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Chemo Slice

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  2. You dont make much sense. You must be a supporter of buying Jap can cars. Not real American, tough cars like Ford. Shoot, I'd buy Chevy before you ever catch my American Made ass in a Nazi BMW or Jap car like Nissan. I'm a proud product of a dad who worked two jobs, 18 hours a day to keep me and my brothers fed and warm. My mom had polio and lost use of her legs. But she did what she could to give us a pure American childhood that made us respect and honor the great people who worked hard for their earnings. I worked hard 5 days a week for my bonus, just like others on this site did. We put our blood, sweat and tears into making a fine American automobile that has stood the test of time. God Bless America and God Bless American Made Automobiles.
  3. obama is gonna be the next great leader of the world. trust me
  4. when is the media going to realize foriegn doesnt mean better.
  5. I just moved right before Thanksgiving. I'm hoping that this wont cause the bonus to come later. I filled out all the change of address forms but you never know if something will slip through the cracks or goes through before the change is filed. Last year I got my bonus on the Monday after Christmas if that means anything to anyone. And get these trolls off this board. It's a joke that people waste their time doing immature things like this. Be productive with your free time! On a side note, I'm restoring a 1977 Mustang with my son. Basically having to work from the beginning but its a good chance for us to bond before he leaves to go to college at the University of Michigan. He saved some money and wanted to buy a Civic but I told him only girls and queers buys Hondas. --Bob American Made, est 1955
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