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After bashing the union all day today I realized that they do not give a fuck about the average worker. You people all stick up for Ron and the union's decisions yet they are looking for every loophole to fuck us. I know we have to give to keep the company, but the company is not giving shit. Instead of getting rid of ETAP which we would have to vote on they are suspending ETAP so we do not have to vote on it. Why? Why give up anything when Mulally isn't giving unless we use the funds. I know you will all say to get the funds but that is bullshit. Ford is just jumping on the union bashing bandwagon and taking whatever they can when we are the most afraid. The union has allowed this time and time again. When the buyouts first came out our union reps were telling people they could not influence our decisions, but it is really scary. That statement scared alot of people into the buyout, not me, but alot of people. Now with the possibility of more job losses they are playing on our fears that we have to give up things that the men before use, some better men than the ones currently in office, fought so hard to get us. Please do not get me wrong I love my job, my fellow union members and my benefits, but the days of working with the company have overshadowed the original beleifs of the union. Fight for the working man, fight with the company to get our benefits and keep them, but the new age UAW seems to give all the time while the company just takes. I say that enough is fucking enough. If this is the best the leadership can do we need better leadership or no more union.


I think you mean "moot" point

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Look, like it or not, it's called collective bargaining. There are shifts in the negotiating tactics, right now given the economy and the fact that every area of the economy is hurting puts the strength with the companies.

Add in trickle down effects, meaning with every area the economy hurting, we have people calling for those automotive people's head. Those "auto workers" make such a living....


It's like this, 2 wrongs don't make a right, because I'm being asked to give up compensation everybody should, it's sad but that's the way most American's feel. Same for some of our union brother and sister's, this person got busted for doing something wrong, what about so and so they do this all the time your singling me out. Boo Hoo 2 wrongs don't make a right.


It's collective bargaining, right now given the state of the economy and collective bargaining, the companies are trying to wrestle all the benefits they can from us, strike while the iron is hot. We need to hold together as a organization now more than ever. Going gets tough, tough get going.


They want ETAP we could turn it into something funded by company / union funds that the company can't touch. Shared sacrifice, how many members are willing to donate to their own future?

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It has been awhile since I posted on here, I now just read this post to see which one's I might be interested in responding to.


I find this thread very interesting, yet, worthy of a response. Here goes.


I think our International Leaders should listen to the member's before they make their decision's. Who knows, maybe someone in the UAW might have a great Idea. People on here that consistantly bash our union, yes, I said our union. You might not know this but WE ARE THE UAW. I myself have bashed my local union rep's and local leader's. Does it make it right? No! it does not. It does however make my stress level go down even if for a little while.


Should we take a pay cut, when our own CEO has done said he will not unless we use the Government fund's? I say no. Is it right for us to have any benefits cut or lost when our own IUAW leader's vote for a pay raise? Nay, I say. I think it is also unfair for those ignorant, uniformed Senators to talk shit about us when they use our tax dollar's to feed their families.


Question to all of you. " How much respect would those Senator's get if we all lost our jobs? "


They say that if the Big 3 goes bankrupt, then there is the risk of 3 million people loseing their jobs. I for one would not mind loseing my job over their ignorance. Think about it, million people filing for unemployeement. The states that these Senator's are from will have to pay all the people that lost their jobs. Not to mention the possibility of haveing upwards of 3 million homes forclosed on. Banks do not want your homes. How many cars would be repoed, they do not want these things as well. Credit Cards, people filing for bankruptcy, these banks that hold these cards can not collect interest on these cards.


As a union we can either post on here and bitch at every little thing the media spews or we can stand and fight the system. I say call the Governments bluff. Contact your IUAW reps and tell them, no way to pay cuts or anything else for that matter. Stand up and be heard.

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