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Everything posted by mechanic

  1. to replace buyouts. maybe some more soon to fill in mid range midnight shift.
  2. It would be a positive PR gesture, even if not really helpful. shows that we are willing to help. our past give backs are not going to count, if we get help we will be making substantial concessions within the next few months.
  3. I can't believe livonia is on the list, I hear that is almost like a ghost town? any one from there confirm?
  4. Looks like at least 60, and maybe more openings at van dyke. plant manager wrote in weekly news that we have about 60 buyouts to replace plus some more to fill out the new mid range line. there is also talk of filling up the midnight shift on the focus line. she says no layoffs in the cards, but also NO overtime! any production adjustments will be made using down weeks or days, or by adding staff to run more parts. focus number still expected to go up in 09
  5. They only sold a little over 10500 focus last month. I cant see a third shift lasting too long, unless things pick up. are they really going to need capacity, or just loading up the staff to empty jsp?
  6. Ask some of the old timers, or retirees what it was like back in the 60's. My dad worked at GM in pontiac, mi back in the early 60's and said back then you could walk in off the street and start the same day. Big turnover, new people coming and going all the time, they just threw you online and made the best of it. He lasted two weeks and decided it wasn't for him. Got a job driving truck in a teamsters union shop. Said it paid about the same.
  7. Could be something to that, at van dyke today, some of the sterling people were called up front and asked to sign off on their return to sterling rights. they also surveyed recent transfers from romeo to see if they wanted to go back.
  8. Does anyone have a link to retail sales broke down by model? if not i am interested in oct sales for focus and escape if anyone has those numbers thanks
  9. Rob MIller Jr. I think. anyway what is this letter that "theycandothat" posted about, can anyone post it? talked to cm jeff and lance and alt cm jon and a trustee, they all denied any knowledge of layoff say that we are all safe. life is good, dont worry. I don't think they are lying, just repeating what they are told. Either way, it will be an interesting ride the next year or so.
  10. The new President won't be doing anything until the end of January. Hopefully our loan package will be in place before then, we can't wait that long!
  11. Well what was the scoop? anything new or just same old stuff?
  12. do you have any actual scheduled down weeks as of now? here at van dyke where the transmissions come from we were told not to expect any down time.
  13. let me think... 1st) about 60 people coming back rtu then maybe 60 or so from other plants 2nd) about 30 more and that is all 3rd) this last 100 will be it. 4th) the stories about a news investigation are all BS 5th) our new essp rep is the most qualified for the job who knows what will be the next I don't think anyone knows the company plans for down weeks yet, so I guess we can't put any blame on that yet.
  14. Committeeman says that the last 27 people came this week. no more openings here. No lay offs or major down time expected either. We are one plant that is very secure. (another lie?) No one with a brain believed that high seniority people would not come over, and most understand that it is a good thing to have seniority rights. But what I don't like is being lied to repeatedly. What new appointees are you talking about? maybe they haven't told us the truth about that either. floor full of rumors about tlo's and down weeks, nothing but denials from union and management.
  15. any down weeks coming up for wayne assembly? just curious what to expect thanks
  16. Hey, what are the current production numbers at your plant? how many edge and flex are you building every day? thanks
  17. THE FIESTA??!! A non event. they won't even bring the diesel here. too little way to late. .
  18. The volt sounded pretty cool, within it's limits, except for the price. The federal govt is set to approve a $7500 tax CREDIT for purchasers of electric vehicles. That should overcome most of the cost issues. Now Chrysler is showcasing an array of e vehicles. If we have anything up our sleeves, I hope that they bring it out soon. For the past few months I have thought Chrysler would be the first to fail, but without some exciting new products in our future, I doubt we will have a future. Let's see some high tech innovation, and soon!
  19. Then you go out and get a job and hope to get called back
  20. word is that it is just to bring in the outsourced cleaners and such already at our plant
  21. local 400 Utica/Romeo I think and possibly 2280 sterling. no further details
  22. Just what we need to stir up more hostility. Notices went up today for a special meeting October 5 to talk about amalgamation (merger). I know the fact is that a merger is not the same as a transfer agreement. BUT.... I also know that just the talk about it is going to get lots of folks riled up. Especially since Mod and all of our local leaders pronounced the issue dead. We will have to keep an eye on this and see if it is a distraction to cover up some bigger issue, or just a formality to take the members vote on what we think about it.
  23. that really sucks, get peoples hopes up and then just blow them off. that is the biggest thing I hate about this whole deal, people play games with the numbers and won't be straight with you. oh, Eagle.. I don't think I ever called anyone on here a liar. I just report what I have heard, and what seems to be going on. I will recheck my posts and if I offended anyone I will say i'm sorry. but now that you mentioned it I will take this chance to say that both the plant manager and chairman have lied to us. I'll post more about that later when I have more time
  24. it should be a one for one call back right? 60 people if these posts are correct.
  25. I like the avatar 228electrican has on his posts. I think she works in the fn area at van dyke!
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