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congress can't read


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congress again today passed a 1300 page bill with having it read to congress, gotta love the Dems.




there is no need for anyone to read it. it its about higher taxes and MORE government control of our lives, the the democrats are for it. just another sad day in america when the party in control cares more about the hoax of global warming than its working men and women.

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congress again today passed a 1300 page bill with having it read to congress, gotta love the Dems.




Higher taxes way to go boy's. Who voted for this out of control bunch? Ask Spain who has a similar

program on climate I believe there unemployment is well north of 14%. If you want to get people

buying raise taxes and make sure you raise the cost to produce goods. It should not shock anyone

these folks don't care about raising taxes, most of them don't pay them right Mr Obama??

Enjoy your 4 years in the White house we will be paying for them long after we vote your


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keep believing Rush and hannity's lies :hysterical::hysterical:

this bill will create millions of jobs in green energy here in the USA.The GOP is worried about there oil buddies and there oil stocks thats it.

u really think 219 congressman are going to pass a so called "even though its a damn lie" $3000 tax on every family?? :hysterical:

FUZZY math just like when Bush and the GOP stated that the Bush tax cut in 2005would cut over a $1000 per family but the reality was if you were a millionaire u got over $20k but the avg. family making 50k got a tax cut of a whooping $20,, as in twenty bucks :hysterical::hysterical:

same fuzzy math that there using now. the GOP wants the economy to tank thats why there against everything that is good for America because they know this bill will reelect Obama....

how quickly u forget who put us in a unjust war as Cheney admits and costs us $150billion every year for 7 years now!!

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CBO projects it will cost the avg. family $175 a year not $3000 as those liars are saying....

and factor in that the rich will pay more as they have larger houses and boats and yachts so the avg.guy making 50 may pay about $50 a year but thats real close to the $3000 that the GOP says :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: As bob uecker would say""JUUUUUSSSSST another lie..................scare tactic..............

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CBO projects it will cost the avg. family $175 a year not $3000 as those liars are saying....

and factor in that the rich will pay more as they have larger houses and boats and yachts so the avg.guy making 50 may pay about $50 a year but thats real close to the $3000 that the GOP says :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: As bob uecker would say""JUUUUUSSSSST another lie..................scare tactic..............


spinning numbers only complicates the issue. its real simple. MORE GOVERNMENT CONTROL over our lives....its the liberal way.

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CBO projects it will cost the avg. family $175 a year not $3000 as those liars are saying....

and factor in that the rich will pay more as they have larger houses and boats and yachts so the avg.guy making 50 may pay about $50 a year but thats real close to the $3000 that the GOP says :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: As bob uecker would say""JUUUUUSSSSST another lie..................scare tactic..............



Ford worker apparantly you haven't stopped waiting on the gravy train that the Dumbos promised. the reality is this. up front to the avg family might be miniscual. the cost to business (you know the ones who make jogs) is another problem. their energy bills will sky rocket, right now you can look to Pelosibitch, T. Boone Pickens and especially GE to rake in billions. they are and have set up businesses to trade the carbon credits all under the guise of greening up America. Funny thing is you and me won't be able to pay our electric, natural gas or gas when this kicks in.


By the way have you seen any jobs from the Stimuless package, you know the other unread dumbo bill just recently passed.


You are such a tool.

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CBO projects it will cost the avg. family $175 a year not $3000 as those liars are saying....

and factor in that the rich will pay more as they have larger houses and boats and yachts so the avg.guy making 50 may pay about $50 a year but thats real close to the $3000 that the GOP says :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: As bob uecker would say""JUUUUUSSSSST another lie..................scare tactic..............


You're an idiot. Anybody that believes what a government organization tells you as the truth needs to have their head examined. Tell me something, by reading the garbage that the CBO puts out, did you get a free drink of Kool-Aid with it?

