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Everything posted by 4Real?

  1. Listen dumb ass. There is a great chance we DO GO OUT ON STRIKE! We have been negotiating a lot since 2007 with the Mods, so I think it is fair to say that after 3 fucking months of negotiations, we ain't getting anymore unless we go out on strike. You are living in a fucking dream world if you think the bargainers will get more at the table if you vote no. If you vote no, grab a picket sign dipshit.
  2. Team Leaders will have more responsibility you dipshit. This has been a proposal for a long time. Thank God they finally got it.
  3. Yep, you'd have to be a dumb ass to vote against this agreement.
  4. LOL Chucky you can't vote. You were fired, remember?
  5. LOL, same old chucky. How many names you got now? I see a lot of bullshit posts and they have Chucky written all over them. Loser! BTW, I will have a great Christmas with all the bonus monies negotiated on my behalf while you will have nothing. You don't work at Ford, you can't vote, your not in the union so you won't get anything. HAHAHA LOSER!
  6. Kottalis has found religion in jobs and investment-- "Am I completely happy with the contract? No. But as I am looking at the big picture, these investments at the Rouge site ...are huge," Kottalis said. "And these bonuses are unheard in today's day and age." Maybe Gary will wake up and find the light.
  7. This is a good agreement, we all should be happy. But, we have dumbfucks like YOU who complain about bullshit all the fucking time on this site. Yep, we should stop so you dumb ass motherfuckers can bitch about a good contract on BOF constantly. FUck that and Fuck you.
  8. It will make our spoiled dumb ass losers brethren think they did something worthwhile. Yep, it will be great when we are on the picket line for $200 a week. Yep, I will remember those fuckers if I am forced out on strike and have to give up this great agreement.
  9. Hi Chucky, man you constantly get on this site even though you were fired and can't vote. LOL, dumb ass!
  10. Yep, Collective bargaining does work and it works well in this agreement.
  11. The asswipe tried to back out of his statements. LOL! What an ass.
  12. The UAW has come up with such a great contract--jobs, money, increased Entry Level wages and benefits, increases in our benefits. At CAP, the UAW did right with the LTS workers (thanks Grant!! Great job, the IUAW does listen!). To my buddies at the plant, we are going to the Bears--Lions game on November 13. I already bought the tickets off StubHub. And after the Bears kick the Lions ass we are going to Morton's. All my treat, but I may have to cut you off the drinks--lol. Merry Christmas Everybody and thanks UAW!
  13. WOW! You know Field Marshall Dorkowicz asshole is still puckered from that! Is there any way we can watch the membership meeting on the contract? That will be fun.
  14. Bringing work from Mexico to OHAP. That is a good deal.
  15. We would have to be a bunch of dumb asses not to think there wouldn't be a strike if this was voted down, but also that the company would just sit there and take it. We have a bunch of dumb fuckers like Walkowicz and his SOS clowns who have their heads up their ass. If there is a strike, I hope Ford takes all the fucking work from DTP first and ships it elsewhere. Let's see Gary then, fucktard.
  16. You are right Twincam. We will get 60% now and another good chunk when we file tax returns. Quite often that gives us another 20-30%, so we are getting a lot of cash. Too bad some of these dumb fuckers don't have a brain.
  17. I was wondering when "president in exile" General Dorkowicz would start posting. Hey, get a life asshole! We got jobs and we got money, we got more for Entry Level and increased benefits. So, stick it up your ass, Gary!
  18. I know some who have waited for $100k. No doubt they will be leaving.
  19. I see a few dumb ass fuck clowns just saying "Duh, I am voting no." Fucktards. There are many good reasons to vote yes, but I even gave you fuckheads a no vote. So, show us what you are made of!!!
  20. You would either have to be mentally retarded or a fucked up ass clown to vote no on this contract. And I apologize in advance to anyone who knows mentally retarded individuals because I understand they are a lot smarter than the fucked up ass clowns who claim they are voting no.
  21. Good idea. If you listen to the dipshits on this site, you'd think we were sent to the gulag! Great contract and we get a bunch of assclowns on this site bitchin.
  22. I agree with you 100%. This looks real good. Too bad we have a lot of morons on BOF. I think its where the moron perverts hang out and get excited over bashing the uaw.
  23. I didn't think I stuttered you retarded fucker! It will be interesting to see if you Gary loving morons will vote down the $359 Million investment coming into DTP and the more than $900 million coming to the Rouge. Man, those Highlights are great! Yes, tell your co-workers and neighbors you are going on strike for $200 a week and turned down huge investments and jobs at almost every US plant. That will go over well, you fuckhead.
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