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Everything posted by EvilTwin

  1. It's not the act of swearing that can get you fired but the why and to who that can get you fired. I know a plant chairman that called a woman the "C" word and he got forced to retire. Which isn't being fired but it is kinda.
  2. If there are openings they;ll have to follow the hiring heiarchy. Period
  3. I found out that the Grievance is still active and just recently was moved up to stage 3.5. Don't know if that's good or bad but it hasn't been killed yet.
  4. These are Ford skilled workers that were working temp jobs at Ford facilities. That are represented by the U.A.W.
  5. I'm going into the Vandyke plant today with a copy of the original grievance. I'll let you know any info I get.
  6. At Utica Trim 100% have put in for the buy-out. But there is only one guy left. He's a P/F and there will not be a 1 for 1 replacement. LOL
  7. Yes, I know the feeling...I worked at VD for a year and a half as a temp before being let go last fall.
  8. Thank You to all for correcting me and also thanks for the info.
  9. Disregard this post....I saw a list today that shows no P/F's working production at MAP. Is there a way to delete a post that you started?
  10. Does anyone know how many P/F's are working production at MAP and will there be any job opportunities their for P/F's when the 3rd shift get started.
  11. Arkansashog, Are there any rumors as to how they will fill the need for the other 4?
  12. Sorry, the bump is not confined only to zone 1&2. It would be company wide with zone 1&2 combined into a single zone for this step only.
  13. High seniority on I.L.O. would bump low seniority that is working in both zones 1 & 2 to Chicago. But IMO the Union will not go in this direction and will not hire off the street until all fitters are back to work. So i'm sure the Union is hoping like hell that the "Buyouts" will make enough room for everyone so it becomes a non-issue.
  14. I'm not sure of the numbers but I think they asked for 7 or 8 and only got 3.
  15. IMO, there won't be many postings for skilled trades until after the buyouts are near completion. The bigger question is How will the P/F shortage be fill at Chicago Assembly? Will they be hired off the street or will they be forced through the hierarchy?
  16. If Indy is out of zone for CAP than Web is correct....active employee's will not be asked until step 6 of the heirarchy. Also, step 5 gives the guy who is from a closed plant and cannot backfill to anywhere, an opportunity . I understand that high seniority should get first dibs but should this guy stay laid-off while someone with lower seniority takes the backfill job? If your from a closed plant there has to be a lifeline somewhere or he'll never get placed.
  17. I doubt the electrical trade will have a problem with job placement. Many electricians would have liked to taken the last buyout offered but weren't allowed to, so I expect a few will take this new offer. But yes, they could have done a transfer from the closing plants first and then backfilled with temp electricians at the closing plants.
  18. P/F's won't be offered jobs in Chicago yet because the hiring hierarchy for that trade has gone to the step were they force low seniority out of zone to fill those jobs. In other words, the 30 or so P/F's in the Detroit area still looking to get back on their tools would in turn force low seniority in the Detroit area to Chicago. The Union doesn"t want this step to happen so they'll wait to see how much room is made with the buy-out offers first.
  19. That's step three with a shit load of people who also get step3 even though they have a job ....your screwed. RIGHT THIS WRONG.
  20. As far as I can see the only changes were that there is a separate hierarchy list for skilled and production. Also skilled working production goes to the #2 spot in their hierarchy. And active ford workers at an ach plant is now included with the in-zone placement. #2 on the production list, #3 on the skilled list.
  21. I've reread the hierarchy and if your from a closed plant your first opportunity for a job comes in at step #3...in-zone posting...the only problem is I haven't seen a step #3 job offer in my trade in my zone in the 4 yrs I've been looking and even if i had they would get eaten up by any high seniority tradesman in zone that has an I.L.O. at his plant. After that the next offer is an out of zone offer where the high seniority tradesman again would have first crack at the job as long as there is an I.L.O. at his plant. this has happened once in my trade. The high seniority got the jobs then were backfilled with low seniority people I.L.O.ed from their plant. Leaving the guy who has been laid-off for years on the street because he is from a closed plant even though he has more seniority than the backfill guy. If your from a closed plant your screwed.
  23. I believe this union has done a great job and bargained their asses off, getting some badly needed commitments from the company but I emplore them to return to the table and get some real language on this next contract that will get the long term I.L.O.'s back to work. Not just hope that enough people will take a buyout and hope that the company replaces them. If your from a closed plant, you are way to far back in the hierarchy to ever get placed. Do something for the guy's that are in real dire straits. It's a simple addition.
  24. I believe this union has done a great job and bargained their asses off, getting some badly needed commitments from the company but I emplore them to return to the table and get some real language on this next contract that will get the long term I.L.O.'s back to work. Not just hope that enough people will take a buyout and hope that the company replaces them. If your from a closed plant, you are way to far back in the hierarchy to ever get placed. Do something for the guy's that are in real dire straits. It's a simple addition.
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