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  1. Bulls#@@t If they want the same they should at least give the same or more.While they are talking i hope the difference in buyout packages comes up.
  2. I think one day hopefully it won't be to late for some of you, you will realize that Ford was founded on good christian principles from a christian family and I am sure that the only reason that Ford is still in business is because there are saints in ford facilities praying for us daily and God has spared us from what would have been certain losses to all of us. And further more I don't hear anybody complaining about the all mighty dollar that you all worship that says in GOD WE TRUST
  3. Jerk you must learn that it is GOD that giveth the customers!!!!!!!!
  4. Ford has just stated they will increase production across the board 25 percent in late spring and summer thank God!!!!!
  5. You really want to blame barack when you and your friends won't take your sorry ass out there and buy new cars and spend all your time in Wal Mart ??????
  6. GM is planning a out of court bankruptcy and is trying to shed it's UAW contract in what's called the old GM along with Hummer, Pontiac, and Saturn.If this takes place we will be asked to give up more so we might as well plan on it.
  7. We must remember that all other employment MUST be reported meaning that all of us that landed jobs while in jsp are now screwed for sure.
  8. You Will receive a package in the mail telling you what day to call in on and after you receive your check the sub pay will come the week after,that is if there are no glitches in the system. Also please don't forget to call in to marvin on time.
  9. I really think you should have!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. You are the worst kind of union person not fit to bear the great uaw name,and the fact that you have the nerve to tell us you did not vote.I hope you fall on your face and that is being nice and the next time you decide to not vote keep your trap shut because you lost your speaking rights at the poll.
  11. I don't believe you will have a chance to back-fill the openings you are talking about, unless you were in jsp or will soon be on ILO. I hope this helps, this is what was told to us at the time of the postings.
  12. The Kit jobs have been on the way for along time and the starter work is a follow-up from ypsi and the seating jobs will be entry level wages 14.00 dollars per hour,But no real mention of job security if you ever really valued your job and future ,please vote NO!
  13. When we vote NO!, they will go back and return to us with something that we can live with because this bs is unacceptable.
  14. Just vote no,sorry I mean HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!
  15. does anyone know how many people are returning to work on 2-16-09
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