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Paul Selby

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Everything posted by Paul Selby

  1. Thanks for the update.........and this just in.......kiss goodbye your old black and white TV, color TV's will soon be available!
  2. Last summer the Brookpark Rd. Ford plant in Cleveland had a huge "Have You Driven A Ford Lately?" sign on the building. After seeing this I thought they were bringing the slogan back.
  3. Ethics? We don't need no stinkin' ethics! LINK During almost two years on the campaign trail, Barack Obama vowed to slay the demons of Washington, bar lobbyists from his administration and usher in what he would later call in his Inaugural Address a “new era of responsibility.” What he did not talk much about were the asterisks. The exceptions that went unmentioned now include a pair of cabinet nominees who did not pay all of their taxes. Then there is the lobbyist for a military contractor who is now slated to become the No. 2 official in the Pentagon. And there are the others brought into government from the influence industry even if not formally registered as lobbyists.
  4. Holy misinformation and flawed logic Batman! That was desperation caught on film.
  5. I guess having a tax dodger running the agency that oversee the IRS isn't enough. We now need a tax dodger to run Health and Human Services. So these are the best and brightest people we can find? Unbelievable Man, I need to stop paying my taxes so I can qualify for one of these sweet jobs. LINK
  6. Stray Kat, I haven't seen you around in a long time. Good to hear from you. Now we just need hemisbc to add his predictable slant and it will be like old times around here.
  7. Yes, Ford sales will now fall to nothing as buyers flock in droves to buy a Chevy truck so they can avoid the dreaded but optional "man step" on the F-150. Lets not forget all the lost Dodge sales due to an optional heated steering wheel. mlhm5, you are a genius!
  8. Armada Master, You are correct. Obama picks lobbyist as Pentagon No. 2 LINK
  9. Very nice, just remove the word "White" and put "Black" in it's place and see what kind of hell is raised. Society blind by color Why hold down one to raise another Discrimination now on both sides Seeds of hate blossom further
  10. I HATE the Climate Control in my wife's 2003 4Skinner, sorry I mean 4Runner. The controls are unnecessarily complicated to use and the A/C is always turning itself on. Just give me simple knobs to turn so I can focus on the road while dodging the morons busy yapping and texting each other. At first glance the controls look fairly simple but just try using them while driving.
  11. When I saw "Liberal trash" this is what I was expecting.
  12. Is anyone else outraged by the fact this guy is even being considered? This is the best guy they can find? Got to love it, he will be running the agency that oversee the IRS after he apologized for not paying $34,000 in taxes. WTF????????? Let an average guy not pay taxes and see if we can get away with an "I'm sorry" and then get handed a job. Un-Fucking believable How can I jump on this gravy train? What happened to the change we were promised? If this is any indication it looks like business as usual to me. No, I am not an Obama or democrat basher. I just want competent people making competent decisions without the partisan bull shit.
  13. While the government is handing out money they don't have why not extend this program to include washers, dryers, A/C units, hot water tanks, refrigerators, storm doors, windows, light bulbs, tv's, computers, toasters, stoves, microwave ovens, garage door openers, etc.
  14. The UCMJ needs changed anyway. Get a BJ or eat at the "Y" and you're in violation. As for the extremest organizations, I know you have been to MEO briefs right? Unless things have changed since my last brief in July, we can belong to an extremist or hate group but we can not be an active member. I don't see it being any different than a flamboyant racist. Do people actually go to the Club where you are at for things other than official functions?
  15. With all of the other crap going on in our country right now, this is the NAACP's big problem that needs attention? This tool is just looking for headlines and something to bitch about.
  16. I never understood what the big deal was about letting gays in the military. Most of the people I work with don't care either. We just want someone that we can rely on to get the job done correctly and to stay out of trouble. At times it seems the military is more concerned with image and appearance than how things actually work.
  17. It's a good idea but I think a storage box like Ford used to have would be better for my needs. Seems like a cheaper way to add extra storage and profit to unused space. I know Nissan offers this but the storage is behind the rear tire, I'd prefer it be in front of the tire.
  18. The more things change; The more they stay the same.
  19. Princess Caroline needs no qualification, it's an inherited right. How dare the little people question this.
  20. Not sure how truck sales are in other parts of the country. This may be just a southern thing Some dealers report truck sales jumped as much as 35 percent in December compared to late fall, and the trend appears to be on track for the first quarter of 2009. Market share for large pickups was 12.3 at the beginning of 2008, then dropped to 9.3 percent in May when gas prices began to climb over $3 a gallon, and rose to 13.8 percent in November. As gasoline prices fell, more customers began to look at the full-size trucks, according to Edmunds.com, a Web site for automotive consumers. Now, who said Americans have short memories? LINK
  21. The industry should not have blown it's wad all in one place. Had they paced themselves they would be humping right along without a problem. I guess if you are invested in this industry it's too late to pull out.
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