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You're an idiot. Anybody that believes what a government organization tells you as the truth needs to have their head examined. Tell me something, by reading the garbage that the CBO puts out, did you get a free drink of Kool-Aid with it?

oh i see its ok when the GOP and Bush use the CBO numbers but not when the dems use them!! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

GOP used the CBO for those tax cuts for the rich!!

the GOP is lying about that cost just wait and see u idiots!!!!!!!!!!!

oh i forgot the GOP never lies there the MORAL party the party of GOD... they never cheat on there wives or do bad stuff sorry i forgot that! :hysterical:

the GOP the party of the christian right :hysterical::hysterical:

2012 top candidates for the GOP are Sanford OOPS!!! Ensign OOPS!!! Romney OOPs hes a mormon he has no chance with the right wing none.

OhI know another Bush :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

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Ford worker apparantly you haven't stopped waiting on the gravy train that the Dumbos promised. the reality is this. up front to the avg family might be miniscual. the cost to business (you know the ones who make jogs) is another problem. their energy bills will sky rocket, right now you can look to Pelosibitch, T. Boone Pickens and especially GE to rake in billions. they are and have set up businesses to trade the carbon credits all under the guise of greening up America. Funny thing is you and me won't be able to pay our electric, natural gas or gas when this kicks in.


By the way have you seen any jobs from the Stimuless package, you know the other unread dumbo bill just recently passed.


You are such a tool.

oh I see noone will be able to pay there light bills :hysterical: your the rush hannity tool not me :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

as far as a bill that wasnt read do u mean the "home land security act" by Bush and the GOP :hysterical: that is still the most intruisive bill on Americans liberty and freedom EVER passed and Bush and the GOP shoved it down our throat!! or have u forgotten that the Republicans passed this BS!!

Edited by fordworker
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I just can't believe you want more government control? There was a little document our founding

father's came up with. Put it simple LESS GOVERNMENT, LESS TAXES. Has nothing to do with your

political party. How about the common sense party? Time will tell regardless of what hannity or rush say

raising taxes is stupid and never assume 212 so called leaders have there shit squared away they do

not live in the real world. Do you vote for your pay raise? Perfect attendance that day!! Wake up!!

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I just can't believe you want more government control? There was a little document our founding

father's came up with. Put it simple LESS GOVERNMENT, LESS TAXES. Has nothing to do with your

political party. How about the common sense party? Time will tell regardless of what hannity or rush say

raising taxes is stupid and never assume 212 so called leaders have there shit squared away they do

not live in the real world. Do you vote for your pay raise? Perfect attendance that day!! Wake up!!

FACT is Bush is the only 2 term pres. to leave office with the dow jones lower than when he took office. And he took office with a 4% unemployment rate and he screwed up our economy. U forget the GOP had control from 1995-2005 and they voted on a raise every year also. Plus when the GOP took control there were about 1,500 ear marks "PORK" projects and when they lost power in 2005 there was over 15,000 PORK projects. So Rush Hannity think there the party of fiscal responsibility with the GOP increasing PORK from 1,500 to 15,000!! Ya there right the GOP didnt just spend spend!! which is what they did.

Also explain how Clinton raised taxes on the RICH and the economy blossomed and the dow jones went from 3,400 to 10,800 in 8 years!! Or how the economy created 22 MILLION new jobs!! explain that!

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FACT is Bush is the only 2 term pres. to leave office with the dow jones lower than when he took office. And he took office with a 4% unemployment rate and he screwed up our economy. U forget the GOP had control from 1995-2005 and they voted on a raise every year also. Plus when the GOP took control there were about 1,500 ear marks "PORK" projects and when they lost power in 2005 there was over 15,000 PORK projects. So Rush Hannity think there the party of fiscal responsibility with the GOP increasing PORK from 1,500 to 15,000!! Ya there right the GOP didnt just spend spend!! which is what they did.

Also explain how Clinton raised taxes on the RICH and the economy blossomed and the dow jones went from 3,400 to 10,800 in 8 years!! Or how the economy created 22 MILLION new jobs!! explain that!


