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Why Do They Need To Change the Country?

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You know I'm sitting here watching slick Willy on Fox, who of course is predicting an Obama win, and saying that come tomorrow they will have to get started about the business of "changing the country". I got bad news for the politicians, the country doesn't need to be changed, Washington does. This is not just a rant against Barack the gianormous socialist Obama either. I've seen John McCain with his "change is coming" promises too. At least in the case of John I know that he is talking about chaning the way things are done in DC for the most part with respect to earmarks and what not. But with respect to Barack I hear him saying things like "In five days we are going to fundmentaly change America!" America doesn't need fundamental change Barack, Washington DC does. Most noteably we need to get elitist socialists like you out of office and I think we all know there are plenty of them on both sides. The point being, there is nothing wrong with America. America does not need to be changed, especially "fundamental" change. Government needs to realize that it is not the solution to a problem that does not exist and for those that do exist it is often the cause.

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You make a good point. I was thinking the other day, once this election is over and whoever wins has served their term, who wants to bet that the next candidate running against him in 2012 will be parroting the same garbage about "change"? I'm willing to bet that whoever wins, hardly a damn thing will be any different in 4 years.


Will the economy be better? Probably. Will we be out of Iraq? Quite likely. But what does the president really have to do with either of those things? Not much at this point. They are both inevitabilities.


Will we be paying less in taxes? Doubt it. Will everyone have health care coverage? No. Will illegal immigration be stopped? Fat chance. Will the federal government slash spending? Don't make me laugh. Neither candidate is going to change any of that.


This election is a loss for the American people, no matter who wins.

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You know I'm sitting here watching slick Willy on Fox, who of course is predicting an Obama win, and saying that come tomorrow they will have to get started about the business of "changing the country". I got bad news for the politicians, the country doesn't need to be changed, Washington does. This is not just a rant against Barack the gianormous socialist Obama either. I've seen John McCain with his "change is coming" promises too. At least in the case of John I know that he is talking about chaning the way things are done in DC for the most part with respect to earmarks and what not. But with respect to Barack I hear him saying things like "In five days we are going to fundmentaly change America!" America doesn't need fundamental change Barack, Washington DC does. Most noteably we need to get elitist socialists like you out of office and I think we all know there are plenty of them on both sides. The point being, there is nothing wrong with America. America does not need to be changed, especially "fundamental" change. Government needs to realize that it is not the solution to a problem that does not exist and for those that do exist it is often the cause.



I think Americans need a few changes:


The changes that Americans should do are:


Save more of your income.

Borrow less money.

Expect less out of government and expect more out of yourself

Buy more USA products


The problems we now face didn't all come from Washington. A lot of it came from "Main Street".

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I think Americans need a few changes:


The changes that Americans should do are:


Save more of your income.

Borrow less money.

Expect less out of government and expect more out of yourself

Buy more USA products


The problems we now face didn't all come from Washington. A lot of it came from "Main Street".


But much of the blame for that mentality can be laid on Washington. It was the government that told Americans over and over that they didn't need to save their income, borrow less money, expect less from the government, or buy more USA products. Big Brother is going to take care of you! Don't worry about a thing, America!! :banghead:

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The two approaches I'm taking is assuming the Fed Reserve will try to print themselves out of the massive budget and trade deficits, and the huge amounts of debt on the books of the Federal Government. That will lead to a large drop in the U.S. dollar, which will lead to inflation at best, or hyperinflation at the worst.


We are by far the largest creditor nation in the world, and the rest of the world will eventually realise we are not the good credit risk we used to be. An Obama or McCain administration will continue to try to prop up the housing and credit bubble, which is the exact opposite of what should be done.


The approach to consider


- take on as much long term fixed rate debt as possible - you can pay it back with cheaper, nearly worthless U.S. dollars.


- invest overseas in foreign stocks denominated in non-U.S. currencies as a hedge against the drop in the U.S. dollar.


- as a last resort, if you believe in worst case scenario - buy gold.

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I think Americans need a few changes:


The changes that Americans should do are:


Save more of your income.

Borrow less money.

Expect less out of government and expect more out of yourself

Buy more USA products


The problems we now face didn't all come from Washington. A lot of it came from "Main Street".

People used to save, the government and the Fed intervened and artificially lowered interest rates which made it not worth saving.


Same as above, they made cheap and easy credit.


Start to follow the Constitution and we would have a government about 75% smaller. I don't expect anything from them.


I'd bet people would buy more USA products if government was fixed. Prices of them would come down if we got rid of all the silly regulations and the costs of complying with them. There would also be less taxes in the price if we took care of government and made it as small as it should be.

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I think Americans need a few changes:


The changes that Americans should do are:


Save more of your income.

Borrow less money.

Expect less out of government and expect more out of yourself

Buy more USA products


The problems we now face didn't all come from Washington. A lot of it came from "Main Street".


Yes that is a good place to start

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