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Everything posted by caustic

  1. Good luck! The classes were fairly easy IMO, I'm sure the exam will be tough though. Any classification you're after?
  2. I'm almost done. I did mine online and I just need to finish one course then take the exam at HFCC. I'm sure it'll be quite a while before I get a chance though. Only have 3 years in but all good things come in time I suppose.
  3. Should be triple or double with a banked day, then again I don't know how their contract works.
  4. If you work 7 on 7 off are all 7 days off RDOs, or do they limit that as well?
  5. So you work 7 days, 12 hours. You only get OT after 10 hours? No OT for everything over the 40?
  6. I've heard a few trades guys saying that before. Not being a dick, so don't take this wrong. What would be a fair solution for he trades work schedule?
  7. I just see a lot of people put in a half ass effort, that's all. The few times I've voted(everything I've been able to in my 3 years) I haven't seen many people doing so. Out of my team alone only three of us voted on the national and local agreements. Several have said they didn't and won't vote in the future because their votes don't matter. Terrible attitude to have IMO.
  8. I'm sure. Childish it maybe sir but you get the point and I still find it hard to believe that close to 100% were accounted for and such low at other plants. Taking the polls to the voters in my opinion is pressuring people and that shouldn't be allowed.
  9. I voted no. Some of us new people we talking at work and a lot of us felt there shouldn't have been any waiting and the two raises you all were getting over four years should have been given at once, day one and the lump sum bonus should have been three, once a year, instead of just two. I still don't get how most plants had a 55/60% voter turn out and DTP, had almost 98%. Most fucks at DTP don't take the time to bathe let alone vote.
  10. I find it's more of us hourly employees that create the hostile work enviorment than management. Just sayin. I'm treated by most supervisors with respect and I've only been talked down to twice, I pushed back immediately both backed off. Now my team leader is a piece of shit wanna be manager that is so condescending and such an asshole that if I didn't have my two little ones, I'd be willing to throw this job away and whip his ass. Us real workers(you, myself, and the rest of us doing real work) need to fix the problems before anything will change. Higher seniority cannot continue to do what I see a lot of them do and that happen. Management doesn't give a shit about us and apparently neither do we. I know, we all started at the bottom blah blah blah. I have worked with this one old timer a bit, he's got 23 years, he does everything fair with me always. Some higher seniority guys dick the dog and try to make my life harder because "i don't have time in yet". The problem is the union, which is us, the union isn't the committee people, the assholes at the local, or the useless chairman. It's us. If more people voted in elections, at contract time, etc. it could be changed. If more decent people ran that'd help too. Two guys at work would make excellent union guys, they understand the contracts and take no shit. They look out for everyone. I asked why neither tried to get in as a committee man because they'd be great at it. Both told me the same thing with different words. "I couldn't walk into management's office and argue for someone that I know is a complete piece of shit that doesn't deserve their job." Maybe the first step in the right direction would be to enable the union to have less traction to save people that show up to work drunk or high as a kite. The attendance policy is a joke, 9 times before you lose your job? Shit like this keeps us all down, end rant. Sorry.
  11. No, you don't get paid but Ford does supply an endless supply of shit sandwiches.
  12. 4 shifts, 9 days a week, 15 hours a day, and company provided lunch.
  13. Welcome to Ford Motor Company, I'm just trying to get you used to dealing with your committee man. I'll look into your question and get back to you.
  14. That would make a person no different from 1/3 of the people in the plant.
  15. Congrats for that. I got hired in already broken. I'm liking this tuition assitance though. Hopefully one day I can be out of here and not have to worry about that list.
  16. Ya I figure by the time I'd get close to the top of that list I'll be damn near 65.
  17. 1500 for active employees, 250 gift cars for retirees.
  18. Isn't that the performance bonus or whatever in June?
  19. I'm hardly anti union. Typical reply from anyone that wants to work next to people who want to work and not lazy pieces of shit that spend more effort getting a medical restriction than their actual job requires. Just because I am ashamed I have to call some of these slugs my union brother/sister doesn't mean I'm anti union.
  20. Fired? Hell I have never even seen someone get marked late.
  21. I bid on the job I currently have. I'm not tied to the line. You can take your old timer "get some seniority" rhetoric and shove it up your ass. My whiskers are grey and patience for incompetence is thin. Lazy people will complain about a time keeping system, those of us that don't mind showing up every day on time, staying over for start up, picking up an extra day won't whine about it. You can feel like the man is squeezing you, that's your opinion and I can see how it could be valid. From where I stand this system takes time reporting out of someone else's hands and puts it in mine, I'll bank on myself over others all day long. Get another 7 years and retire or stay another 23, I don't care what you do but know this if a punch in and out system bothers you you might want to leave sooner than later. A lot of us new hires want the scumbags weeded out better than when your old man got you your job.
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