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Everything posted by americanmade

  1. Ahhhh yes, a pissing contest on who has more knowledge and education. Im guessing your a man with small girth and a premature trigger. Oh but keep spouting your superior knowledge to us silly little peasants. We are all humbled and impressed. No to raises! See how simple that is? I don't need a lecture on what opinion I should have.
  2. Final doesn't scare people. One plant is the same as the next. Most have worked final. And that seniority is incentive. There will be a lot of people retiring in the next ten years. So if you have 10 to 15 years in, you'll be top dog in no time.
  3. Glad you got out! You speak the truth. It is absolutley time to clean house.
  4. Its obvious that you are salary. Nothing wrong with that, sadly, I trust some of the salary people on the floor more than union. You however are one of the silly ones that have comtempt and disrespect for the line workers. Im not going to argue or defend anything with you, it would be a waste of both of our time. I just wonder, if we are beneath you, why bother reading and responding to us "low lifes," posts?
  5. Your in for a culture shock or slugs dont come here, we wont carry you. Come to DTP you whiners.You have only been in one plant and have no idea what other places are like. You couldnt handle it. There are brothers and sisters that have had to re-locate their entire lives and families from Norfolk or where ever else. You people are the ones in for a culture shock. The people coming, and oh they are coming, have been to 4 and 5 different plants and have had to deal with different locals, rules and management. They dont give a rats ass if you like it or not!
  6. This is the best post that I have ever read on this forum. Get um brother!
  7. Wow! Thank you for the inside information. Its very unsettling to learn just how heartless Ford executives are. They truly could care less about the workers. I dont want to get all "preachy" on here but, he who is first shall be last. When they stand before God, I wonder if how much money you have will matter or, if how many people did you hurt to enjoy your riches matter more.
  8. My sincere apologies for the mean spirited posts. Not all, infact most, (I hope) hourly, union workers do not feel this way. A few continue to make the rest of us look bad. I hope things turn around for you.
  9. Its easy for this guy to say, "stop whining" when he has always worked in a parts plant. You will find out what its like "dark blue" to work in an assembly plant real soon. Maybe you will have a different perspective. We all look forward to your arrival!
  10. Fantastic post! Have you ever attempted to call your international rep? Mine was very angry that I had the nerve to take up a few minutes of his time. I would drive 10 hours to show up for that vote.
  11. I couldnt agree with you more. By the way, DTP Nick is 150 pounds soaking wet and gossips worse than a woman in the plant. People from parts plant suck, they dont know how to work..etc etc. Not worth reading his posts.
  12. A friend of mine works in trim at DTP. She said they are always short on people on every shift. The jobs are so over loaded that they have to double up frequently so that they can get that almighty number. I guess the Co. defeats its purpose of saving money because they need 2 people to do one job. I also heard there are a lot of medicals and absence there. People must be getting pretty beat up and worn out.
  13. You will be welcomed where ever you end up. The majority of Blue workers have been kicked around and transferred to so many different locations, that a new face in a plant is a daily occurance. If I were dark blue at Saline, however, I wouldnt be telling people that when I arrived at a new plant. Dont let everyone scare you either about Final assembly plants. Yes the work is harder than a parts plant, but you'll adjust and life will go on.
  14. No Brother, it is not just you. Thanks for the smile!
  15. I have never visited the Blue Oval Forums until yesterday. I was hoping to find helpful information here. Instead all I see is bickering and personal attacks. Divide and conquer. White collar must be laughing their butts off when they read some of this nonsense. We are on our own here people. The union, local and international, has fallen so far away from the membership, that the last thing we should do is be enemies with each other. I dont know the solution but this is not it. Lets quit the hating please. Not all of us are about that and your making the rest of us look bad. We are far more powerful united. I know all of our stress levels have been very high for the last few years, rightfully so. I hope our lives get better. Dreading going to work everyday is a sad way to live. God bless all of you.
  16. Thank you for your positive feedback. All the negative and venomous hatred from some on this site is just sad!
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