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Lot of talk about us losing the Taurus on top of the Lincoln...so where is the Taurus going?

Our skilled trades here at Flat Rock Assembly were told by CAP trades that Ford is looking to move the Taurus here. We know we are scheduled to get a Lincoln product (MKS possibly) and the plan is to have 3 shifts and up to 5 products within 2-3 years. I've heard Chicago would build the police Interceptor based off the Taurus. Dodge and Chevy both have new police cruisers, but they pale in comparison to the Interceptor, which is like a beefed up battle ready SHO. If police departments across the country like it, that plant would have years of healthy business from it. It looks like Ford is simply moving product around and not really cutting back. As long as we all have full production, it doesn't really matter what products we are building. We at FRAP went from almost closing to having a very bright future. We are grateful and will happily build whatever they give us. We've heard a lot of different rumors about new products and our union says an announcement about it will be coming very soon. We shall see. Good luck to Chicago, I hope they have all the products they can handle.
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Our skilled trades here at Flat Rock Assembly were told by CAP trades that Ford is looking to move the Taurus here. We know we are scheduled to get a Lincoln product (MKS possibly) and the plan is to have 3 shifts and up to 5 products within 2-3 years. I've heard Chicago would build the police Interceptor based off the Taurus. Dodge and Chevy both have new police cruisers, but they pale in comparison to the Interceptor, which is like a beefed up battle ready SHO. If police departments across the country like it, that plant would have years of healthy business from it. It looks like Ford is simply moving product around and not really cutting back. As long as we all have full production, it doesn't really matter what products we are building. We at FRAP went from almost closing to having a very bright future. We are grateful and will happily build whatever they give us. We've heard a lot of different rumors about new products and our union says an announcement about it will be coming very soon. We shall see. Good luck to Chicago, I hope they have all the products they can handle.

The Taurus isn't leaving Chicago.

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Rumors, rumors, rumors..... on any given day there are rumors about rumors


Some good news coming out of CAP!!!!


We have a move in process!!! No!!! not the Taurus, not yet.


Our sisters and brother that hired in 8 months ago will have their hire in date, become their "seniority date"!!!


Yes you heard right and no BS rumor to it. Our LTS members have officially become ENTRY LEVEL!!!!

To our 300 plus LTS members this is great news. I applaud our local leadership for making this happen. I have a proven and out spoken resistance to the two tier shit, unfortunately it...is...what...it....f`in is.


Welcome aboard Seniority Building Members!!!!!


Go easy haters.....



1 of the 1788

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Taurus isn't leaving Chicago.


What you mean is that "you hope the Tuarus isnt leaving Chicago". You don't know for sure what the company is going to do. It's entirely possible that the Tuarus gets moved to FRAP. I can understand why current CAP employees would be eager to shoot down such rumors as they don't want to lose any product, but no one knows for sure what is going to happen. Rumors are rumors and IMO, anything is possible.

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Rumors, rumors, rumors..... on any given day there are rumors about rumors


Some good news coming out of CAP!!!!


We have a move in process!!! No!!! not the Taurus, not yet.


Our sisters and brother that hired in 8 months ago will have their hire in date, become their "seniority date"!!!


Yes you heard right and no BS rumor to it. Our LTS members have officially become ENTRY LEVEL!!!!

To our 300 plus LTS members this is great news. I applaud our local leadership for making this happen. I have a proven and out spoken resistance to the two tier shit, unfortunately it...is...what...it....f`in is.


Welcome aboard Seniority Building Members!!!!!


Go easy haters.....



1 of the 1788


I always love hearing about temps being made permanent full-time employees. Every new full-timer helps us existing Tier 2 employees move closer and closer to being bumped to the tradition wage with the 80/20 cap. Now all we need is for all the people with 30 + years to finally retire and some of us Tier 2 employees can get the bump to traditional.

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I always love hearing about temps being made permanent full-time employees. Every new full-timer helps us existing Tier 2 employees move closer and closer to being bumped to the tradition wage with the 80/20 cap. Now all we need is for all the people with 30 + years to finally retire and some of us Tier 2 employees can get the bump to traditional.


Sorry to be the one that brings this information to you tier 2 members but, you will never see tier 1 rate of pay or benefits.


The 80/20 cap will never be reached. The movement at CAP, LTS to Entry Level, was more or less because so many tier 2 members are being released. We have members that have so many AWOL`s and reporting late to their shifts that they are now starting to discharge tier 2 members.


It is good news that the company and local agreed to move members to the entry level from LTS. But, we will lose almost the same number moved to entry level as will be lost.


As for the 80/20 cap..... It will never be reached. Neither Ford or the IUAW stated it would happen, all they stated was what would happen if it did. Ford reported at a press release back almost 2 years ago, so many different numbers when it came to the 20% cap that even the CFO stated it would not be reached through the life of the contract. Remeber one thing this cap of 20% is company wide. Not at CAP,MAP,DTP or KCAP etc..... We here at CAP will see tier 1 numbers fall even further when the move of the 5% or so members go to FRAP to follow the MKS. Stop and think, about 1400 tier 1 members at present.(give or take) About 250 members heading to FRAP. At what precentage are the 1150 or so tier 1 (left behind) to the 3000 tier 2 members.


Who is keeping track of the tier 2 numbers? Who heard the IUAW state that there would no longer be LTS or SuperLTS members? Are there plants that have got the blessing of the IUAW to be 100% tier 2? Is CAP becoming one of those blessed plant?


Goongala, you along with all the tier 2 members got your "bump" when you were hired in to this misunderstood, lied about and totally shitty trip to the second class work force. If this is any comfort young brother tier 1 is not far behind you.... Bump to Traditional??? What you don`t realize your tier is the future and will be referred to as traditional in less time then you know.


