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Everything posted by cecilmeyer

  1. Thank you I appreciate you posting that.The only info I seen was in the highlights.
  2. Did you get that info from the union or the company?I am just curious because I read in the contract that it says Sept.
  3. I If you have 30 years by May 1st correct ?.My question is say you will not have 30 years by May 1st and you will have 30 years by Aug but you want to stay till Dec.Do you have to leave as soon as you get your 30?
  4. I guess they are not telling them they have to gone by May 1st or as soon as they have 30?
  5. I work here at CAP.The people that took the retirement deal consisting of the $70,000 are being told they have to be gone by May 1st.Is this the date set for all plants or is this just at CAP.Any info on this would be great.
  6. Never once have I stated the the UAW is without flaw.What I am saying and will continue to do is this.I do not know how the UAW managed to save our jobs with our pensions when the the big 3 could have just shut down all operations in the U.S but they did and yes I know it was government money too.There have been so many unions busted in the last decade it is a wonder the UAW is still around.So all you guys do is look at all the bad and the small picture.I look at all the good and the bigger picture.Can the union be improved yes it can. My question to you and all others with your attitudes towards the union.Would you be better off without the UAW? Happy camper no just not a continual complainer who can find no good in anything the UAW does.And you speak of Union ideology?Ever ask many of your fellow Union members how they feel about unity?I have heard more than once "Well if it does not effect me I do not care" or I am voting republican.The Union is just a reflection of the people it.People complain and cast stones at the union but exhibit the same behavior that they criticize the Union for.I have had very few problems over my almost 28 years that I could not get resolved.And no I am no union pet ,I come to work and have been out on medical once for 6 weeks in almost 28 years.As far as getting workers back that will not work is that something new??????????They have been doing that since I hired in and they usually end up getting fired again permanently.
  7. You Sir have a real attitude problem with the UAW.Are you going to be one of those individuals who opt out because you think the Union has done nothing for you? Do you have anything good to say about the UAW at all?
  8. Seniority has everything to do with being laid off,being transferred etc.The lack of communication is another matter.My advice to fuzzy is too keep on your officials.Do not let up till you have an answer.Many of them have so much going on they forget unless you remind them.That being said there are some bad ones who are just do not care.But again KEEP on them do not stop until you have an answer.
  9. Like another poster said that is the bad part of being a low seniority worker.Once you get a few years in that should stabilize you a bit.Seniority is one one the many benefits of being a Union member.At least in a Union shop if there are layoffs they have to go by seniority instead of I am the bosses son or I am a first class butt kisser.I have been at Ford almost 28 years and have worked at non union places.I will take the Union any day over anything non Union.Is the Union perfect? No it is not but it is still the best deal around for a blue collar working man hands down.So it is not the union letting you down it is the union doing its job of protecting higher seniority workers.Hang in there it will get better the more time you have in.Stay positive and talk to your union officials.Bashing them and yelling at them will accomplish nothing trust me I know LOL.
  10. From what I read on a handout someone posted that had the sides cutoff there will be a limit for the trades, did not give any numbers.Also it said that they could change the dates so as not to disrupt production too much.I could not read all the details like I said because the sides of the handout were missing.I got almost 28 years and I was hoping the window would be open longer.I hear here at CAP we are going down for tooling in 2018 so I'm hoping they might offer something then!!!
  11. Just got this info from my benefits rep Sign ups will be Feb15th through Mar 21st If you are eligible to retire when you sign up they want you out by may 1st, if not they will let you sign up as long as you have your time in by Dec. Just passing along what I was told here at CAP. Hope the info is correct
  12. Wouldn't they be more likely to keep jobs here with the 9 bil in investments?If they are going to open the contract could they not do it regardless of the contract we have?Just how much more do you think we were going to get?Enough to retire?We all know most manufacturing jobs are going to replaced with robots its just a matter of time.All this did was buy most of us more time that is why we all have to get a skill they cannot be outsourced or replaced with robotics so easily.
  13. Like I told you before do not let the negative posters and haters run you off the forum.Believe it or not this forum and others need people like you to put out positive postings.I almost fell into the mindset you are in now.Think about if you let all the negative people post with no rebuttals. People will read them and be influenced by their posts whether they are true or not.Be a voice of reason.Some people will only see the bad no matter what you do or give them.Kind of like "They would bitch if you hung them with a new rope" crowd. Good luck on your plants new investments and enjoy your bonus money.I know I will.
  14. Opting out only weakens the union.Any IDIOT who thinks they would be better off without the union needs to quit and go work for a non union shop.If we had to fight so hard to get what we got in this contract can you imagine what we would have gotten without someone bargaining for us?
  15. With all the union busting and right to work spreading unions are struggling.I agree with you 100%.Good luck with the new investments coming to your plant.God willing this will be my last contract before I retire.I cannot wait to hear all the screams and moans about how bad they screwed us with giving us raises and some of the benefits we lost back LOl.
  16. For you little country http://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/ford/2015/11/20/ford-workers-approve-uaw-contract-slim-margin/76136322/ Sleep a little better tonight I know I will. Good luck with all your new investments coming to your plant.This will be my last contract before I retire hopefully!
  17. http://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/ford/2015/11/20/ford-workers-approve-uaw-contract-slim-margin/76136322/
  18. I doubt the Taurus will move anywhere.When sales fall to lower levels an article I read said that id they needed more they would just import more from China.I also read the CAP would get the Lincoln MKC.Could be all rumours so who knows
  19. Don't quit forum because of all the negativity on here.I encouraged people to read the contract and vote yes.You would not believe how many people that were voting no because"I always vote no".Most of the people who were voting no at CAP when they did give a reason why it was not even correct information.People said they took our sub,the medical is changed for the worse etc.The majority of people that voted no did not read the highlights.I agree if the deal is reshuffled most of the re-tooling money will be gone probably to expand Mexican operations.What also amazed me most people that voted no, voted yes to the concessions.So they voted yes to let them take away things from us but when Ford gives some of it back they vote no???????????????Hang in there we are almost there.
  20. It is not a lousy contract.It is a good contract but not great. At least It is headed in the right direction this time.I wonder how many who are voting no are ones who voted yes to all the concessions the first time?So now that Ford is returning some of what we lost now these people want to vote no??????????????????????
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