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Everything posted by drphil

  1. We all know that every time they have a joint company and union where something is given to employee's and any union functions that all the union so called leadership go in and suck up all the leftovers. We had one where everyone was supposed to get a gift certificate for Chiefs supermarket for meat or a turkey well low and behold they supposedly ran out of gift certificates and went to get more now they know how many people work in the plant so pretty sure they didn't really run out in the middle of dayshift. But guess probably a third of us didn't get our turkey / meat. I am sure that all the union leadership ate great all year. Same thing goes with any other union function order double then they divey the rest up between themselves. I am sure that it makes up for all the sacrifices they made representing us for their terms.
  2. call JG Wentworth it's your money use it when you want to!
  3. Well it's good to see Adolf is doing a great job. Has anyone ever seen Adolf other than pictures in the plant newsletter. Slap away! Has anyone seen a first time visit for getting slapped by a coworker at their plant?
  4. Yeah crybabies. Own it! Adolf and Captain obvious are right nobody cares what you think.
  5. Millwrights only will be training with tinners and pipe fitters to eliminate those trades and gain more overtime.
  6. This just in Adolf is currently negotiating all trades but Millwrights, Electricians and Machine Repair off the floor. Even wants welders laid off and sent back to production. Adolf claims Millwright is the only real trade. He is looking to eliminate all red circled trades to gain more overtime for the big 3 Millwright, Machine Repair and Electricians.
  7. Yes the "Tier-1 employees" are superior due to them working for more than 30 or 40 years and still not able to retire because they are 55+ years old and have a 5 year old at home and a ex wife waiting for him to retire so she can get her cut of his pension. So yes that makes them very smart so I will say that it is not a stretch that a new hire has to train them how to do their jobs. We even have some people that transferred to our plant that almost 40 years in and drive 150+ miles every day. So yes I do believe you.
  8. Yeah obviously what a great auto worker. Duh
  9. Yeah obviously what a great auto worker. Duh
  10. Thought that was only for people that are in the union or related to someone in the union. In a socialist environment this is the standard quo
  11. Where did you get your information or did you just make it up?
  12. What are they reskilling them to do be millwrights
  13. Awesome reply jumpercable! That kind of thinking might catch on someday. Hopefully it won't be too late. We can make up the difference in labor rates compared with Mexico just by being more productive and being educated in technology. We can use the best equipment and be more efficient because it will not take a army of engineers and floor supervisors to tell everyone what to do. When you eliminate the need for floor engineers and supervisors the savings from that alone would put us in the forefront of efficiency and cost compared to most plants in the world.
  14. Okay I see. Someone always dropping their pants showing their ass and small package to everyone. Nice hat too! Usually this is a person that is a closet homosexual that acts Macho to cover for his lower intelligence and inability to conform to the normal standards of society. In my professional opinion.
  15. By the way do you have any good deals on hotels in Detroit?
  16. Thanks Captain Obvious! You are also very observant and well informed in a sarcastic way! Two thumbs up for you from Dr Phil
  17. Your right fuzzymoomoo! Rouge Welder you're going to have to own it. Make sure you fact check before you post bad information there are a lot of auto workers that think everything on the Internet is true
  18. Yes I agree kojak about 2 dum and gay goose. I think oldenuff2nobetter is also 2 dum.
  19. Haven't heard much out of the millwright spokesman or his friend the fat lady no singing yet. He must be planning his next great conspiracy theory? You show'em dont forget the sandwich.
  20. Either that or ole Hiney got ahold of him. I think he must have fallen stuffing one of those sandwiches in his mouth. Think he needs some shades to go with his backwards hat then he can be a rapper. Snoop Dogg and 2-dumm! I love it!! I love it!!
  21. Yes I am sure it is fun for you with your small underdeveloped mind. I'm glad you love it. It shows me how simple you really are. Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?? Well have fun playing blocks tonight and stay out of the cookies!!
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