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Everything posted by allin

  1. How many Tundra's actually pull in their lot. More than likely more F-150's are pulling in their lot then any... *adds TSC to list to boycott*
  2. HP didn't give Ford Motor Company employees a computer. Ford purchased them for us. Call me whatever you like, I have an opinion and was stating it. Toyota vehicles are killing people. IMO Toyota sucks. Applebee's food sucks IMO. IMO the ones in the wrong are the ones buying foreign vehicles and not supporting this great nation, but sending their American dollars to foreign countries. Thank you, well said.
  3. I emailed them last week and haven't got a response yet.
  4. After the thrashing the UAW and the Detroit manufacturers got and get, I have an additude. If I'm wrong I don't really care. Anytime there is an article in the paper we get ripped a new one. Let the boycott begin!
  5. Applebee's food sucks. I hope all of the D3 and America boycott that #*!@ing place.
  6. No thank you, I'll keep mine and let others with more time then me keep theirs.
  7. I shouldn't read the comments all the union hating know it all azzholes post...
  8. Dang, and after being a UAW member for 33 years I've never been there...I missed the boat again. To busy working to enjoy Black Lake.
  9. Just keep you fingers away from your mouth....! Just kidding you. :shades: I sent this to a friend that works in one telling her to be careful bout pickin her nose.
  10. I don't think Korea allows any American products to be even sold there. If they do it is at a huge disadvantage to American manufacturers. I remember reading an article about them, in any event it was rediculous the unbalanced trade that goes on. Course I'm not an expert at this subject. My daughter came home from Korea telling me everything sold there is made in Korea, she didn't see foreign goods there. Time to get the trade laws changed...I know it seems like something that will never happen.
  11. http://www.kmbc.com/editorials/21559939/detail.html
  12. These contract consessions are an insult to the membership. We've gave with the last one, haven't had a raise in years, agreed to every contract put in front of us (for all the years I've been a member 33years btw two of the big three)...now they throw this at us... We're insulted by fellow American's that don't have a clue what's going on in our industry, never worked on an assembly line, attacked by the media... I'm a dedicated employee to Ford Motor Company as I think the membership is...give us some credit for what we've already given up and bargaining/agreeing in good faith in the past. The union came about for a reason and doesn't seem like that reason has changed over the years...now the membership is standing up to our "leaders", something just doesn't seem right in all of this...
  13. More like the company and IUAW f-ed the membership. Nice choice here wasnt' it...had us either way.
  14. We've all made sacrifices for the good of the company in the past and I'm sure we will in the future. I think most of us realize the state of the economy and what is at stake. We give up our right to strike we have nothing. Why did the company want a no strike clause and why did IUAW agree to it?
  15. I am thankful to be working and have always been thankful. So don't give me that crap about being thankful I'm working. Your posts don't make a lick of sense Candy Cane. In the last round of concessions it was a different situation and we did give, but, how much did the company appreciate what we gave up? Coming back asking for more. No strike clause means NO POWER, we have nothing without the right to strike. And when was the last time we went on strike? So why are they asking for it now... You're posting around this forum like chicken little, the sky is falling, the sky is falling! Have some dignity.
  16. Speak for yourself Candy Cane. I for one am not willing to give up anymore wages considering it's been years since I/we (the UAW) has gotten a wage increase. If the no strike concession isn't such a big deal why are they asking for it!
  17. Haven't the CAW Ford members turned down consessions?
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