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  1. And people complain about things at AAI when we brought in the second shift a few years ago. They couldn't wait to get out of there. We just need to get rid of our chairman and b.c.'s!
  2. You would be surprised how many would return. And for good reason!
  3. This may sound like a little issue to many at the moment, but at last month's Local meeting our ``highly skilled`` FINANCIAL SECRETARY-TREASURER attempted to pass a BY-LAW CHANGE that ``ONLY UNION ACTIVIST WILL GET A WATCH WHEN THEY RETIRE``! Luckily, those who happened to attend the meeting voted this BY-LAW CHANGE down. This guy treats the membership worst than Management.
  4. I think only time will tell what the real outcome will be. I for one, do not trust our local and IUAW to do what is right for the membership at this point. With the ``RUMORS`` of Sommerville getting appointed to the International adds more into the mix. I think we just have to sit and wait to see what comes of the issue. This is a very stressful time for everyone. I hope this all works out well for everyone.
  5. I would like to know how many people would like to see restrictions placed on the Officers of the IUAW? For example, NO MORE REOPENING THE CONTRACT WITHOUT MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL. With all of the concessions we gave up in the last few years, it seems like a good Idea. The upcoming Delegate Convention would be a great time to add this. Any and all opinions welcome.
  6. Mr. Deflep1 OR should I call you steve munafo?? That has always been your problem, you think you know more than everyone else. As a BC you would KNOW that we are going to 1 shift. Hell, management told me this a few weeks back. Look for March being the date for now. You are part of the problem at AAI. And you NEVER got laid off from the plant 10 years ago when we went to 1 shift. Looks like to just lost some IQ points. Maybe you should ask your friends NOT to give out your screen name. They talk too much. Enjoy the rest of your term.
  7. I hope your right Hodgy. The word I heard today is that Stupidville and Browning are trying to keep those people at Saline for Political reasons. Seems they don't like some of the flyers and articles that were published concerning the concessions. Too dam bad what they don't like. They screwed things up, not us! Maybe they both should step aside from their COMPANY POSITIONS and let us find someone who will work for us not against us!
  8. AAI was down for the first 3 weeks in Nov. due to installing new robots in the Paint Department. Nobody got their Sub pay on time. Channel 7 was at the plant at the start of the night shift to cover the story. I find it very hard to believe that this was an accident by management not to submit the proper paperwork for the whole plant on time. The entire plant was very pissed off over the issue. We have been told that the funds would be available to us on Dec. 1. Nobody in the union who worked during the layoff bothered to check into this to make sure people were going to get their sub pay on time!! This is unacceptable!!! AAI members deserve better service from our top leadership.
  9. Our Work Standards Rep hardy ever comes out to the floor. He has been quoted of saying `` that he doesn't want to get yelled at`` & `` he won't talk to anyone who has not had modapt training``. He sucks as bad our chairman! You are 100% correct about management watching the work habits of workers under the radar until it is time to make head cuts. I have seen this happen over and over. On the issue of the chairman going ``door to door`` to discuss the concessions, a friend of mine on the night shift informed me that NOBODY was on that shift to explain anything to them.
  10. It is happening in a few areas of the plant. For example, in Body Shop, they just came move work from 1 person to the next like they can in Final because you can't just move the stations around. So, what they did is this; We have say.... 3 stations next to each other using a person at each station. They took the operator in the middle station away, and making the two operators on the ends not only working their station, but also now REQUIRED to take turns in working the station in the middle where they took the person out of. This is very new at AAI. I have never seen anything like this before. Management still wants the same amount of cars with 2 people as they did with 3. Stupidville and Company has allowed this to happen. As for him going person to person trying to sell the concessions, B-shift has reported that NOBODY came out to them to explain anything about the concessions. Yet, our so called Chairman has gone to other plants trying to sell it.
  11. Not only has Stupidville lied to us over and over, he also brought AAI the ``SHARED WORK`` concept! Nobody has any respect for the man. He needs to go!
  12. Remember to vote for someone else in 2011!! These guys SUCK!
  13. I have to agree with you on that. Garry works for John, not the membership. Dave would have won re-election easily if he would have ran. He felt that HIS BC's stabbed him in the back. Which they did. It is time to take a stand at AAI!!!
  14. AH! Stupidville wouldn't know any dam thing! The man is terrible!
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