amount but unlikely especially crossing state lines. A short sale is an option, but it will mess up credit and prevent a new mortgage as well. Your state's consumer credit division has determined the amount of time from the first missed payment until the bank can take possession of the home. In some cases, it can be short depending on your states lending standards (red state or blue state) Hope the info helps good luck with the move....
  20. There is language in the contract to combat what you describe ............One the first questions in labor notification meeting should be "any trades on layoff" Then labor clearance is denied if company still brings in the contractors take the grievance to strike stage
  21. In case you haven't come the realization yet.....The country lost 8 million jobs during our current recession, the predictions are that 4 million of those jobs are never coming back. That giant sucking sound you hear is jobs, jobs gone to china, india, south Africa etc....If you think anybody in America is immune to conditions brought on by our domestic policies think again.....You think housing values will come back, when wages continue to fall, sorry the ripple effects are just beginning to show expect further declines in America.....the race to the bottom
  23. Or....Allen rd straight up (past burwells beer garden) to geenfield left on geenfield 1/4 mile right on bypass to shaffer, takes you to gate 10 or 6 depends which way you want................. Continue up Schafer to Bronco Lounge.....If it still exists, short distance to Searle Tech.........Those were the days
  24. Thanks Oval..This place isn't Ford Fanatics....but oh whatever
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