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Taurus/MKS to Flat Rock...what happens in Chicago?


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I heard... they said....


They`re closing Chicago.....

They`re closing Hermosillo ....

They`re closing Kansas City.....

They`re going to one shift at LAP.... (only because thats Givaa Fingers plant)


Everything will be made in the right to work state. And thery`re just tricken those crazy Canadians.....


Sounds like U`s against Us`s.... ground work is in place all ready.


I can hear it now..."it`s the best we could get" annnd "U`s should be thankful U`s got a job".


Come on little sheepies... GET YOUR!!!! "signing bonus"...."signing bonus" HERE!!!!


Ever wonder what its like in an entry level house hold? Get ready little sheepies can U`s say BAAAA BAAAA to your $28plus hourly rate?


I heard, someone said there is an old long hair in paint that just got an International UAW appointment....shhhh... he took the appointment to get his second pension and the 100% major medical with no co pay.... shhhh...its been said, "they" made him an administrative assistant to the public relations specialist`s scretary major.....shhh....


Who said "LET THE CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS BEGIN"??? or did "they" say? put your butt`s up in the air little sheepies?


Gotta go "someone" is calling and "they" got news about how silly this shit is going to get..... I heard.



still proud to be one of the 1788

Edited by Decker
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Decker, you are right on, even if I did not quite understand all you said. The last thing we need is to go into contract time scared for our jobs. It will be what it is, the jobs will still deserve a level of compensation.

Chicago is probably being prepped to export Explorers and other world cars, It has access to world shipping via the great lakes I beleive. (It's a port to ship food all over the world, right?)

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Decker, you are right on, even if I did not quite understand all you said. The last thing we need is to go into contract time scared for our jobs. It will be what it is, the jobs will still deserve a level of compensation.

Chicago is probably being prepped to export Explorers and other world cars, It has access to world shipping via the great lakes I beleive. (It's a port to ship food all over the world, right?)


You are completely correct we have all forms of transportation at CAP`s door step. During the war`s (no I didn`t work the docks) product was shipped from our dock world wide.


Prepped, that was the stag a couple years ago. CAP ships to every country in the world at present. The export business is a major precentage of our daily production. Growing every day, the police units was posted at some unbelieable percentage of 158% over last year....


It`s all about sales, the ability to produce and if they (Ford and IUAW) can play on the sheep`s emotions along the way..it`s just an added level of profits. Well... just another win win situation for both. You and me? Nope Ford and IUAW.


We are at (they wont say so but...) full capacity at CAP you can`t squeeze another drop out of the process. They have pushed the line speed to it`s max a long time ago. (above the max) They have produced these very high demand units on the same tooling that we have had for ten years or better. (tooling paid for years ago) At CAP they bring in 2600 plus backs and sets of hands for less than the cost of 1300 backs and sets of hands.


That covers the tooling (human tooling too) and process. The next step to reach their uncontrolable demand for profit is... and this is were the side benefit starts, "Hey.. sheeps did you hear we are losing the MKS". "they said" I heard" we are losing the C crew and on and on. This fits in real well with the public relations timing "our contract". But, in reality, moving a produce here or there, loosing a product or halting its production here or there, is in fact a business method to raise capacity.


Get ready Kansas City, did the President go on and on about all the jobs?, yesterday. Did he sing the praises of Ford and IUAW bringing billions of jobs to your community? Did he happen to forget to say the jobs will be at the rates Micky D`s employee`s are striking for? Did he mention the benefits the jobs will carry are in line with those at Wallmart? It`s coming KCP ahhh yes the AWS.... "A" "W"ay to "Squeeze".


Come on sisters and brothers get you a good seat, the quad annual show is about to begin (negotiations.. why do I start giggling? negotiations...right hehehehe) Get you some pop corn and peanuts. Dont forget "be safe" bring a condom.



thankful to have a job

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I know we need more capacity for the Explorer but 3 shifts worth? Are we shutting down for retooling for a future product? Come on people spill the beans!


After listening to the ruuummooor mill again today.... (over and over)... (all ficken day).. here goes.


Ok, imageneral, maybe this will help. But, please remember things can change almost as fast as sales can drop.


To complete the 2014.5 ( I know half model years...) CAP is in the process of a MY build that inclues the 502, 258 and yes the 385. So CAP will product "all" the same products as it has for the 2014 MY. Yes the MKS will continue till the 2014 balance out.


