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Everything posted by cecilmeyer

  1. I agree the pension has already been frozen.In the near future l expect them to try to buy us out.
  2. You do not get to vote to cut a pension. If Ford does it will be of their own doing.As far as the In progression Employees by that time they will be outsourced to other nations or replaced with robots. Like most jobs in 20 years there will be very few humans doing manual labor.
  3. I hope you are right about the retirements!
  4. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard,AOC should I keep going?
  5. Uhm no.... My point is is that management does not injure their bodies like line workers. THERFORE their medical cost are not the same. Line workers end up paying much more for their medical. Through missed work. And guess what.... management sets up the jobs that end of injuring workers so sympathy for these assholes I think not. What are you salary? Just what do you do for a living? You cannot be a be an autoworker with that kiss ass management attitude.
  6. Brown University’s Costs of War Project this month released a new estimate of the total death toll from the U.S. wars in three countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The numbers, while conservatively estimated, are staggering. Brown’s researchers estimate that at least 480,000 people have been directly killed by violence over the course of these conflicts, more than 244,000 of them civilians. In addition to those killed by direct acts violence, the number of indirect deaths — those resulting from disease, displacement, and the loss of critical infrastructure — is believed to be several times higher, running into the millions.
  7. You must not work on the assembly line or you would not ask such a stupid question
  8. Brown University’s Costs of War Project this month released a new estimate of the total death toll from the U.S. wars in three countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The numbers, while conservatively estimated, are staggering. Brown’s researchers estimate that at least 480,000 people have been directly killed by violence over the course of these conflicts, more than 244,000 of them civilians. In addition to those killed by direct acts violence, the number of indirect deaths — those resulting from disease, displacement, and the loss of critical infrastructure — is believed to be several times higher, running into the millions. Not an exaggeration at all. On top of that how many suicides have there been for U.S military personal? How can you be so incredibly callous about this?
  9. You think Obama was worse than Bush? My God Bush started a war with Iraq that destroyed their nation and killed millions of people based on a lie and you think Obama was worse??????????????????????????????
  10. I don't care you need to learn how to read. The point was made salary pays that much. Guess what the vast majority of salary people are assholes so why you are defending them is beyond me.I believe healthcare is a right do you? As far as dealing with I'm just fine thank. Please go to the salary section to bootlick. And just a little info to you I work in the A/C so thanks for your concern LOL
  11. The point is who gives a fuck that salary pays 15% for their healthcare WE assembly workers are the ones tearing up our bodies working 11+ hours a day on an assembly line. What are you a salary person?
  12. I bet they do not work the assembly line for 11 hours a day either.
  13. I am also at CAP new hires outnumber us there but I believe overall we still outnumber them company wide.It would be nice though if they threw us oldtimers a bone to leave LOL
  14. The legacy employees outnumber the new hires so any "screwing of the old pensioners" is not going to fly. And really the same old gag of giving you your own money in advance? The talk I hear is nobody is going to give any concessions. We have given enough.
  15. The Feds help?? What are you joking???? The Feds do everything they can to help bust Unions. Why didn't they investigate the meltdown of the economy by all the bankers and crooks on Wall Street? How come all the company officials that bribed the Union officials names are not on the news outlets 24/7 like the Union officials? Why did their so called investigation of corruption come to a head right at contract negotiations? I mean really the Feds help the serf worker class peasants????? Yea right!!!!
  16. Like I said you Mr "I am smarter than everyone else " should be working for one of the great financial scam companies on wall street. And where did I say I have 27 years? And Yes I am owed something I paid for social security,medicare, decent roads,schools. You sound like a typical libertarian of Repub. I am master of the universe I do everything on my own and never need anyones help. Just like your idol Ann Rand at the end her life living off government benefits just like all the other hypocrites.I have not voted for a national contract in years. You Sir sound like someone who would sign on to get a bonus and fuck over anybody las long as it benefits you.
  17. I would like to know how anyone could save a million dollars raising a family,putting children through college, enduring layoffs,plants closings,illness ,concessions ,etc? What live in a shack or have help from Mommy and Daddy? Lets see if you could manage to save 200k over 30 years enduring the things I have stated then you are working in the wrong industry. You should be on wall street with the rest of the financial wizards that caused our economy to meltdown. And for the record I hired in over 30 years ago and many of those years I made about $700 a week before taxes ,not including the weeks I spent on subpay which is at least $100 less. Please expand on how one turns that into a million dollars. Are you talking about a million in assets like a house? You mean like my first house that I bought for 85k sold 12 years later for 150k.Then 10 years after that still the same 150k because of the housing collapse? And just who is this "commie" you are talking about? Not one candidate claims to be a communist. Who Bernie Sanders? You know that dirty commie who thinks healthcare,decent wages,college and and end to senseless wars owed to all people? That is right I said OWED to fellow human beings. Humans have a right to things like water the kind of things companies want to privatize.Maybe hopefully Ill live to see the day when the rich no longer exist. They do nothing but take from the people that actually do all the work. My God what would happen if all the greedy rich pricks in the world vanished????? NOTHING the world would continue on with a lot less misery.
  18. Are there any rich people that are not selfish? I have never come across one yet. I had a mall business and guess who tried to rip me off every time??? The ones with the biggest houses and most expensive cars in their garages.
  19. I am ready to try "far left" .The far right is killing our nation and bankrupting the working class with their "Socialism" for the rich and never ending wars that kill our citizens,other nations citizens,make the defense companies rich and make the already rich and powerful more rich and powerful. Yes I am ready for that dirty old "Socialism" like the Nordic nations have. We have tried the good old American capitalism way long enough It is time for working people to benefit for once. And guess what if all the rich pricks disappeared the world would still go on believe it or not without yachts,mansions and private sex parties. The corporate owned news media's keep spewing the same old bullshit how everyone wants to be rich. Really the vast majority of people just want a decent living with enough left for a nice vacation,college for their kids and a decent place to live. What idiot thinks there are enough resources to build everyone a private skyscraper with a yacht and a helicopter???
  20. Why can't we make the electric motors? Oh that's right they will get them from China LOL
  21. Pleas give us an example of when the pendulum swinging to the right has benefited anyone but the rich.
  22. The rich and powerful are the biggest Socialists and welfare takers the United States has ever seen. I mean really they bail out the banks and wallstreet??? The very same assholes who stole all the money? And you are complaining about AOC? One of the only politicians I have seen to have enough guts to question lobbying and pharma execs on how they are gouging Americans with drugs that taxpayers paid to develop? Sounds a lot like Socialism to me. Why is it when the little people try to collect things they have paid for their entire working lives like social security are labeled an "entitlement" when its time to collect. Newsflash I am ENTITLED to it I paid for it! What we have in America is Socialism for the rich and free market brutality for the working class.
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