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C Crew at Chrysler

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Hey just be glad you have a job and believe it. 1219 tells us that all the time. 1219 is a very charitable local we give them anything and everything and thanks to Lima you all can look forward to the negative effects. Lima is negotiating the next team leaders rules and responsibilities a danger to every local in our union. Sad that we couldn't do better than letting Lima inflict our union with their backward tthinking? Sorry if you have cancer in your toe then cut it off. U a w doesn't need give it all away slima engine

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These fools are complaining up a storm on how bad it is.

Personally if I got to work Fri Sat days off Sun Mon Tues nights Id love it.

That's great if you like it, but many do not. Think about a single parent that works that shift. Many are making a lower wage, the weekend is their family time, and besides being away from their family they may have to pay a babysitter out of that paltry wage. The AWS is another attack on families, something our union should be fighting for. Our union leaders in the beginning cared about the family structure and fought to have 8 hour days and 40 hour weeks, and premium time for weekends. The current leadership says to a new hire, "you'll make a much lower wage, you'll get worse benefits, less vacation, you'll work weekends for straight time, and you better like it or leave." Aren't unions supposed to fight for what the people they are representing want? Not push their agenda (getting more union dues) down our throats!! I support the Chrysler workers that are protesting even though I'm a blue oval worker, because we should stand together for what's right.

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Chryslers three crew is different than ours, I'd be pissed at the f'ed up arrangment too ! A crew typical Monday-thursday days, B crew Wednesday -Saturday evenings and C crew Monday, Tuesday evenings Wednesday, Thursday off Friday and Saturday days with Sunday off.

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I understand that CCrew isn't ideal believe me I'd rather be on 5 days 8 hours a day, but since that won't happen since this contract got passed why can't we mirror chryslers CCrew and have all three crew patterns be iuaw wide until we can have a return to a 5 day work week ?

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