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  1. I'll believe it when I see it. On May 12, I received an email from "Ford Executive Office" stating that retail orders would be prioritized over dealer stock orders and they would not bypass build orders for completion over the orders coming on the assembly line. When I called and spoke to the rep for clarification, I was told that that meant they would complete the built trucks and the ones on the line would be built without chips.
  2. I too have seen a few visibility reports posted that say "In Storage". Also, today I have seen some that say "Micro chip at plant on hold"
  3. I really cannot even tell if Ford actually knows. I have been dealing with someone in the "Executive Office" and found out she is calling the sales manager at my dealership to get updates and there are none. I have been told that no stock orders will be built until the retail orders are completed yet dealers around me are getting stock orders, that were placed after mine, built last week and sold on the lot this week. The only excuse I can get is there is a chip shortage. My local dealer said they have had orders get delivered that don't even show that they have even been built in their system. I just find it hard to believe that a company as big as Ford and with as much inventory as Ford doesn't have any detailed tracking information or at least access to that information to provide to the "Executive Officer" or dealers.
  4. That directly contradicts what I have been told by Ford's "Executive Offices". I think that most people in the forums know more about what is going on in the company than they do. "The information I received was that they are prioritizing retail orders as the parts become available." "They are not bypassing built orders to build units currently on the line." Complete lines of PR BS.
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