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Everything posted by EdselBryantFord

  1. It is not economical to run one shift at a plant, KC might be in trouble of closing, save a new product, or greatly increases Fseries Volume, highly unlikely with gas and economy. With Fseries sales in the 400-500k range two plants are more than enough to build an ample supply of trucks. Bernie isn't a company man so I am guessing he doesn't know what he is talking about, or what he said is long out dated, If DTP's C-Crew makes it through spring it is most likely going to stay on for a long time, consider how many people do the plant tours on the weekend, who wants to tour a plant when its not running? Sorry to paint a bad picture for all those employees at KC but reality isn't always pleasant, nor should it be ignored.
  2. open jobs? press releases say new jobs, reality is transfers from other facilities most likely.
  3. are you smarter than a half term governor?
  4. perhaps having half or more of the population flee its borders could have had some effect.
  5. one of these beauties was traded in on the cash for clunkers programs last year!
  6. 'civiy' civilan or a sector of our populace that isnt in the armed forces, that has lower risk when compared to someone who is enlisted, and either in action, or being drunk and suicidal in America as some one had illstrated earlier in this thread back to taxes though who pays them who gets them? do we count actual dollars that some one pays, or should we compare how much they pay to how much they make? does income tax count as tax? does sales tax? does social security?
  7. or any of the other countless government subsides that ride off my paycheck!
  8. how about the facts for nonenlisted? i bet they are different, those where the ones i was referring to, hence the 'not joining' part.
  9. you say tax breaks i say tax liabilities, all depends whos end your looking at yours the tax payer, or the government tax getter
  10. not sure the exact numbers, but after having a few medics on my team leave for active duty several times im guessing its quite a bit higher than not joining, and when coupled with the tax burden those injuries create seams like a lose lose situation
  11. sure a person making 100k pays three times as much of their income in SS, but a person making 1 million pays 1/30 of what the 30k a year person does on percentage basis. we can count dollars all day and millionaires do pay more, but there is less millionaires who pay little percentage of their income verses many poor, or less than 100k 50 k 30k or whatever cut off you choose that pay a larger percentage of their income. from the governments perspective those who pay more pay more end of story, but from the individual perspective the poor pay more of their individual assests. that being said lets give more tax breaks to the rich, because paying 3-5% is just unreasonable.
  12. how about the poor health choice of joining the army and getting injured?
  13. http://www.freep.com/article/20101209/BUSINESS0102/101209028/1320/Ford-plans-to-build-Escape-i
  14. I woke up late, but caught the tail end of Mark feilds talking about adding a second shift to louisville, are these KCAP employees?
  15. the bottom 47% pay a crap load of gasoline, alcohol cigarette and other sales taxes and not to mention they ay social security on 100% of their income, while any one who makes over 100k stops paying social security! the top 10% may pay more taxes but they also keep a lot more usually only paying 5% of their incoem while the bottom of the barrel can pay 50% of their income
  16. agreed, unless your short handed and stuck on a job
  17. my team leader hates our relief guy, wont talk to him, or give him a piss break, i think he is jealous because he didnt sign up for the job
  18. the solution may not be in politics, but the action will be created by some one in politics, my guess is that we will strike first, or we strike after something happens, the something being quite possibly vague and unproven.
  19. strange we went 9.9 the other night, maybe we got our work done quicker
  20. maybe we should be alittle nicer and we wouldn't have to worry about bad thing we say coming back to haunt us.
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