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Everything posted by longball

  1. I think you may have removed all doubt about your understanding...you are only looking at one side...open both eyes....by the way...I'm a donkey ....not an elephant
  2. PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE...I'm not going to explain to you what the people who are not republicans have done to us...read please and then comment
  3. I'm sorry, but you lost me on that response....If you read the article....what do you think about our democratic party now.... in these cases it looks like this manipulation of various markets was done by the party of the workers. So much for "change" OPEN YOUR EYES...EDUCATE YOURSELF, BEFORE YOU REMOVE ALL DOUBT ABOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF POLITICS.
  4. You must have not read the article....or not even watched the 5 videos... why would you comment? educate yourself....
  5. If that's how you want to look at it...that's your right, but.....How long do you think our President's "looking out for the little guy" agenda or illusion or what ever you want to call it, will last against the big money thats been donated to his cause? Do you think the batch of contributors that just got ambassadorships got on the bandwagon because they wanted to help the "little guy"? I hope the Pres. fixes some or most of the things broke in our country, but from experience, I can tell you that it doesn't matter which party is in power...we are all pawns... The parties job is to keep the debate and divide alive. The whole scam falls apart without blind support...aka kool-aid
  6. A few questions: WHY would your local elect someone with 2 years seniority? What do you think would change if the oval was out front instead of ACH?
  7. Name calling....come on IF your smart enough, why not discuss the policies instead of this name calling crap.
  8. I'll advise you only on the vacation time...you get 16.7 hours per month worked...you had it...prorated
  9. I don't know why this was posted....It's dated august 2006.
  10. That link takes you to the UAW site ...and the article is from 2 years ago, and the establishment of VEBA...Why are you wasting our time?
  11. I think you should stay....we're probably confused.
  12. This is an example of why we need older, experienced people to be in negotiating positions within our union. We have to KNOW were we came from and the fights we have fought. I believe every local has these people ready to step forward. Politics suck, but we need people who have been through tough times in the industry. This is way off topic so I will stop now.
  13. Waldo.... I thought you knew a little history of were we came from....Unless your from north of the border, we had mandatory retirement at age 65 when I hired in....that was 1974. I knew a few men who were forced out due to their age....Pres Reagan changed the law.
  14. You are wrong....but I'm not going to waste my time with you.... Talk to any retired person and he or she will explain it to you.
  15. There was a sparky on here....rawsparky, or something like that....he made statements that he was the smartest man at Ford, and did more then our CEO....You guys aren't doing much for our image. If your really an asset to the company .... I doubt you would have to tell anyone...the people you effect would already know....the rest of us don't care. I'm glad your not part of the problem, and are part of the solution.
  16. I'm getting pretty tired of these sparkys thinking they are saving the company....what a crock of shit
  17. Anyone who thinks this is a political problem....just isn't thinking for themselves.... very good deflep1
  18. That makes sense...at my plant, machine repair did machining, and we had hyd.rep. I remember something about giving up their machining equipment over time....I must be wrong about them changing classifications.
  19. I understand trade consolidation...but I think in the book a machine repair becomes a millwright...pyro to electrician....hydro to pipefitter...but I know that a machine repair does not become a pipefitter....look it up
  20. Captain... Please explain to those of us not privy to the details, how does someone have 2 unrelated trades available for them to choose from? This was tried in Sandusky once and it was not allowed...."Different trade ...new date of entry". Is this not in the book anymore?
  21. Don't forget your kids kindergarden teacher...he or she has to be licensed from the state....Don't get me wrong...I respect what you do...but I respect most people that work hard at what ever their job is....I'm just put off by how impressed you are with your own abilities....I've worked with some excellent electricians but never did I get the impression that they thought they were better than anyone else. I've also worked with some electricians that I wouldn't let them change a lightbulb for me.
  22. I'm happy for you and your ego that you can fix anything. I'm also a craftsman...your self pride makes me smile....maybe your young. If you read what you wrote...you can fix anything...but myself and mullaly can't. You really are wasting your considerable talents as an electrician in an auto plant...shame on you .... LOL Next time you need something made from scratch, with no prints, see if you can find a toolmaker to help you out.......lmao
  23. Let's be honest here...We are all concerned about what is going on with the company for personal reasons....if we worked for someone else...we wouldn't care nearly as much. From a personal point...what does the wages of someone else have to do with our situation. If mullaly worked for free, would that change our situation? Of course not. If an electrician has confidence and pride in his own abilities, why is it so hard to respect anothers abilities...Mullalys This man got this job because of what he has done. He is proven. Let him do his thing. We'll be fine in the long run. This is the part that makes me laugh...We give our CEO a hard time for his pay ( it must not be ok for him to get what the market will pay) even though he is proven. And then on the other hand we elect a president that is unproven and inexperienced. I STRONGLY support BOTH.
  24. Sounds to me like you should have gone to business school. If you are as intelligent as Mullaly.... you are doing yourself and your family a disservice by being a lowly,envious electrician. If you can't do his job...why are you bitching about his job/pay.
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