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Everything posted by All-Or-Nothing

  1. So the cycle will continue to repeat and all hope is lost.......now I see.
  2. They share more blame than ANY President we have or have not liked. Some of those fools have been in office 30 years and things still haven't changed. The President doesn't really have all this power we want to say he does. He is merely the spokesperson for the U.S. on the World stage. He is the face of our Nation while Congress spins it's wheels and refuses to do anything sensibly. It ain't the President spending all this money. It's Congress. When was the last time they did a budget, voted on it and passed it....6 maybe 8 years. Until people realize that the President really is not the one running the counrty we will continue to put the blame where it shouldn't be.
  3. All this HATE for President Obama and not one thread about the 435 Complete Bozos in the House of Representatives and the 100 Complete Bozos in the Senate.
  4. Wonder why they didn't try to do the entire 26 miles on EV an just see how far they could go???
  5. Meh................ Even if the Supreme Court, Any court in the Nation, anyone tied into the judicial system in the nation said "You can't do this, you will go to jail for life"...and made a public nationwide simultaneous broadcast condemning anyone who does it. It will continue to happen anyways. You are sadly, sadly mistaken if you think somehow this kind of stuff will EVER be stopped or even slowed down. Wake Up.
  6. Hmmmm........Langston still in charge in here. As you were.....
  7. Hmmmm.......it's nice watching Langston school you President Obama haters..... :happy feet:
  8. Meh.....don't need to defend anything. I feel how I feel. Not like some revelation from either of us will suddenly change our view points. You keep crying and I'll keep laughing. Ha Ha.....keep the nonsense coming.
  9. Ha Ha.......you President Obama Haters just keep me laughing. Pure Co-Mo-Dee
  10. Looks good to me and the "General" public will think so too. This should keep it high on the sales charts.
  11. You guys will cry over anything. The commercials were funny and the cars looked good.
  12. Wrap it. I have wrapped my car 4 different colors now. Granted it's a lot cheaper to do here than stateside but it's easy, quick and not permanent.
  13. I love it. Better than that other crap they been showing.
  14. So the lesson for today......stay away from drive thru car washes.
  15. LMAO @ the President Obama Haters......I need a few laughs thanks.
  16. ...again I ask what does abortion have to do with these parents letting their children die.
  17. What does abortion have to do with the parents letting their kids die needlessly.
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