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Everything posted by cal50

  1. " how the economy is in a good recovery," Talk about clueless and or tone deaf.......
  2. Some of the former presidents should be in prison.
  3. Kudos to both sides for continuing dialogue and hopefully reaching an agreement. Although any strike is not a popular option the selective and precise targeted strike is better than shutting down the entire industry.
  4. Its a good point and all vehicles are manufactured and assembled the same way so incurred costs are similar. You mean use Excel with actual data and maybe a pivot table with graphs and real values? That would require actual work with data / stats and tech savvy the IUAW is not. Skimming thru some of the news briefs Farley is clear he feels hourly is comped very well and many are which has nothing to do if the company is profitable. If the company is profitable its insane to expect workers , hourly and salary to reduce or pay more for their existing benefits and wages. Forget about virtually nothing added to Ford legacy employees pension for decades , COLA and the 2nd tier thingy.
  5. Hiring people based on their gender , ethnicity , orientation , etc. is just as bad as NOT hiring someone on the same basis. If you want the best and brightest that should be the only criteria.
  6. Ford should be hiring or promoting the best employees in their fields , not based on diversity , inclusion , etc. Everyone at work should be working and leave the other personal stuff at the door. When you hire or promote people with no real positive experience or higher level of excellence nothing good happens.
  7. Quality is not an accident and its more than a platitude just talking about it.
  8. Vacation time for calendar year and renewed January 1. Pension increase , its LONG overdue and non-existent.
  9. It is an amazing time. Engineering skill level is at lowest point I have seen in a couple decades. Daily parts shortages where the plant can not run a full shift and management not knowing if its the same for tomorrow. People duck and never respond to emails. Lots of CYA and hiding. Our plant is cutting resources to prosperity........lol
  10. When NASA put things in orbit and sent men to the moon it was picking the best people for the jobs. ( No diversity and inclusion BS) ALL jobs should be filled by the best candidates regardless of race , gender , etc. Hiring a person solely based on race , gender or color is just as wrong and NOT hiring a person for the same reasons.
  11. To be honest they should make some of the existing trades people take a skills assessment.
  12. https://fox8.com/news/ford-to-make-all-new-electric-commercial-vehicle-in-ohio/
  13. Applebee's.. Multiple employees of the chain quit after seeing an email from a regional manager urging the restaurant to begin hiring employees at lower wages, under the theory that people are becoming more desperate to take a job as fuel prices increase. Record high food costs and highest inflation in over 40 years is taking it toll on everyone hard. (classy move)
  14. Having transferred plants before its a crap shoot. Existing plants and locals might not like higher seniority people rolling in, Ford might want to empty or close another plant and shift people or they might want the lowest cost option of new employees off the street. I hope people that are interested get the chance but don't hold your breath.
  15. Most likely because there is a shortage of ALL new vehicles currently. VERY limited selection available. The real test is when lots are filled , including the competition.
  16. B) Building what the company wants
  17. You mean vacate the most used vehicle segment for a lower volume but higher profit margin one ? Not everyone wants or can afford a platinum package or Lincoln and making a vehicle with roll up window , manual car locks and FM radio is not an option / most affordable. With fuel costs going up a Focus with a diesel engine that would get +40 MPG would be far more desirable than an EV for double the cost , IMHO. The car selections . models have decreased unless I missed something~
  18. Big difference in : A) Building what customers want. B) Building what the company wants. C) Building what the government wants. D) 33.3% of all of the above. We have seen Ford largely exit the passenger car and mini van market to give competition and transplants more market share. A red flag is when foreign transplant companies can build new plants in the USA , make and sell cars at a profit yet Ford in business over a century bailed on that market segment. A company does not cut its way to prosperity or do it with platitudes. I find nothing wrong with EV's IF a person wants one and it fits their use and lifestyle. Pushing them on the masses is as flawed as bailing out of a market segment because you cant compete.
  19. If a person wants to wear a mask to "feel better" then go for it. Mandating it for everyone is just wasting masks / money and does zero to prevent covid.
  20. They were just a tad off on HIV / AIDS.....
  21. Zero liability for companies that make the covid jab compliments of our government. Companies that mandate the jab and if an employee gets sick or has complication , not so much.
  22. "Trust us" Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. Their figure, published May 3 in The BMJ, surpasses the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) third leading cause of death — which kills close to 150,000 people per year. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/study_suggests_medical_errors_now_third_leading_cause_of_death_in_the_us
  23. My daughter works in the medical field and was scheduled to get the jab on the last day before termination or what they call it on leave with zero pay. Her company stopped the mandate due to the court filings. She knows a woman in her early 30's that worked for the Cleveland Clinic in the same boat , get the jab or you are out. She got the jab , developed blood clotting in two days, five days later she is dead. We have a fake Indian in congress that got every jab (supposedly) and has the covid now. The NFL is around 90% or more jabbed and they shut a lot down form the outbreak and dumb as stumps they are in the best physical condition of people walking around.
  24. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/biden-vaccine-mandate-for-federal-contractors-blocked-nationwide
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