What the fuck does this have to do with what is going on now. You are still blaming everyone else. How bout getting in real time.


You can't name a Pres or congress that did any thing perfectly not one.


Another article for you. But to put it bluntly your messiah is fucking up. Deal with it.




The American Petroleum Institute sent a letter to Congress this week which claims that the Waxman bill "would mean gasoline at more than $4 per gallon" and that "the bill will cost Americans billions of dollars in higher costs, kill jobs and will not deliver the environmental benefits promised." The API note references a study done for the Black Chamber of Commerce that estimates the bill will result in a net loss of over 2 million jobs a year (net of added "green" jobs). The study also estimates annual drops in GDP of $170 billion in 2015, $350 billion in 2030 and $730 billion in 2050. In short, the API describes the bill as "fundamentally flawed."


The Heritage Foundation has weighed in with equally dire projections, claiming that the bill will reduce GDP through 2035 by $9.4 trillion, destroy on average 1.1 million jobs, raise electricity rates by 90% after adjusting for inflation, increase gasoline prices by 58% and hike an average family's energy bill by $1,241. At the end, they say the bill will add $28,728 per person to the federal debt.







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What the fuck does this have to do with what is going on now. You are still blaming everyone else. How bout getting in real time.


You can't name a Pres or congress that did any thing perfectly not one.


Another article for you. But to put it bluntly your messiah is fucking up. Deal with it.




The American Petroleum Institute sent a letter to Congress this week which claims that the Waxman bill "would mean gasoline at more than $4 per gallon" and that "the bill will cost Americans billions of dollars in higher costs, kill jobs and will not deliver the environmental benefits promised." The API note references a study done for the Black Chamber of Commerce that estimates the bill will result in a net loss of over 2 million jobs a year (net of added "green" jobs). The study also estimates annual drops in GDP of $170 billion in 2015, $350 billion in 2030 and $730 billion in 2050. In short, the API describes the bill as "fundamentally flawed."


The Heritage Foundation has weighed in with equally dire projections, claiming that the bill will reduce GDP through 2035 by $9.4 trillion, destroy on average 1.1 million jobs, raise electricity rates by 90% after adjusting for inflation, increase gasoline prices by 58% and hike an average family's energy bill by $1,241. At the end, they say the bill will add $28,728 per person to the federal debt.








For every Fox republican spun article, there is a MSNBC democrat spun article. Both parties are out for themselves, but to criticize Obama when he hasn't even been in office for half a year is just ridiculous. Obama will have to face the music, or take the praise in no sooner than 2 years. Hell, we even gave Bush a second term so he could screw up even more. Now that's were the dems screwed up by nominating John Kerry.


As for the dems for bigger govt, remember it was the Republican controlled white house and congress that signed the Patriot Act and formed the Department of Homeland Security. I'm sure the Founding Fathers wouldn't be too pleased with that either.

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FACT is Bush is the only 2 term pres. to leave office with the dow jones lower than when he took office. And he took office with a 4% unemployment rate and he screwed up our economy. U forget the GOP had control from 1995-2005 and they voted on a raise every year also. Plus when the GOP took control there were about 1,500 ear marks "PORK" projects and when they lost power in 2005 there was over 15,000 PORK projects. So Rush Hannity think there the party of fiscal responsibility with the GOP increasing PORK from 1,500 to 15,000!! Ya there right the GOP didnt just spend spend!! which is what they did.

Also explain how Clinton raised taxes on the RICH and the economy blossomed and the dow jones went from 3,400 to 10,800 in 8 years!! Or how the economy created 22 MILLION new jobs!! explain that!


Fordworker you need to get out more. If you believe that government is the only one that save us

I will buy you a ticket to China and you will see for your self. If you believe more government is the

answer It only proves our school system has failed. So sad. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Just do all of us a favor please do not have any children we have enough kids messed up and with

your ideas your kids would not have a chance.

