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Everything posted by novotingit

  1. Inflation was definitely not considered in this current agreement.. This is why It gets a no vote from me.
  2. This not true, the current contract tentative agreement does not benefit the membership in it's current state. None of the concessions have been given back that were promised to us by "mouth" of the company itself. They said when we would become profitable again we would gain our concessions back and this agreement has not offered anything remotely close to giving back anything we gave up for the past 10 years at Ford. Much of the fine print has been left out of this agreement for us to see. Many pages redacted or left out leaving the membership to wonder what fine print is really there. Canada has already agreed to a contract and was voted in a long time ago. Our contract agreement presently on the table has nothing to do with Canada or Mexico. The 6,000 signing bonus is $4,300 after taxes, and for a family of 3 or 4, pays for one month's mortgage, food and some bills. Not nearly enough to keep us in the middle class. The 1,500 economic growth payments = $900 after taxes, not enough to pay for even one month's mortgage, food or bills. Not nearly enough to keep us in the middle class. The new profit sharing formula still needs to be looked at and changed to a flat rate percentage of profits and the same mounts given to all members across the board. The 18 month rolling AWOLS should have been changed back to 12 months. This is not reasonable or fair for people that just can't make it to work every single day. Vacation time policies for DTP should be looked at, people should be able to take their vacation or personal days anytime they want. Break time minutes that we gave up should be given back to us. Why should I make 250 more trucks for the company and not get the profit from it? Limitations on Sub pay should taken off, so that weather you have 1 year in or 30 years in you get the same amount of sub pay everyone else gets. COLA should be given back, if the company can pay us lump sum payments to catch up with cost of living, COLA can be added back, the economy dictates this right now. There is no 3% raise per year for the membership or retirees in this agreement. Our fathers, grandfathers and mothers got us their jobs, we should take care of them. This contract does not hold the UAW accountable for the wrong things done at plant level. There is no accountability in this contract for poor representation. The cost of co-pays should have been reduced in this contract. If I have to pay 10% to fund VEBA, I want my co-pays reduced from 25.00 back to 10.00 per office visit. Job commitments for 2007 should be implemented before you preach job commitments in 2012. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Trades should be sent back to trades to make the trades wages. Buyouts should be available for anyone that wants to leave, same price across the board and vehicle discount vehicle vouchers should be given to those with 28 years or more. This is being voted down as we speak by many of the plants. Yes we want more money!. Voting NO on this Deal.. Also the people above have just joined this forum, they are company coolaid drinkers, and they are trying to push a yes vote. This contract does not deserve one.
  3. why do you keep inferring that I was fired you piece of shit fist fuck. I was not fired you dumb ass, and I have reported you on here to the OP for saying that in other threads and now in this one. You don't know who I am so get the fuck off my pie hole with those lips.
  4. Gary was being sarcastic cause he knows and we all know he could have gotten a better deal for the membership.. Gary W. isn't in the pockets of big business (ford) he isn't a person that will cave in and just go a long with the norm. He fights for membership rights and fair treatment for all. This contract is a no vote, and I'll bring my own pencil. If we were under Gary's leadership as IUAW president here is what we would have: 20k Signing Bonus Break Time Back AWOLS back to 12 months Fair Profit Sharing Formula Monday after Easter back No limitations on Sub Pay COLA back 3% yearly raise for all members and retirees I could go on and on.. Tell me how the company could hurt by giving this to us?
  5. The UAW will never fight to get AWOLS back to a year because even tho they are there to represent us and help us, their attitude about coming to work is the same. DTP has no compassion for people that are on their last leg and can't make it in yet they allow all these women to take time off and go get their kids and leave the plant. I also agree that the AWOLS should go back to a year.. How the hell can anyone stay employed with this policy? it's almost like the IUAW and company want to just make it tough for people so they can terminate them for taking days off. Sorry but our lives with the treatment we get doesn't revolve around the plant, especially when some of us have to drive 50 miles each way to get to work.
