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  1. That is not a correct statement. I'm not trying to flame anyone, but remember the glass division. Those who did'nt sign anything, & didn't sign up for the new company, were laid off (fact). However, you should receive offers to who knows where (until you run out of strikes). But, this only happens if the plant sells & a lot of red tape has to be settled first. When the time comes, try to make a decision you can live with. Good luck to all!!!
  2. I believe with the company doing better, we shouldn't vote in any contract with any concessions. Upper Ford management has already gotten some of thier benefits back. We should get back most, or all of ours back. Also, The act of job consolidations will reduce the number of jobs conciderably. Even If they only go after skill trades. Those employees usaully have production time, so a lot of younger senoirity will be out the door. You better be ready for a hard long fight this contract. We will have to stand together, to show whoever tries to push a concessions contract through. WE ARE DONE GIVING UP ANYTHING!!!!!!!
  3. Does anyone know, where the Company doesn't have to pay overtime after 40 hours worked? I realize the AWS schedule bypasses the 8 hour rule, but isn't the 40 hour rule reconized always.
  4. I sure hate to hear that news. I hope everyone that is affected will end up okay. Hopefully, the warmer weather will thaw out some jobs. Thanks for keeping us informed. I wish all the Best of Luck !!!
  5. Good to hear from you Dozerman. Glad to hear things are going okay. BTW, I have the same classification as your brother had. You definately know me well. Hang in there & good luck!!!
  6. Just curious, are you J.A.? Also are you working at the plant now, or having to use sub. credits? I transfered out myself, but I was hoping things were working out for you & bunch. I wish everyone there the best, It used to be a great place to work.
  7. The modification that failed, would not have saved ford a dime. Until they hired 2nd tier workers. All it did was lock workers in for six years. If you asked for a raise, It would end up in arbitration. We all know how good that would work out. Now if the economy doesn't get any better or worse, no new products anyway. But if things turn around, you are stuck for six years. Maybe new products, maybe not. ( remember no guaranties here) Ask them to open up the contract & see what answer you get. We have a contract now. When it expires, then look at what needs to be done. Why would anyone want to tie down an agreement now? Who knows what the future holds.
  8. I'll help. With a name like candy cane, you at least know from the start they are a SUCKER!!!! But, I thought of you when I voted NO.
  9. I wish there was good news to tell. Still struggling to keep 2 shifts running, some on & off weeks ahead. ( subject to change hour to hour) We're praying for better times ahead.
  10. Ford is really getting a double whammy. Not only is the general public not buying. The wife is wanting to trade her expedition for an edge. But, I'm waiting on a transfer. I can't make a move until things get settled. I know there are many employees caught up in these uncertain times. I too pray for better times soon. :shrug:
  11. Did they finally make an announcement or post a notice at NGP. THANKS !!! :shades:
  12. I also wanted to send congrats to Dave. :party2: You think he would be interested in buying an ACH plant? LOL
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