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FACT is Bush is the only 2 term pres. to leave office with the dow jones lower than when he took office. And he took office with a 4% unemployment rate and he screwed up our economy. U forget the GOP had control from 1995-2005 and they voted on a raise every year also. Plus when the GOP took control there were about 1,500 ear marks "PORK" projects and when they lost power in 2005 there was over 15,000 PORK projects. So Rush Hannity think there the party of fiscal responsibility with the GOP increasing PORK from 1,500 to 15,000!! Ya there right the GOP didnt just spend spend!! which is what they did.

Also explain how Clinton raised taxes on the RICH and the economy blossomed and the dow jones went from 3,400 to 10,800 in 8 years!! Or how the economy created 22 MILLION new jobs!! explain that!

Edited by nemechek
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oh i see its ok when the GOP and Bush use the CBO numbers but not when the dems use them!! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

GOP used the CBO for those tax cuts for the rich!!

the GOP is lying about that cost just wait and see u idiots!!!!!!!!!!!

oh i forgot the GOP never lies there the MORAL party the party of GOD... they never cheat on there wives or do bad stuff sorry i forgot that! :hysterical:

the GOP the party of the christian right :hysterical::hysterical:

2012 top candidates for the GOP are Sanford OOPS!!! Ensign OOPS!!! Romney OOPs hes a mormon he has no chance with the right wing none.

OhI know another Bush :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:


Read my post again, kid. Did I anywhere mention either party? No! Republican or Democrat, doesn't matter. I wouldn't believe any of them if they said day was light or dark was night. They don't care on iota about any of us. We're just votes to them to keep their jobs. When they're running for re-election, they're our buddies and pals. As soon as they get into office, it's so long suckers, thanks for the memories. And don't let all this back and forth banter between the parties fool you. They're all in it together.

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oh I see noone will be able to pay there light bills :hysterical: your the rush hannity tool not me :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

as far as a bill that wasnt read do u mean the "home land security act" by Bush and the GOP :hysterical: that is still the most intruisive bill on Americans liberty and freedom EVER passed and Bush and the GOP shoved it down our throat!! or have u forgotten that the Republicans passed this BS!!


you should use more :hysterical: in your posts.

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Read my post again, kid. Did I anywhere mention either party? No! Republican or Democrat, doesn't matter. I wouldn't believe any of them if they said day was light or dark was night. They don't care on iota about any of us. We're just votes to them to keep their jobs. When they're running for re-election, they're our buddies and pals. As soon as they get into office, it's so long suckers, thanks for the memories. And don't let all this back and forth banter between the parties fool you. They're all in it together.

and u side with the GOP party! :finger: the same party that would rather that the big 3 go out of business/// the same party that rushed us to a unjust war with Iraq//the same party that would rather we import all our oil then pay top wages to american workers in the oil business/// the same GOP that wants to get rid of every union and give us health savings accounts... :hysterical::hysterical:

you memtiones the GOP with your logic :hysterical::hysterical:

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and u side with the GOP party! :finger: the same party that would rather that the big 3 go out of business/// the same party that rushed us to a unjust war with Iraq//the same party that would rather we import all our oil then pay top wages to american workers in the oil business/// the same GOP that wants to get rid of every union and give us health savings accounts... :hysterical::hysterical:

you memtiones the GOP with your logic :hysterical::hysterical:



uhmm, as I remember it was Bush that lifted the order of no off shore drilling. It was this administration that now says no. So Obama wants us on the dole for oil too. now he says we can use wind and sun but from everything I have that would acount for less than 25% of what we actually need.


Your saying national health care will be better than wha tyou have now. When Bama was asked if he would abide by what the new Health care said was allowed he denied and said he would seek the best possible care for his family. That tells me he doesn't care about you/me in the least. The point is get off your high horse and actually look at what is happening.


