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Everything posted by cal50

  1. If you are a cleaner you are working IN a Ford facility. (If your pay check does not say Ford Motor Company you are not a Ford employee)
  2. Looks like you have 4 followers. https://twitter.com/furious1auto Are you a cleaner at OHAP?
  3. You should buy something called a "TV" , the strike was covered by the electronic media and print.
  4. That is a good way to get a plant closed... Along with multiple harassment lawsuits paid out.
  5. cal50


    Actually the people writing the laws should see it AND understand it. Don is the one that opened it up for a re-do.
  6. https://videosat.ford.com/#/videos/4996cda1-5df2-4663-871f-d1db0eb63b8a
  7. The highlights will illustrate how many ice makers , TV's in the break room , new lockers and parking lot striping they got for the membership........
  8. https://www.wxyz.com/news/uaw-gm-reach-tentative-agreement-on-new-contract-after-weeks-of-striking
  9. If the national passes nothing else matters. No different than skilled trades voting down a local agreement , if the national passes local issues are moot.
  10. She REALLY is in way over her head.
  11. When I was making jumps out of a plane I always enjoyed being 1st. Pattern bargaining it sucks being 1st. I do not have any faith in the IUAW staff because they have demonstrated zero integrity by their own actions. Respect and union dues use to be something you earned.
  12. AOC (and her supporters) nuked some jobs Amazon wanted to offer up. She claimed to study economics but employed as a bartender...............what could go wrong. There are no moderate democrats in this race, period.
  13. Yep, some people ARE going to prison..... https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/former-uaw-president-dennis-williams-cabin-black-lake
  14. He can spend the time in the secret & private Facebook forum talking about important stuff no one else has access too. (Lucky us)
  15. Still have a buzz from 2 years of "Mueller Time" and going cold turkey / nothing found* *Except two guys for prior tax and bank fraud. (Enjoy his 2nd term)
  16. Spam. Its not just an nasty food product.......... He did make me laugh at the "having a private conversation on Facebook" thingy.
  17. Unless she is dead or in prison she still feels its her turn and got robbed. When you use leaked debate questions , colluded with the media for favorable support , tried leaking a bogus dossier from a foreign national to damage a political foe & spent 1.2 BILLION and still lost (twice) , you suck. Biden has already lost a 3rd time but does not know it yet.
  18. Ever stop to consider if Gary gets indicted its because of something GARY did ? Even if indicted he gets his day in court but to deny several people enriched themselves at members expense is pretty ignorant.
  19. I have nothing against electric vehicles for those people that want one. To make ONLY electric vehicles I really do not see it the perfect vehicle for everyone. Thus far I have yet to see a battery that lasts longer than 5 years be it a standard care battery , cell phone or my battery powered tools. I hope GM does go all electric and Ford starts making some innovative gas or diesel cars and trucks.
  20. Equal rights is great , special rights are wrong. If the only way to get new members or retain existing ones is by forced membership it speaks volumes.
  21. Name a democrat candidate that has built or developed anything , worked with unions / labor / state or foreign governments to complete a project, employed and paid others out of their pocket. ( I feel sorry for you ) Not every democrat is bad , not every republican is right but all of the current dem's running are not worth their weight in used toiler paper.
  22. Ah, Bernie , who's wife using his principals bankrupted a college, so much for that "free" college for everyone, Warren who lied about Indian status to make money. AOC ? A person that claimed to study economics but employed as a bartender.................what could go wrong......................lol. Gabbard is the only one close to "normal" but not radical enough so she has zero chance. If you really think any or all of those could do a better job than president Trump I feel sorry for you.
  23. I guess that last raise they gave themselves was not good enough....................................lol
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