  6. As I was saying, nice try "itsmeuaw" in trying to write a 10 page book to deflect my comments about going on strike and too try and to get people to scroll to the bottom so they don't read what I posted, so I'll repeat: First of all we will not go on strike, I think people reading my comments must think I am ignorant of the process, I know the process, but it's about time we did have a strike, our IUAW won't get what we want for us, so a strike would really send a message. Simply a word of a strike will worry the company. Being that 99 percent of the membership buy's a Ford, Ford would be hard pressed to refuse some type of better deal knowing that we all buy their vehicles and if they send any further jobs outside the country we will not buy them. Do you think Ford want's to push away the hand that feeds them? hell no. 2nd, If your neighbors are buying Honda's and Fiats and shit then it's up to you to educate them on buying American, and if my neighbor was a Ford engineer driving around in a Fiat or Honda, I would make sure I tell him/her off about that and wouldn't have nothing to do with them for I do not allow any non American auto maker's car in my driveway or even out in front of my house. I am a strong opponent against people driving foreign cars in this country just like they are with us in their countries. As for all the IUAW people coming in here and blasting people for their opinion's (and you know who you are) isn't it against the bi-laws of the contract to be doing this? Trying sway the vote in your favor would be grounds for removal of yourself from your office correct? As for Gary W. his message is loud and clear, and is supported. We want back our give backs. We also want a rightful share of the profits for the last 3 years, we also need to get our grievance before the contract is voted on. I personally want my break time back. Why should the company profit on 250 more vehicles for me giving up 6 minutes of my break then turn around and not give me a fair share of the profits??? wtf.. I'll be Voting NO
  7. First of all we will not go on strike, I think people reading my comments must think I am ignorant of the process, I know the process, but it's about time we did have a strike, our IUAW won't get what we want for us, so a strike would really send a message. Simply a word of a strike will worry the company. Being that 99 percent of the membership buy's a Ford, Ford would be hard pressed to refuse some type of better deal knowing that we all buy their vehicles and if they send any further jobs outside the country we will not buy them. Do you think Ford want's to push away the hand that feeds them? hell no. 2nd, If your neighbors are buying Honda's and Fiats and shit then it's up to you to educate them on buying American, and if my neighbor was a Ford engineer driving around in a Fiat or Honda, I would make sure I tell him/her off about that and wouldn't have nothing to do with them for I do not allow any non American auto maker's car in my driveway or even out in front of my house. I am a strong opponent against people driving foreign cars in this country just like they are with us in their countries. As for all the IUAW people coming in here and blasting people for their opinion's (and you know who you are) isn't it against the bi-laws of the contract to be doing this? Trying sway the vote in your favor would be grounds for removal of yourself from your office correct? As for Gary W. his message is loud and clear, and is supported. We want back our give backs. We also want a rightful share of the profits for the last 3 years, we also need to get our grievance before the contract is voted on. I personally want my break time back. Why should the company profit on 250 more vehicles for me giving up 6 minutes of my break then turn around and not give me a fair share of the profits??? wtf.. I'll be Voting NO
  8. They don't aim low, they just don't aim at all, if they did, then you wouldn't get everyone in here coming in with a no vote attitude, nice try solid house pusher. BTW I personally know 6 people outside of BOF that don't have a computer that's voting no.. now if every worker knows 3-6 people voting no, I think we'll be on strike and it's about time.. get it all now up front while we can, we may not be alive in 10 years, ford will still be making vehicles don't worry. Why worry about today when you got "tomorrow's product commitments" again. lol
  9. Yeah and if we keep voting yes every 4 years on the first deal that comes a long we just keep losing. Man your argument is meaningless and ignorant. Go ahead and vote yes you dumb ass, see what you get on the next contract that comes a long. Keep giving them concessions. A 2 week strike would put this company right where they belong, "In Our bargain seat". Yes then we will have the real bargaining power. Also stop putting words in Gary's mouth, he didn't state that this contract was good at all so stop saying that to try and sway the no voters.. Go clock in for the solid house, the street lights are on time for coolaid.
  10. He was most likely laughed at and told to get the f**k out or told off by a lot of people, usually when they make an abrupt exit that means they got yelled at for pushing crap on us. The membership is not stupid anymore. I would rather strike and get half of what I lost back, then agree and get nothing at all which is what they are trying to push on us.
  11. When Gary's voice is heard at the voting polls next week, we will all thank him for fine leadership in sticking to his guns and standing up for the membership as a whole. I support Gary and his message. His voice is threatening the top leadership because one day he will be UAW president and they are worried. Worried that the middle class may prevail again in the auto industry. If our solidarity was strong like it was back in the 80's and 90's we wouldn't be jumping off the boat hog tied trying to catch a fish.. That's right the IUAW and company has us Hog Tied. We no longer have anyone but people like Gary to stand up for us. The IUAW won't do it cause they are just content on getting a yes vote instead of fighting to get back the things we lost. So what if we have to walk the picket line for 2 weeks! So what if you only make 200 bucks a week for strike wages! I SUPPORT GARY W. And I'll bring the charcoals and lighter fluid, we need someone to bring the pop, someone to bring the bread, someone to bring the hot dogs... VOTING THIS DOWN WILL GET US MORE $$$$$$ DO THE RIGHT THING VOTE NO People will finally hear your voice and we will become one again! Look at the PEOPLE protesting the fat money greedy cats of wall street, if we had 10% of the solidarity those people have we would all be reaping in 20k signing bonuses, COLA, regular raises, fair break times, fair working conditions etc. Lets stand up Next Week and show them who does the negotiating around here. ONE UNION - ONE ARMY - MIDDLE CLASS STRONG - THE UAW
  12. Funny how the "NO" vote topics are all pushed 2 pages into the forum now so nobody can read them!.. I'll bump it.
  13. No thanks on the new deal, I'll be a no vote.
  14. I'm on trades, and I'll be voting a big fat NO... I just hope all the ballots are counted properly. man you locals people and watch those boxes.
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