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Everything posted by stephenhawkings

  1. good thing there's still room left on the credit card!
  2. I think you took notice about two years too late by my calendar.
  3. I didn't change my stance, I still like the constitution, mostly for the articles though!
  4. bipartisan politics are just that divide in two and conquer, as for bush and cheney you can have em, I don't support either of the two major parties
  5. some one has to pat the heating bill this month
  6. is the united states any sort of union?
  7. which guy? Ron Paul, Steele? Greer? Gingrinch? Peloisi? theres a lot of guys there
  8. thanks to all the oba,a supporters who bought Fseries trucks 48,000 of them in december!
  9. this has to be one of the longest topics that has no facts as of yet.
  10. yeah the majority of the BON crowd likes FOX and other brainless activities.
  11. the $1500 rebate is on a high efficiency only, not an enter level cheapo furnace.
  12. I heard $800, and I think the tax payers pick up the rest. Think about all the other benefits they get, car , home, flights, food, a doctor in the capital building in DC, lobbyist perks...
  13. sounds like 150% BS when you try and tie the bear in, maybe the anti climate change crowd should take a basic math class.
  14. some are like free postage, I bet theres others
  15. Why can't we get the same option as our senators, congressmen, and other people doing public good?, or if we can't save the money and cut their free benefits!
  16. it is even more ignorant to spend more money on those items of 'defense'
  17. I had the day off, and I still got more than normal, go figure.
  18. another note: the army, navy, air force, and marines did not, nor where they able to stop the Xmas underwear bomber guy, or the 911 people. So just how much bang for our buck are we getting on those defense dollars that the republicans or democrats vote against(depending who is president)?
  19. whats the hours for pay roll on monday? if they aren't on vacation or shut down too!
  20. I didn't get my check stub yet either but i figure it would only be about one hundred dollars before taxes for that holiday pay or double time.
  21. I agree, but why limit yourself to linear thinking when your labeling people? if you go far enough right you get left and vicaversa
  22. what happened when Bush was forced to answer difficult questions?
  23. when do you think they Lions are going to have a winning season?
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