Now, the 2015 MY.... we at CAP are preparing for the launch of the 2015 MY. TT,PP, MPI,MP2 and ramp up for OK to Build for the 2015MY. Guess which products we will be launching? 502,258 and yes the 385, along with all the same models as the current MY. (2 on the 502 platform, 2 on the 258 platform and 1 on the 385 platform)

We will have 4 new colors for only the 385. The 385 will be apart of the livery program, (limo package) along with some super duper black velvet or something package.


Ok, here is where it gets a little tricky. The 2015 385 will start it`s MY balance out in the middle of Jan. of 2015.... dose that mean we will completely stop producing the 385? Yes. So if I do the math that gives the balance of the 2014 MY and the complete 2015 MY to produce the 385. A long time in the auto business, will we ever restart producing the 385? Who the hell knows.... Will we have the ability to produce it ever again? Sure as hell could produce it if the demand returns.... as long as CAP produces the floor plan that we do at present...it could always be made at CAP.


That brings us to the 2016 MY.... You can bet your last bongo buck that both 502 models will be produced at CAP. (planing already in the works) The 258 model that we sell to the Po Po is also in the planning stages for CAP. Now that brings us to the 258 silly civilian model.... is it or is it not??? Who the HELL knows.... One thing is for sure Flatrocker`s have their hands full right now with the CD platform. (smaller than the current 258) BUT, Decker..... they could make the 258 smaller??? Once again, Who The Hell Knows. It won`t be the first time the decision makers come up with the "all the eggs in the same basket" syndrone....


Retooling.... Retool for a new product..... Down for 6 to 8 months.... :hysterical: ever notice the panic in the faces when the line goes down for 6 to 8 minutes :hysterical: yep we are going to put a plug up the gloden goose`s ass to give it a face lift..... :confused:


Ever hear the term "Flexible Manufacturing"? A few years back Ford let it slip out (during the plan to steel us blind) that the company had to move to realign their plants for the future demand of product, reduce manufacturing capacity. (plants closed) They also stated (one of the high ranking decision makers) that Ford had to align it`s self to have the ability to move produces to different plants so as to be able to meet demand.... Flexible dudes Flexible.....


A couple things for sure, Ford will build and sell as long as people buy and pay and do you really think there will be gap`s in line the because the 385 is in moth balls??? So, it looks like we have something like a year and a half to ride these bad boys for what its worth. After that?? WHO THE HELL KNOWS..... worry if you must... :runaway: Just my thoughts and a little common sense rolled in for shits and giggles.... :)


I heard... Someone said....



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Well all im saying is the writer of this article seems to have some info about taurus/mks goin to flat rock so thats why Im asking.





If you pull up some of the other "breaking news" from the freepress you will see a trend..... The reporters tend to report in general terms and at times out do the Fox News.


One sentence or should I say part of a sentence, that mentions "eventually" and that makes Alisa Priddle an investigative reporter.....? Then Ms. Priddle references 1996? and the point is? Is she loaded with information? Is she under Alan`s desk? Maybe Mark Fields gives her a call "just to chat about business"?


What ever happens we will deal with it like CAP has soooo many times before. Worry if you must.....



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Mks VO team already working in flat rock for new model


Now there is a lighting bolt of info.....


Really, honestly.... I can`t wait to see the dam thing go... Flatrockers can have those pain in the ass plastic closures!!!!


JMO :)


I heard....CAP is closing!!! CAP is closing!!! Everyone here when the lights go out will get a ONE Bazillion Dollar Check!!!!! as a parting gift from our friends at the glass house annnd your friends at solid house will be waiting at the end of the tube to collect their union dues from the Bazillion Dollar parting gift........ someone said.



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I heard CAP will close and turn into a working auto museum!

Everyone keeps there job, you just keep building the same vehicle over and over each time a tour group comes in.

Museum will be running a 3 crew schedule to accommodate all visitors.

The UAW is working on all the pay details ,so with that said a 3rd Tier wage will most likely be created.

Time frame for this will coincide with the Obama national library that will be built after he is out of office, this auto museum will be part of that and rename from CAP to Government Motors!

So don't worry no one is losing there job it's all about job creation with lower pay!

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