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Everything posted by Trufflebuns

  1. I hear ya. My plant closes in under 10 weeks.
  2. I believe you and it just points to more inequity and more PLANNED devision in our ranks.
  3. The "Union" has reduced themselves to nothing more than Paycheck Parasites. So far removed from the line that they don't understand the true meaning of physical exhaustion or what a measly few minutes of break time means to someone who walks the run everyday. It's over Folks. Good luck to ya all!
  4. What planet are you on? Our fitness center was locked up two years ago.
  5. I understand and Saline is supposed to comeback under the Blue Egg...What that means to the temps there, I don't know. (Many of them cut their chops at my plant, sitting at a picnic table watching us as we made the donuts every day for WEEKS.) Worst case, in my case, that is where I will have to drive. It's well over a 2 hour commute twice daily.
  6. My VERY self serving Plant Chair stated in an emergency meeting on Friday that there are '05's at Sterling, lowest on the eastside. Don't know if that helps. However, I know for a fact that there are '04's at DTP and Romeo. EDTA: Unless it is referring to the temporary workers at Saline...Another can of worms.
  7. Another "Thumbs Up!" for a TRUE Union Brother.
  8. I have the summation (a pirated copy) and the 60 page "Modifications to the UAW Ford 2007 National Agreement" that I strong armed my old committee dude (now IUAW) out of. Reading comprehension is a strong suit here. Not so much in the IUAW, I fear. So, what is this "36 page explanation" you speak of? Maybe all 42,000 members need it to peruse for a few days before the vote?
  9. To the union to payoff the obligations to the VEBA. Ain't big business a gas?
  10. A voice of reason and common sense in this sea of emotion and confusion. Thank you Brother.
  11. In a perfect world I would agree with you, but this is Ron Gutourfuture's world we are living in now. Bob and Ron are out the door and their retirement is secure with our yes vote.
  12. I'll set aside your name calling, for now, to explain to you the special set of circumstances that have converged to form the mother of all downturns for us, the UAW... Home equity - For most, GONE, VANISHED, upside down mortgage equals NOTHING to fall back on or look forward to. 401k - 301...201...101...ZERO balance for some. Contract Concessions - The very LAST nail in the coffin. Some will not even have a car to live in when the smoke clears. Now, let me know if I should dumb that explanation down for you further.
  13. Way to go, Bro! Do you have a few spare moments to educate the rest of the IUAW? (I know that's a huge task and a lot to ask, but...)
  14. Sweetie, if I wanted to be a man I would have used my med bennies years ago to do just that. ) I like my "girls" Wayyyy too much for that nonsense. Now, ya wanna thumb rassle?
  15. Thanks, I've always known my time was wasted on the line. Seriously, Bob's your Uncle has never and will never make time for the likes of me and if he did I still would only believe what I saw in writing. There really is something to be said for "black and white" in a court of law.
  16. Amen Bro! The rank and file is a diverse group and the sooner we all embrace that fact the better united we are.
  17. Oh, I am MORE awake than most of you. Have you pondered the thought that most of the concessions go into the UAW's pocket to fund the VEBA? I thought not.
  18. Exactly. So, will China recognize us as citizens or will we just be slaves and free labor?
  19. Stop nitpicking and read the message. Some folks have poor eyesight, others have a poor mindset. It's all good. Sincerely, Your UnStepford Sister
  20. WOW!, just..., Wow. No fucking wonder the rank and file is a lost cause with IUAW reps of your caliber on our side.
  21. Precisely, we will never get back what we give up today, IF, a big IF, the company doesn't declare bankruptcy. I believe all of the B3 will declare. It's been planned. That will break the UAW and all those dollars will roll into the pockets of do nothing salary. Remember Folks, these concessions only amount to a cost savings for the company of $1.6bil for 2 and a half years...(note, proper ellipsis), a drop in the bucket, a way to fund the "set aside" salary bonuses and payout scheduled for 2010. Yeppers, my Blue Collar friends, our White Collar overseers will be cleaning out our piggy banks while our gubment gives the company tax breaks to employ Iraqi refugees for $5 an hour. (A tad more "history repeating" for you to digest.) In short; Labor will always take it sideways on the ingress. There is always someone more needy willing to do more for less and your tax bill will still be due April 15th. God Bless America!
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