Funny now in that Nazi Germany had the same worshipers of Hitler and even when he loaded up the Jews they thought they were taking them some where else to live. To the Hitler couldn't do any thing wrong now we have you in the same vein with Obama.


You want to know the truth, follow the money it's out there just push away from NBC, MSNBC and ABC. General Electric, T Boone Pickens, Al Gore Nancy Pelosi will make millions of the cap and trade bill. YOU and I won't be doing any thing but paying.


get real

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and u side with the GOP party! :finger: the same party that would rather that the big 3 go out of business/// the same party that rushed us to a unjust war with Iraq//the same party that would rather we import all our oil then pay top wages to american workers in the oil business/// the same GOP that wants to get rid of every union and give us health savings accounts... :hysterical::hysterical:

you memtiones the GOP with your logic :hysterical::hysterical:


Fordworker is an idiot, I know him and he spouts this crap all the time. He's one of those morons that needs the govt to tell him what is best for him and to make all his decisions for him. He voted for Obamass because his union told him to & because of the color of his skin, not because he knew what the guy stands for. Hell does anyone know what the guy stands for? Sure seems like he wants to tell us what we should eat, drink & what hand to wipe our asses with. If you don't comply he will just tax your drink & food until you cant afford to enjoy it. The reason this country has enjoyed wealth is because we have cheap energy take that away and their goes whats left of our jobs. Wait 3 1/2 more years and we can get someone else in, if their is a American to run when Obamass is through with it.

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uhmm, as I remember it was Bush that lifted the order of no off shore drilling. It was this administration that now says no. So Obama wants us on the dole for oil too. now he says we can use wind and sun but from everything I have that would acount for less than 25% of what we actually need.


Your saying national health care will be better than wha tyou have now. When Bama was asked if he would abide by what the new Health care said was allowed he denied and said he would seek the best possible care for his family. That tells me he doesn't care about you/me in the least. The point is get off your high horse and actually look at what is happening.


Funny now in that Nazi Germany had the same worshipers of Hitler and even when he loaded up the Jews they thought they were taking them some where else to live. To the Hitler couldn't do any thing wrong now we have you in the same vein with Obama.


You want to know the truth, follow the money it's out there just push away from NBC, MSNBC and ABC. General Electric, T Boone Pickens, Al Gore Nancy Pelosi will make millions of the cap and trade bill. YOU and I won't be doing any thing but paying.


get real

typical republican racist response. bringing up Germany again and again everytime the right gets out voted they bring it up well this time the GOP's scare tactics aint going to work.. they scared us into war with Iraq but now it aint happening.

Funny how u Repubs bring up Nazi Germany when it was Bush and the Republican party that rushed the homeland security act. the most intrusive rights taking away bill ever passed. And it was Bush who was listening to everyones phone calls illegally but to him it didnt matter.

so keep bringing those weak arguments because in the end its the republicans who want to take away our liberties and return us to the early 19th century and pay everyone $5 an hour..

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Fordworker is an idiot, I know him and he spouts this crap all the time. He's one of those morons that needs the govt to tell him what is best for him and to make all his decisions for him. He voted for Obamass because his union told him to & because of the color of his skin, not because he knew what the guy stands for. Hell does anyone know what the guy stands for? Sure seems like he wants to tell us what we should eat, drink & what hand to wipe our asses with. If you don't comply he will just tax your drink & food until you cant afford to enjoy it. The reason this country has enjoyed wealth is because we have cheap energy take that away and their goes whats left of our jobs. Wait 3 1/2 more years and we can get someone else in, if their is a American to run when Obamass is through with it.

funny how u forget that if McCain were elected the big 3 would be in chapter 7 liquidation in april.. just remember what McCain has said since Nov election. he and Romney have said that the big 3 have failed and need to go to chapter 11 and if they went to chapter 7 the govt. would not and should not help them avoid liquidation "go out of business" Just keep that in mind next time you get your $1150 check next week,....

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