Tier 2 memebrs will never see the choice of 30 and out.....



1 of the 1788

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Well what did they think was going to happen when they added a shift oh wait "crew" full of youngsters that works eeeevery friday and saturday?? I walk out of the plant on saturday mornings and see so many hungover people walking into work its not even funny..they look miserable and still drunk..its no wonder they are constantly late and being fired..when you have to try and lead a responsible life and you are stuck working every weekend..at that young of an age.. while all your friends are out having a good time it takes its toll on you.

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For those members considering packing up and heading to FRAP....other than those tranfered from Michigan members (going home is always a good thing)... Remember... you can click your heels together all you want and say there`s no place like CAP..over and over.... But, you`ll still be at a plant that has a very different way of doing business compared to.... there`s no place like home....CAP.


Can you imagine the culture shock, no classifications. Well two (yep, TWO) Loaned out at anytime the need comes up.... It`s been said how bad CAP is (by me too) but just remember FRAP sold their souls for the MOA that is way ahead of anything the average CAP`er can even imagine.


Then there is the so called time table? Really? March of next year? :hysterical2: Oh, then the money issues? Oh sure you`ll get 60k or 80k to go.... :hysterical2: Lump sum :hysterical2:


You guys are killin me :hysterical2: the grass is so much greener on the other side of the lake and they care so much more for the UAW members in the land of Ford :hysterical2:


Good Luck hope things work out for the best...... :shades: Rumors??? or Crazy Talk??? hard to tell the difference here lately :runaway:



1 of the 1788

Edited by Decker
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For those members considering packing up and heading to FRAP....other than those tranfered from Michigan members (going home is always a good thing)... Remember... you can click your heels together all you want and say there`s no place like CAP..over and over.... But, you`ll still be at a plant that has a very different way of doing business compared to.... there`s no place like home....CAP.


Can you imagine the culture shock, no classifications. Well two (yep, TWO) Loaned out at anytime the need comes up....


1 of the 1788


Yep, two classifications.. Team Member, and Team Leader, and the members have a higher rate than assemblers in any other plant. As for the loaned out at any time...WRONG. Only the lowest seniority persons in a given unit gets loaned out.. If your Team leader is a piece of shit, you replace them every October by vote within the Unit, so you’re not stuck with an asshole forever.

Bids are strictly by seniority. Forget most plants "Abel and Capable" Bullshit. The ONLY way you don't get the bid if you are the high seniority applicant is if you are in the discipline system

More opportunities for Overtime, due to department and Plant wide supplemental Overtime Equalization language, not just your unit

In other words…Don’t knock what you know so little about. It’s a good plant, and a decent place to work, newer and cleaner than most plants, and the management team is also decent. Most supervisors WANT your help and input to make the work better for everyone.

I worked there for 23 years, moved only to cut down my drive, and MAP sure isn’t any better…its worse with a union that doesn’t give a DAMN about the workforce. A chairman that thinks he is a dictator and reps that you rarely see. Will I return? NO…I was tired of the 1-3 hour drive each way during winter, so I left FRAP to cut that distance in half.

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Yep, two classifications.. Team Member, and Team Leader, and the members have a higher rate than assemblers in any other plant. As for the loaned out at any time...WRONG. Only the lowest seniority persons in a given unit gets loaned out.. If your Team leader is a piece of shit, you replace them every October by vote within the Unit, so you’re not stuck with an asshole forever.

Bids are strictly by seniority. Forget most plants "Abel and Capable" Bullshit. The ONLY way you don't get the bid if you are the high seniority applicant is if you are in the discipline system

More opportunities for Overtime, due to department and Plant wide supplemental Overtime Equalization language, not just your unit



In other words…Don’t knock what you know so little about. It’s a good plant, and a decent place to work, newer and cleaner than most plants, and the management team is also decent. Most supervisors WANT your help and input to make the work better for everyone.


I worked there for 23 years, moved only to cut down my drive, and MAP sure isn’t any better…its worse with a union that doesn’t give a DAMN about the workforce. A chairman that thinks he is a dictator and reps that you rarely see. Will I return? NO…I was tired of the 1-3 hour drive each way during winter, so I left FRAP to cut that distance in half.


It is greener, and a management team that cares....


I just wonder how long all that peace and thoughtfulness will be in place now that the Mazda`s input is gone? AAI`s local? you didn`t speak of it? helpful and caring also?


With all that thoughtfulness and caring, sounds like a place I might consider driving to..., from Chicago, daily..... But, you gave it up to cut down on an hours drive? At CAP you can spend an hour just waiting to get into the parking lot.



1 of the 1788

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It is greener, and a management team that cares....


I just wonder how long all that peace and thoughtfulness will be in place now that the Mazda`s input is gone? AAI`s local? you didn`t speak of it? helpful and caring also?


With all that thoughtfulness and caring, sounds like a place I might consider driving to..., from Chicago, daily..... But, you gave it up to cut down on an hours drive? At CAP you can spend an hour just waiting to get into the parking lot.



1 of the 1788

I worked in Chicago for 7 mo. had no problems getting in and out of the parking lot, but I had to be their 30 mins. before the line started,you must be talking about the walk in that did suck.
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I worked in Chicago for 7 mo. had no problems getting in and out of the parking lot, but I had to be their 30 mins. before the line started,you must be talking about the walk in that did suck.


They have been doing construction on 130th and at one point east bound was closed then another west bound. But, its better now, not done but better. Yep, the walk is even more pleasent when the escalators aren`t working...



1 of the 1788

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